Who Are FEMEN? And Why Did Their Topless Protesters Disrupt A Muslim …

Two topless FEMEN protesters disrupted a Muslim conference in Paris turning the video of the event into an overnight viral sensation. They jumped onto the stage, shouted slogans, and drove the imams off the stage, long before security caught hold of them. The flashing message written on their chests was crystal clear: 'Nobody makes me submit.'



FEMEN activists disrupt Muslim conference in Paris


What is FEMEN?

Founded in Ukraine, FEMEN International is a Paris-based organization famous for its topless protests. Its ideology can be summarized in three 'isms' - sextremism, atheism, and feminism. The group is known for its naked attacks in countries such as Ukraine, Sweden, France and Tunisia. 



The FEMEN ideology

FEMEN is calling out everyone who wishes to support their cause, with a single-minded purpose to put a stop to womanophobia. For them:

Womanophobia is illegal.

Sexism is a kind of racism.

Modern slavery is a crime.

The attack in Paris

Their recent crash of a Muslim conference was an effort to denounce womanophobia. These topless women (or djihadists as they are formally called) raised their voices against two 'misogynists disciples of Allah', Nader Abou Anas and Mehdi Kebir. Their slogans were heard by one and all: 'No one can enslave me, no one can possess me, I am my own prophet!'

Topless FEMEN disrupt Muslim conference in France, get kicked


Both women who hail from Muslim families, took upon themselves to voice the disgust of feminists and associations around the world, who are intolerant towards public hate speeches against women. By terming this conference an 'enslavement event', FEMEN strongly upheld their right to disrupt the hate speech and firmly placed the spotlight on women freedom.

Topless FEMEN disrupt Muslim conference in France, get kicked


Here's the video of the incident, which also shows a man kicking one of the activists lying on the floor:

Via: indiatimes.com

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The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

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