반라 여성 기습 시위에 당황한 경찰 ‘몸개그 해프닝’

ݽ Ÿ Ȳ ٶ Ѿ θ Ȳ ƴ.

28(ð) ü '̷' ũ̳  (Femen) ȸ 26 ĸ ۿ 巯 ݶ ϴ Ȳ ߻ߴ.

ݽ ϸ ̾Ƴ ٳٶ ȸ þ Ǫƾ ļߴٴ ü ϱ Ÿ .

̿ ȸ ߰ Ÿ ݳü پ ٳ ̸ Ϸ ߹ εġ ߴ.

Ǿ Ʃ꿡 ؿ ۵鿡 ߰ſ ް ִ.

̳ ȸ 25 üƴٰ ˷.

Via: sports.chosun.com

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The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

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