A scandal is brewing between Ukraine and Belarus caused by the campaign of the notorious Ukrainian women's movement FEMEN in front of the KGB building. Meanwhile, a political agenda and a clear ideological position have long been seen in the actions of the "feminists" - for the West and Tymoshenko and against Yanukovych, Russia and other opponents of the EU and the U.S.
On December 28, Foreign Ministry Spokesman of Ukraine Oleg Voloshin has expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the Belarusian authorities did not investigate the abuse of the Ukrainian women by the Belarusian security officers. "We are not satisfied with the fact that the rights of our citizens seem to have been violated, and there has been no investigation on who did it," said the Ukrainian diplomat. However, he mentioned that the "feminists" made no statements in the Belarusian security forces.
The scandalous campaign in front of the KGB in Minsk took place on December 19, the anniversary of the presidential election won by Alexander Lukashenko. Activists of FEMEN (three Ukrainian women and their friend from Australia) protested against the detention of political prisoners in Belarusian jails. The naked women were detained, and for some time there was no information about their fate.
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It soon became clear that the Australian was sent to Lithuania. The Ukrainians were thrown in a forest in the Gomel region. The movement's leader Anna Gutsol said that they were beaten, their hair was cut with a knife and they were threatened to be set on fire, and their documents were seized. Somehow they made it to the neighboring village. Finally, the Ukrainian diplomat came to pick them up and took them in Kyiv in his car. Chairman of the KGB of Belarus Vadim Zaitsev described the situation with FEMEN as a provocation.
The political tone of this campaign is obvious. Belarusian opposition leader Vladimir Neklyayev and companions decided to give them flowers through the Embassy of Ukraine. "We wanted to present flowers to the Ukrainian girls here, in Belarus, who were brutally abused and tortured, and apologize for the actions of the Belarusian authorities. We want Ukraine to know that not all Belarusians silently swallow lawlessness and outrages," said Neklyayev.
Now, let's see who else the "feminists" have protested against. On December 9th, they arrived in Moscow, where they decided to support the Russian opposition rallies. Coming to the Temple of Christ the Savior, they bared their breasts and unfurled banners with the slogan "God, Drive on the King!" This caused no interest.
On November 3 FEMEN held a rally outside the Iranian embassy in Kyiv. They came to the embassy with stones to protest against the death penalty of the Iranian Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani. (She was accused of adultery and murdering her husband). In contrast to all other cases, the "feminists" did not undress, and just got on their knees, began to cry, screaming: "You shall not kill". Then they yelled at the ambassador: "Come out, murderer!" and promised to come to Iran someday.
The "feminists" never got to Tehran, but have been to Paris. There they went to the house of the former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The Ukrainian women decided to join the "International Women's exclusion" of the politician that the United States unsuccessfully tried to accuse of raping his maid. "Strauss Kahn, Clinton, Berlusconi - these gentlemen have become a symbol of impunity of high-ranking perpetrators, an example of hypocrisy and lust of men's political elite," later wrote the Ukrainian women. They added: "France, come out, take off your clothes, conquer."
Another target of FEMEN was the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. In Kyiv, they undressed in front of the Italian Embassy, shouting "Finish Berlusconi!" and "Berlo, ciao!" The Ukrainian visited Rome as well. "He has to answer for the patriarchal brutality of his government. We came here to say that such politicians as Berlusconi cannot control (the country) cannot help people. We are against Berlusconi, because in Ukraine, we have exactly the same situation with President Viktor Yanukovych," said one of the activists. The comparison is not quite accurate. No one heard of Yanukovych organizing "Bungah-Bunge" parties.
Even Pope Benedict the XVI got his fair share from the "feminists". Half-naked activists made their way to St. Peter's Square in Rome and began waving a poster "Freedom to women." They protested against "papal patriarchal propaganda, manipulated by the medieval idea of a woman's social and cultural mission." The ladies were detained and spent four hours at a police station.
However, the bulk of the rallies are held in Kyiv and directed mainly against the current leadership of Ukraine, and never - against the "orange". Although the movement has been around for three years, its participants were not particularly active while the country was ruled by Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko. As soon as in early 2010 Viktor Yanukovych won the election, the rallies became frequent.
On March 22, 2010, the "feminists" complained about the lack of women in the new government. A little over a year later, they tried to disrupt the opening of "Europe Day" in Kyiv. During the speech of head of the Kyiv city administration Alexander Popov they demanded that Ukraine is accepted into the EU immediately. The ladies protested "against the substitution of the real steps for European integration of Ukraine with a fair show."
The "feminists" became particularly active after Yulia Tymoshenko was taken into custody. In August, they were shouting "Freedom for the present opposition!" and in October they again came to her defense with bare breasts. Interestingly enough, the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies have never brought a criminal case against them.
Now let's see who is sponsoring FEMEN. This is an American media mogul Jeff Sunden who owns several media outlets in Ukraine. He officially stated that he does not interfere with the campaigns of the "feminists." However, the selection of "targets" for their attack leads to an interesting observation. Politicians pleasing the U.S. and the West and anti-Russian leaders are not subject to their attacks.
At some point the youth movement "Pora" that became the engine of the "orange" revolution in Ukraine was funded by the Western money. Is FEMEN the "reincarnation of Pora" in the new environment? Perhaps, not, but the direction of the "feminists" is very confusing.
Peter Shmelev
Via: english.pravda.ru
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