The use of nudity has been a key symbol of Ukraine's FEMEN protests for women's liberation.
In response to the growing topless protests by Ukrainian women’s organization FEMEN, Muslim women from across the globe has come together to tell the women’s rights activists that “nudity does not liberate me.”
It is the latest in the ongoing controversy surrounding FEMEN, who have come to international fame for their nude protests in front of embassies calling for women’s liberation in Europe and the Islamic world. The group has also staged protests at European football events in an effort to bring an end to the sex trade that has become part of the sport.
But Muslim women are lashing out, saying that one need not take off their clothes in order to be heard. They have dubbed FEMEN, “sextremists” and said that Muslimah Pride Day” was organised in response to Femen’s self-declared “Topless Jihad Day.”
The topless day is part of FEMEN’s support of Tunisian activist Amina Tyler.
Using the hashtag #MuslimahPride, netizens criticised Femen’s campaign and said it reinforced stereotypes about Muslim women: “Only if Femen and Richard Dawkins would come to rescue us from our oppressive men and religion” said no muslim woman ever! #muslimahpride,” wrote one user on Twitter.
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