Monthly Archives: March 2014

Extremist women may be the most visible protest class these days

Topless demonstrators in Ukraine are part of the self-defined "sextremist" Femen group - radical women protesting the Russian invasion of Crimea. Femen is a stark example of frontline femmes who use their bodies and their voices to fight status-quo corruption, war and a political oligarchy. They are the most recent vocal group of women to take to the streets to defeat structures that often claim them as the first and greatest casualties. Russian aggression has driven women to exhibit the latest extreme manifestation of a long protest tradition >>>

Extremist women may be the most visible protest class these days

Topless demonstrators in Ukraine are part of the self-defined "sextremist" Femen group - radical women protesting the Russian invasion of Crimea. Femen is a stark example of frontline femmes who use their bodies and their voices to fight status-quo corruption, war and a political oligarchy. They are the most recent vocal group of women to take to the streets to defeat structures that often claim them as the first and greatest casualties.Russian aggression has driven women to exhibit the latest extreme manifestation of a long protest tradition >>>

Qui finance les Femen pour partir au Texas déchirer la Bible ?

Sur le vifEcopop: cheval de Troie de l’arbitraireLes Observateurs n'ont jamais fait mystère de leur penchant en faveur d'une immigration pour le moins contrôlée. Surfant sur l'onde de choc du 9 février, l'initiative Ecopop a l'air bien partie pour confirmer un sentiment populaire définitivement décomplexé, d'autant plus que l'opposition traditionnelle semble bien partie, elle aussi, pour sombrer dans ses travers habituels: invectives, noms d'oiseaux, sensibilité à fleur de peau; on connaît désormais l'effet de ce genre de communication sur la population.Reste que l'initiative Ecopop >>>

Femen’s Patriarch Exposed

The documentary Ukraine Is Not a Brothel, directed by Kitty Green, opens in a most unusual way. A man is seated on a couch, his face obscured by a demented-looking rabbit mask. It resembles the apparition in Donnie Darko. He unleashes a wide grin.This camouflaged huckster is Victor Svyatski and he is the alleged mastermind behind Femen, a Ukrainian organization comprised of topless female protesters. The striking (mostly blond) women, sporting floral headdresses, paint messages on their chests and backs, describe themselves as “sextremists” whose mission is “fighting patriarchy in its three >>>

Kürtaj için İncil’i parçaladı

Çıplak protesto gösterileriyle ünlü Femen bu kez ABD ’nin Teksas eyaletine bağlı Austin kentinde ortaya çıktı.  Inna Şevçenko adlı Ukraynalı Femen kadını, Teksas’ta uygulanan kürtaj yasağını protesto etmek için Austin Belediye Binası’nın önünde soyunarak elindeki İncil’i parçaladı.  Kürtaj yasağının ardında dini gerekçeler yattığını belirten Femen üyesinin göğsünde “Sizin İncil’iniz benim vajinamı kontrol edemez” yazdığı görüldü.   >>>

Qui paye Femen pour partir au Texas déchirer la Bible ? – Médias-Presse

Inna Schevchenko, chef de file du groupuscule sectaire Femen, s’est livrée à une nouvelle surenchère dans la démonstration de son antichristianisme pathologique. Elle s’est rendue au Texas pour y déchirer une Bible en signe de protestation contre la politique pro-vie de cet Etat américain. La scène s’est passée devant le Capitole et la vidéo circule sur le net. Comme à l’habitude, la virago hystérique était dépoitraillée, le corps recouvert d’inscriptions blasphématoires. La question qui vient immédiatement à l’esprit, c’est de se demander qui >>>

Tüntetni csak hatásosan!

Bejegyezve - Kulcsár Árpád - márc 12, 2014 - A bugyorból, Featured<!-- | nincs hozzszls--> Hogyan tüntessünk hatásosan? – teszi fel a kérdést a Colors Magazine, és meg is válaszolja. Az elolvasása után jöttem rá, hogy a Verespatakos, néha fiesztásra sikeredő felvonulásaink messze nem voltak olyan kreatívak, mint ahogyan hittük. Meg aztán, hogy virágot adni a csendőröknek szép gesztus ugyan, de mivel ezerszer megcsinálták már, talán nem elég figyelemfelkeltő. Az alábbiakban leírt tiltakozásokban van >>>

Markos Kounalakis: Female Fight Club

Topless demonstrators in Ukraine are part of the self-defined “sextremist” Femen group – radical women protesting the Russian invasion of Crimea. Femen is a stark example of frontline femmes who use their bodies and their voices to fight status quo corruption, war and a political oligarchy. They are the most recent vocal group of women to take to the streets to defeat structures that often claim them as the first and greatest casualties. Russian aggression has driven women to exhibit the latest extreme manifestation of a long protest tradition dating back to the ancient Greek play >>>

Ukraine is Not a Brothel

Admittedly, I'm not sure what to make of Ukraine is Not a Brothel. The premise certainly is compelling; a group of young, passionate woman streak topless in front of important military and political locations in and around Ukraine to protest the status and treatment of women in their country. The general consensus, by these young women and much of their country, is that women in Ukraine are objects of desire, relegated to prostitution, marriage for hire, or the international sex tourism industry. Since its inception in 2008, FEMEN has garnered a lot of international attention for their topless >>>