Monthly Archives: May 2015

Femen 1 Mayıs’ta Fransa’da eylem yaptı

Parti lideri Marine Le Pen’in Opera meydanındaki gösteride konuşma yapmış olduğu sırada üst taraflarında kıyafet olmayan üç kadın aktivist, aynı meydandaki bir binanın balkonundan Alman zorba Hitler’in selamına gönderme yaparak, “Heil Le Pen” yazılı pankart açtı. Kadın eylemciler, bunun yanı sıra megafonlarla “Heil Le Pen” sloganları atarak gösteriyi izleyen medyanın ilgisini çekmeyi başardı. Eylem sebebiyle Marine Le Pen konuşmasına bir zaman ara vermek mecburiyetinde kaldı. Femen üyeleri, partinin korumaları tarafından zorla >>>

Pai e ativistas das Femen em topless estragam 1.º de Maio a Marine … – Diário de Notícias

O partido de extrema-direita francês Frente Nacional afastou hoje o seu fundador e Presidente honorário, Jean-Marie Le Pen, das celebrações do 1.º de Maio, e a filha, Marine, teve o discurso interrompido por duas vezes.Após ter dito publicamente que as câmaras de gás na Alemanha nazi eram "um detalhe" da História, Jean-Marie Le Pen, de 86 anos, foi agora afastado da tribuna instalada na Praça da Ópera de Paris, por decisão do partido, atualmente liderado pela sua filha, Marine.Durante a marcha com os simpatizantes da extrema-direita, Marine Le Pen foi questionada pela imprensa acerca >>>

Video Shows Topless Femen Activists Disrupting Marine Le Pen’s May Day Speech …

Femen is in hot water after several of its members showed off their bare breasts to disrupt an annual May Day speech in Paris led by far-right French Front National leader (FN) Marine Le Pen, with the political party leader seeking legal action against the feminist activist group.Three topless women from the feminist protest group, which started in Ukraine in 2008, interrupted Le Pen's speech at the Paris Opera House on Friday, mocking the politician with Nazi salutes, while wearing painted slogans on their chests that read "Heil Le Pen" and "Stop Fascism."Video shows the activists marching >>>

Video Shows Topless Femen Activists Disrupting Marine Le Pen’s May Day Speech …

Femen is in hot water after several of its members showed off their bare breasts to disrupt an annual May Day speech in Paris led by far-right French Front National leader (FN) Marine Le Pen, with the political party leader seeking legal action against the feminist activist group.Three topless women from the feminist protest group, which started in Ukraine in 2008, interrupted Le Pen's speech at the Paris Opera House on Friday, mocking the politician with Nazi salutes, while wearing painted slogans on their chests that read "Heil Le Pen" and "Stop Fascism."Video shows the activists marching >>>

Video Shows Topless Femen Activists Disrupting Marine Le Pen’s May Day …

Femen is in hot water after several of its members showed off their bare breasts to disrupt an annual May Day speech in Paris led by far-right French Front National leader (FN) Marine Le Pen, with the political party leader seeking legal action against the feminist activist group.Three topless women from the feminist protest group, which started in Ukraine in 2008, interrupted Le Pen's speech at the Paris Opera House on Friday, mocking the politician with Nazi salutes, while wearing painted slogans on their chests that read "Heil Le Pen" and "Stop Fascism."Video shows the activists marching >>>

Primo Maggio: blitz Femen al discorso di Marine, "Heil Le Pen!" – AGI

21:01 01 MAG 2015 (AGI) - Parigi, 1 mag. - Blitz delle Femen contro Marine Le Pen in occasione della festa del Primo maggio. Tre militanti a seno nudo hanno interrotto per cinque minuti il discorso della leader del Front National a Parigi, nella centralissima Place de l'Opera. Le tre si sono affacciate seminude da un balcone esponendo un cartello con la scritta "Heil Le Pen!", un chiaro riferimento alle frasi negazioniste sul nazismo del fondatore del Fn e padre di Marine, Jean-Marie. "Accidenti, quante sorprese in questo primo maggio!", ha commentato a >>>

Le Pen unterbricht Rede wegen Aktivistinnen

Diese musste daraufhin ihre Rede unterbrechen. Die Aktivistinnen hatten sich mit einem Megaphon und roten Bannern mit der Aufschrift "Heil Le Pen" auf einem Balkon mit Blick auf das Rednerpult an der Place de l'Opéra postiert. "Welch eine Überraschung zum 1. Mai", sagte Le Pen, die ihre Rede nach einer mehrminütigen Pause fortsetzte. Die FN-Vorsitzende kündigte später an, Klage gegen die Femen-Aktivistinnen einzureichen. Stunden zuvor hatten zwei Femen-Aktivistinnen erfolglos versucht, eine Kranzniederlegung Le Pens vor der Statue von Jeanne d'Arc zu verhindern. Frankreich erinnert am 1. Mai >>>

Le Pen unterbricht Rede wegen Aktivistinnen

Diese musste daraufhin ihre Rede unterbrechen. Die Aktivistinnen hatten sich mit einem Megaphon und roten Bannern mit der Aufschrift "Heil Le Pen" auf einem Balkon mit Blick auf das Rednerpult an der Place de l'Opéra postiert. "Welch eine Überraschung zum 1. Mai", sagte Le Pen, die ihre Rede nach einer mehrminütigen Pause fortsetzte. Die FN-Vorsitzende kündigte später an, Klage gegen die Femen-Aktivistinnen einzureichen. Stunden zuvor hatten zwei Femen-Aktivistinnen erfolglos versucht, eine Kranzniederlegung Le Pens vor der Statue von Jeanne d'Arc zu verhindern. Frankreich erinnert am 1. Mai >>>

Από την… «αγκαλιά» του Ντράγκι στην Αθήνα [video]

Η 21χρονη Γερμανίδα Ζοζεφίνε Βιτ που έκοψε τη... χολή και τις δηλώσεις του Ευρωπαίου κεντρικού τραπεζίτη Μάριο Ντράγκι, βρέθηκε στην Αθήνα πριν από λίγες ημέρες. Προσκεκλημένη του Λάκη Λαζόπουλου για να εμφανιστεί στην εκπομπή του, η φοιτήτρια Φιλοσοφίας στο Αμβούργο και ακτιβίστρια της FEMEN, μιλάει στην κάμερα του Popaganda για την Ελλάδα >>>