Two topless women activists stormed in and disrupted a Muslim conference in Paris, France. On their breasts, they carried a message, painted in black, that said, 'Nobody makes me submit' in French.
The two women were reportedly FEMEN activists. FEMEN is a feminist protest group that was founded in Ukraine. They are known for their controversial topless protests in Ukraine, Sweden, Tunisia and France as reported by RT.
The conference was held, to address a subject, which gained nearly 6,000 signatures on It denounced participation of speakers who were accused of trying to legitimise rape within marriage, as reported by France 24.
The two activists were dragged down from the stage and one of them is visibly kicked by a man after she falls when being dragged off.
Here is a video footage of the incident:
FEMEN's form of protest may or may not be questionable, but how is treating any person this way justified. She is kicked by that man that exudes brutal hate. We don't know how were they treated once behind the small enclosure next to the stage. Were they kicked some more, and while at it, were they groped too? Because their form of protest is baring their torso.
Something to ponder about.
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