


?????扳?輸?券?瑞?衣??Manuel Valls)蝡??唾韭鞎砍旦??????銝?敹?閬???????銵??綽?銝西”蝷箸?舀??瘜???憭拐蜓??敺???蝡??氬??


????蝷暹??銝餌儔撌湧?撣??瑕噸??隢曉??(Bertrand Delanoe)銋?霅渲痊鞎餅?潭???∠??銵???嚗?銝西”蝷箔????????瑯????隞?銝?韐???隞仿??璅???銵??粹?????剖???批?亙像蝑???蝢?暻??圈洛嚗?銝虫蝙閮勗?靽∪??踹??銝?敹?閬?????撽???


??????瘥??Y??鞈?靘?(Patrick Jacquin)銝餅??銵函內嚗?撌脩?隞乓??銴餌??撏??????唳?嫘??隞亙?????餅????瘥???摰??其犖?∴?雿踹?嗉?抵???怨?潦???????梧???霅行?孵?望???

Via: news.rti.org.tw

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The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

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