If you won't print the whole truth no newspaper on Earth will print it. The only organization that will print it is YouTube comments.
I will continue to fight for justice, by continuing to read Voice of Russia's take on the incredibly dangerous times in which we now live.
Philip C. Monroe, USA
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Where is Russia in making a statement to UN on what every nation has agreed are crimes against humanity regarding cutting water supplies, mines and other Ukraine atrocities? Ukraine should be defended against this. Putin's speech reeked of sugary diplomacy about the Austrian/Russia proposed pipeline. Won't work, US/UK want it done thru with them.
Jane Jacoby, USA
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Where are FEMEN 'activists' now? Are they happy with the post Yanukovych regime? Will any of them become a Minister in the new 'NATO-RIGHT SECTOR PROVINCE' inside €UROLAND?
Months ago Femen's branch in Spain physically assaulted Spain's top Catholic Bishop. They've recently tied themselves to Madrid Cathedral's main Cross, bare breathed, asking for unrestricted sponsored abortion.
Enrique Zahora, Spain
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