우크라이나의 반라 여성들 "EU는 독재자 푸틴과 협상 말라" 시위

ũ̳ αǴü Ǹ(FEMEN) ȸ 28( ð) ⿡ EU ̻ȸ ǹ ۿ Żǡ .

̵ ũ Good Job Putin(ϴ ̴ Ǫƾ), Putin killer of democracy( ı Ǫƾ) ݽſ ǹ տ Ǫƾ , ı ƴ. Ǫƾ þ EU-þ ȸ ̾.

ҷ Ż ϰ . 踦 Կ Ż Ư ¥ ڵѱ ־.

̵ ũ̳ 尨 Ȳ ϾԲ Ǫƾ̶, EU Ǫƾ ȸ źؾ Ѵٰ ߴ.

ᳪ ڴٳٴ Ǫƾ ̱ ׸ ؾ Ѵ١鼭 þư ̴ 忡 Ͼ ߱ ũ̳ ο з ְ , ڵ ڵ̶ ϰ ִ١ ߴ.

̵ Ѿ ǹ  鿡 ƴ. 15 ̵ ġ öƽ Ʈ о°, 縦 ƴ.

Ǹ࡯ 2008 ũ̳ ü ŻǸ ä ϴ ϴ.

Via: news.chosun.com

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The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

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