Monthly Archives: May 2012

Олександра Шевченко: У київському метрополітені знайдено бомбу.

vts-m-:Перепрошую,може я тут якоюсь пиявкою вечеряючи,закушуючи, щось,якусь чиюсь гарну,добру ідею та й пропустив...Але вважаю,що для всіх бажаючих і здорових (Доброї, міцної сім*ї, здорового,регулярного довгого сексу) може бути ІДЕЄЮ тільки одна (одна на всєх=ми за ценой нє постоім)))):Або ми ВИЛАЗИМО (в реал з болота)...,,,Або продовжуємо >>>

Another FEMEN activist attacked, assailant arrested

The Ukrainian movement FEMEN claims that one of its activists was attacked while taking part in a demonstration outside the Khreschatyk subway station in Kyiv on Thursday, May 3. The Ukrainian movement FEMEN claims that one of its activists was attacked while taking part in a demonstration outside the Khreschatyk subway station in Kyiv on Thursday, May 3. During the demonstration the "sex bomb under Euro 2012" was symbolized by a semi-naked young woman with the words Sex Bomb written over her chest. "The female >>>

Activists of Femen enact performance condemning April 27 bomb attacks in …

Activists of Ukrainian women's rights movement Femen enact a performance, condemning the April 27 bomb attacks in the city of Dnipropetrovsk and criticizing security services' preparations for the Euro-2012 soccer championship, at an entrance to a metro station in Kyiv May 3, 2012. A series of bomb blasts in Dnipropetrovsk injured 30 people, raising concerns about security at the football championship that Ukraine and Poland will host in June. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich (UKRAINE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST SOCIETY) Credit: Reuters Published date: 05/03/2012    >>>

Femen activists comfort their counterpart who was assaulted by passer-by as …

Activists of Ukrainian women's rights movement Femen comfort their counterpart who was assaulted by a passer-by as she blocked the entrance to a metro station in Kyiv May 3, 2012. Femen activists enacted a performance, condemning the April 27 bomb attacks in the city of Dnipropetrovsk and criticizing security services' preparations for the Euro-2012 soccer championship, at the entrance to the metro station. A series of bomb blasts in Dnipropetrovsk injured 30 people, raising concerns about security at the football championship that Ukraine and Poland will host in June. >>>

Grupo Femen prevê exportação mundial de ‘ativismo topless’ até …

Grupo vem despertando atenção mundial com seus ativismo topless Em Istambul, Bruxelas, Roma, Minsk e Moscou e em sua cidade natal, Kyiv, um grupo de ativistas ucranianas levou o protesto político e social a um novo nível. Estas mulheres, conhecidas como Femen, protestam fazendo topless. Dessa forma, elas despertam a atenção de fotógrafos e câmeras de TV, ainda que também sejam alvo de críticas por conta de seus métodos. Um dos mais >>>


Пресс-релиз3 мая 2012г.Метро КрещатикАкт секстремизма "Трах-бабах! "Женское движение FEMEN заложило секс-бомбу под ЕВРО 2012. Зловещий предмет был обнаружен сегодня у входа на станцию Крещатик киевского метрополитена в 11:30 по местному времени. Люди в розовых комбинезонах взяли секс-бомбу в кольцо и проводили принудительную эвакуацию >>>

Yulia «non parlava di donne, non proteggeva le donne»

Un anno fa siamo andati a Kyiv per incontrare le Femen, un movimento nato per combattere la discriminazione e lo sfruttamento delle donne in Ucraina, dalla famiglia alla politica: patriarcalismo, turismo sessuale, esclusione da incarichi pubblici di rilievo. Per farsi notare le Femen hanno utilizzato, fin dal loro esordio sulla scena pubblica, l'escamotage del seno scoperto, una trovata efficace che nel volgere di pochi anni ha guadagnato al movimento femminista una sorprendente popolarità internazionale e anche un certo rispetto nella tradizionalista società ucraina. Yulia Timoshenko, prima >>>

Las nuevas feministas protestan en topless

Una de sus últimas protestas tuvo lugar en Kyiv, cuando cinco chicas desnudas escalaron el campanario de la catedral de Santa Sofía. Este templo del siglo XI es visto como uno de los lugares más sagrados para los cristianos ortodoxos de Europa del Este. Las manifestantes hicieron sonar la campana y desplegaron una pancarta que decía "Stop". La protesta era contra un proyecto de ley enviado al parlamento ucraniano que tiene como objetivo prohibir los abortos. Para los residentes locales, tales protestas han perdido un poco de su capacidad de impacto. Después de haber estado desvistiéndose >>>