Category Archives: Languages

The Euro 2012 Football Championship In Numbers

The European soccer championships in Poland and Ukraine kick off in Warsaw on June 8. RFE/RL takes a look at how Eastern Europe’s biggest sporting event in decades adds up. 2 -- the number of animals jostling for the mantle of the late Paul the Octopus, who won worldwide fame for predicting World Cup soccer results. Ukraine has a psychic Pig, a telepathic hog that will try to divine the outcomes of games, while Poland has Citta the Elephant. But the competition could stiffen. Other animals such as Ukraine’s Fred the Ferret have also been touted as having psychic talents. 3 -- the number >>>

The Euro 2012 Soccer Championship In Numbers

The European soccer championships in Poland and Ukraine kick off in Warsaw on June 8. RFE/RL takes a look at how Eastern Europe’s biggest sporting event in decades adds up. 2 -- the number of animals jostling for the mantle of the late Paul the Octopus, who won worldwide fame for predicting World Cup soccer results. Ukraine has a psychic Pig, a telepathic hog that will try to divine the outcomes of games, while Poland has Citta the Elephant. But the competition could stiffen. Other animals such as Ukraine’s Fred the Ferret have also been touted as having psychic talents. 3 -- the number >>>

Euro2012: il governo britannico boicotta l’inaugurazione per …

Manifestazione per Julia Timoshenko (getty images) EURO2012: PROTESTA IL GOVERNO INGLESE – Non si può certo dire che inizieranno sotto i migliori auspici gli europei di calcio che si svolgeranno a breve in Ucraina e Polonia. Dopo le numerose polemiche e contestazioni relative al trattamento che in numerose città ucraine, tra le quali quelle che ospiteranno le competizioni di Euro2012, viene riservato ai cani, spesso brutalmente soppressi per via del fenomeno, a detta della autorità locali assai diffuso, del randagismo, si sono fatte largo denunce per quanto riguarda il turismo >>>

Euro 2012 : Will Racism, Social Unrest & Political Boycott Mar The Tournament …

A tournament like Euro is more than just football as it represents a social celebration of human values  and humanity in general. When Poland and Ukraine were selected as the host nations of the Euro 2012, along with an opportunity for these footballing nations to rise up their past glory, it brought hope. The hope of economical and social development. While many were skeptic about their chances of hosting this tournament without any glitch, people within these nations were trying prove them wrong. Euro Polish fans at a match Euro In recent >>>

PETA lance son site classé X avec Jenna Jameson et Sasha Grey

18h00 – PETA lance son site classé X avec Jenna Jameson et Sasha Grey Les activistes de PETA connues pour leurs prises de position (sexy) en faveur des droits des animaux lancent une nouvelle campagne de sensibilisation à fleur de peau. PETA nous a habitués à miser sur la nudité pour faire passer son message. Une pratique reprise depuis par d’autres mouvements comme FEMEN, féministes qui agissent dans les pays de l’est notamment en Ukraine pour lutter contre le tourisme sexuel lors de l’Euro 2012. Aujourd’hui, PETA va plus loin et passe de la nudité au site pornographique >>>

Wirbel um Visa für ukrainische Aktivistinnen

Wirbel um Visa für ukrainische AktivistinnenErst der Einsatz des Bürgermeisters zeigte Wirkung: Drei Femen-Aktivistinnen dürfen nach Hamburg reisen. Die deutsche Botschaft hatte ihnen zunächst keine Visa ausgestellt.von Kristiana Ludwig Nackter Protest: Femen-Aktivistinnen beim Weltwirtschaftsforum.  Bild:  dapd BERLIN taz | Der öffentliche Druck zeigte schließlich Wirkung. „Femen“, eine jüngst berühmt gewordene ukrainische Performance-Gruppe, kann vermutlich doch pünktlich zum Kunstspektakel am Samstag in Hamburg einreisen. Zum kommenden Samstag >>>

In Ucraina allarme Aids e prostitute

Kyiv - Prostituzione e Aids sono tra le piaghe più dolorose che affliggono l’Ucraina e, secondo alcuni osservatori, l’arrivo di circa 800 mila appassionati di calcio da tutto il continente con Euro 2012 potrebbe aggravare ulteriormente la situazione. Nel Paese c’è però chi demonizza gli Europei ormai alle porte, come il movimento femminista Femen, famoso per le proteste a seno nudo, molto efficaci a livello mediatico, e chi come l’ong Aids Alliance ritiene che si tratti di un fenomeno passeggero che non porterà grossi >>>

Eurocopa 2012: La industria del sexo también se prepara para la …

Las prostitutas esperan sacarle el máximo provecho a la Eurocopa 2012 y ya se preparan para atender a sus potenciales clientes: los miles de fanáticos del fútbol que llegarán a Ucrania para vivir el que es considerado el segundo torneo de mayor importancia luego del Mundial.Las trabajadoras sexuales no solo atenderán las necesidades de sus clientes, sino que también están aprendiendo idiomas para poderse comunicar mejor con sus clientes.La industria del sexo también hará negocio con esta copa de Europa, más aún en Ucrania considerada un foco para este emergente sector, tanto así >>>

Du lịch sex gây tranh cãi ở Euro 2012

Các cô gái ngực trần biểu tình ở Ukraine. Hàng vạn cổ động viên bóng đá sẽ tới Ukraine mùa hè này, đe dọa làm tồi tệ hơn tình trạng mại dâm vốn là một vấn nạn của đất nước. Femen, một tổ chức chống mại dâm đặt trụ sở tại Kyiv, đã thực hiện nhiều chương trình phản đối giải đấu vì cho rằng Euro đe dọa sự an toàn của phụ nữ Ukraine. Một trong những chương trình hành động của Femen là đưa những cô >>>