Monthly Archives: June 2012

Topless Femen Activist Group Fail To Impress Swedish Fan

Embed code Get News Video Feed Use this mRSS feed to stay informed of new content: Rezwana Matin | Jun 19, 2012 4:22pm EDT | 2min:07sec Swedish fans were not sure what to make of the spontaneous strip-tease by two women from the feminist Ukrainian group, but most did not comprehend that the protest was meant to drive home a women's-rights political message. About one million foreign tourists were expected in Ukraine for Euro 2012. Femen activists said the European championship, >>>

Διαδήλωσαν μέλη της FEMEN στο Κίεβο

Πρώτη καταχώρηση: Τρίτη, 19 Ιουνίου 2012, 23:13 Η FEMEN... ξαναχτύπησε, καθώς μέλη της φεμινιστικής οργάνωσης, που αντιτίθεται από την πρώτη μέρα στη διοργάνωση του Εuro 2012, στα γήπεδα της Ουκρανίας, έκαναν την εμφάνισή τους, πριν από την αναμέτρηση της Σουηδίας με τη Γαλλία. Μάλιστα μία υποστηρίκτριά της, που είχε βρεθεί >>>

Frauenrechtlerinnen beklagen erneut Misshandlungen

Demo der Frauenrechtsgruppe Femen Foto: ARIS MESSINIS (AFP) Vier Tage nach den Vorfällen von Donezk hat die radikale Frauenrechtsgruppe Femen erneut Misshandlungen durch die ukrainische Polizei am Rande der Fußball-EM beklagt. "Die auffälligsten Aktivistinnen Alexandra Schewtschenko und Inna Schewtschenko sind aufgegriffen, aus der Fan Zone geschleppt und ziemlich heftig geschlagen worden", hieß es in einer Mitteilung nach einem ansonsten "erfolgreichen" Protest in Kiew. Am Freitag waren drei Femen-Mitglieder verschwunden. Einen >>>

Topless protest struggles to convey message

Football Rooney goal a heart-breaker for Ukraine France lose but advance to Spanish quarter Germany, Greece play down Euro crisis talk Victorious England top pool; joined by France Wellington Phoenix sign 'smiley, talented' Totori Shevchenko announces international retirement Croatian football fined for fans' racist chants Topless >>>

Euro 2012, l’ultima protesta delle Femen

Per la tua sicurezza ti ricordiamo che la password: - deve essere diversa dallo username - deve essere composta da almeno 8 caratteri - non deve contenere le parole “admin”, “administrator”, “root”, “enable”, “forum” Deve, in aggiunta, soddisfare almeno 3 dei seguenti requisiti: - contenere caratteri speciali scelti fra . _– ( ) - contenere caratteri minuscoli (a-z) - contenere caratteri maiuscoli (A-Z) - contenere >>>

Euro fans mistake topless protest for street striptease

Swedish fans initially mistook a women's rights protest for a spontaneous striptease when the Ukrainian Femen group staged a bare-breasted table-top demonstration against Euro 2012 in the capital Kyiv. But the whoops of delight turned to booing when Femen activists held up placards denouncing the European soccer championship and kicked Swedish fans' beer off tables in Kyiv's fan zone. The group, which carries out topless protests to highlight the growth of the sex industry in Ukraine, has targeted Euro >>>

Ativistas do Femen ‘assustam’ torcida sueca na Ucrânia

Ativistas do grupo Femen voltaram a agir durante a Euro 2012. Nesta terça-feira, elas protestaram de peito aberto contra a competição por supostamente fomentar a prostituição na Ucrânia.

O protesto ocorreu em meio à torcida sueca em Kyiv. Alguns torcedores não esconderam o espanto e o susto com o tom do protesto. Outros sorriram ao ver as belas manifestantes sem blusa.

Os suecos jogam contra a França na última rodada do grupo D. A polícia prendeu as manifestantes, que conseguiram passar sua mensagem.
