“In gay we trust” …Topless women celebrate Pope’s resignation in Paris

topless womenEight feminists flashed their breasts in the heart of Paris’s Notre Dame cathedral yesterday to celebrate Pope Benedict XVI’s shock resignation announcement. The members of the Femen movement entered the Gothic cathedral dressed in long coats which they whipped off inside while ringing three bells near the altar.

“Pope no more!” they cried. “No more homophobe” and “Bye bye Benedict!” Scandalized visitors voiced their disapproval. “This is a sacred place, you can’t strip here,” said a Frenchwoman. The Femen women’s power group has been making headlines since 2010 for topless feminist, pro-democracy and anti-corruption protests in Russia, Ukraine and London.

The protestors were dragged out of the cathedral by security but remained outside for some time shouting “In gay we trust” and “Get out homophobe.”

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Posted by Online Editor 11
on Feb 13 2013. Filed under ANNOUNCEMENT, FEATURE, FOR THE RECORDS, From The Press, Front Page Story, NEWS, News Across Nigeria, World News.
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The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

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