LIVE UPDATE – Topless Jihad romps around Europe FEMEN style – Al

Topless Jihad crescent star  Pause  

Image 1 of 7: Who said Western feminism doesn't blend with Arab culture? You only need one look at this sophisticated symbol the risque revolutionaries have adopted for Thursday's event, to see that the naysayers just aren't trying hard enough.

Topless Jihad Milan Italy  Pause  

Image 1 of 7: The uber-chic fashion houses of Milan will be hoping this wave of stripped down FEMEN-ism doesn't catch on, or they'll soon be out of business.

Berlin Germany Topless Jihad  Pause  

Image 1 of 7: Just a normal Thursday morning in Berlin? Actually this lot have got 'em out for Amina! The home of all things countercultural in Germany, it's no surprise to see plenty of Berlin breasts outside the city's oldest mosque.

Brussels Belgium Topless Jihad  Pause  

Image 1 of 7: Dull, grey, teeming with bureaucrats on the EU gravy train. Nonsense! Looks like Brussels is bursting with contemporary feminist anger to us.

Ukraine Kyiv Topless Jihad  Pause  

Image 1 of 7: Amina may feel all alone, having been hidden away by her outraged family, but she could always count on the support of her Ukrainian sisters in subversion to keep her name in the public eye.

France Paris Topless Jihad  Pause  

Image 1 of 7: If you can't hang out with Amina or even Skype her, why not just get a weird tattoo of her face on your stomach and carry her around Paris with you in teeny hot pants? Because you'd look like a human kangaroo. This didn't stop the FEMEN France girls from giving it a go though. Allez!

Australia Melbourne Topless Jihad  Pause  

Image 1 of 7: Australia may not be known for its illustrious radical feminist politics, but FEMEN supporters stood shoulder-to-shoulder with their sistahood with an action in Melbourne that went over the gender divide as women and men took part in support of the movement.

They promised an international bare breasted revolution and FEMEN’s flashers are certainly giving it their all.

Sour security guards at Tunisian embassies across the world have come face to face with a barrage of boobs.

So far, so blonde: we’ve yet to see any action in the Arab world but it’s probably a case of shoddy web connections rather than mass indifference to FEMEN’s crusade.

Check out the latest from Topless Jihad events in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and the Ukraine, as the Eurochicks show their support for Amina Tyler, Tunisia’s most famous daughter of FEMEN-hood.


Have your say! Are you a supporter of the FEMEN-istas and do you think it can achieve anything for Muslim women who feel oppressed? Or do you think it's a cause being hijacked by non-Muslim flashers riding the tidal wave of stripping ladies?


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The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

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