Monthly Archives: February 2013

Οι FEMEN γδύθηκαν (ξανά) για την παραίτηση του Πάπα

Οι οκτώ γυναίκες μπήκαν στον εμβληματικό καθεδρικό του Παρισιού φορώντας μακριά παλτό, τα οποία πέταξαν και έμειναν ημίγυμνες μπροστά στο ιερό. Στα σώματά τους ήταν γραμμένα συνθήματα, όπως «Κρίση της πίστης», «Τέρμα ο Πάπας». «Αντίο Βενέδικτε», «Όχι πια ομοφοβία», φώναζαν καθώς χτυπούσαν καμπάνες μέσα στο ναό. Οι φύλακες της >>>

Femen seins nus à Notre-Dame de Paris: consternation de Manuel …

Le ministre de l'Intérieur Manuel Valls a fait part mardi dans la soirée de sa consternation, "face aux agissements des neuf membres du groupe Femen qui se sont introduites, aujourd'hui, torse nu, dans la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris". Ce groupe d'activistes féministes entendait ainsi "fêter" la renonciation du pape Benoît XVI. "Ces agissements, commis au sein même d'un lieu de culte, sont contraires aux valeurs républicaines qui offrent - faut-il le rappeler -, à chacun, la possibilité de s'exprimer librement", estime le ministre des cultes. "Si la laïcité permet à chacun >>>

Topless activists show off their boobs to celebrate pope’s resignation

The world last heard from the topless Ukrainian protesters collectively known as Femen in September, when they rolled out plans for a training camp for young activists. Now, they've taken their boob-centric show to Paris, where on Tuesday they mounted a celebration of Pope Benedict XVI's resignation. The nine women painted slogans on their skin including "Pope No More" and "Pope Game Over," but staff at Notre Dame Cathedral ejected them after one rang one of the brand-new, enormous bronze bells cast for the cathedral's 850th anniversary this year. Paris can look forward >>>

Femen’den Papa’ya ‘güle güle

Katedrale üstlerindeki uzun paltolarla giren Ukraynalı grubun üyeleri, içeride soyunarak, "Artık Papa yok!", "Artık homofobi yok!' ve "Güle Güle Benedikt" diye bağırdılar. Katedralin çanlarını da çalan grup üyeleri, yer seçimleri nedeniyle çevredekilerin tepkini çektiler. Grup, katedral görevlileri tarafından dışarı çıkarıldı.

Kaynak : Kaynak


Topless Femen women ring Notre-Dame church bell to ‘celebrate’ Pope’s …

New York, Feb 13 (ANI): Topless women activists from a feminist group had rang a church bell in the famous Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral in Paris, to ‘celebrate’ the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. The nine women from an Ukrainian feminist group Femen, who had the words ‘Pope No More’ boldly written across their naked chests and backs, said that they are ‘provocateurs’ cheering the Pope’s decision to step down, New York Post reports. The women rang a huge bell, one of the bronze bells made for the 850th anniversary of the cathedral for which they were removed >>>

Topless Femen women ring Notre-Dame church bell to ‘celebrate’ Pope’s …

New York, Feb 13 (ANI): Topless women activists from a feminist group had rang a church bell in the famous Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral in Paris, to 'celebrate' the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.The nine women from an Ukrainian feminist group Femen, who had the words 'Pope No More' boldly written across their naked chests and backs, said that they are 'provocateurs' cheering the Pope's decision to step down, New York Post reports.The women rang a huge bell, one of the bronze bells made for the 850th anniversary of the cathedral for which they were removed from the church >>>

Feministas celebraron la dimisión de Benedicto XVI desnudándose …

La vergüenza OPINION Por Joaquín Piña - Era un niño tímido. Dicen que tiene vergüenza. Posiblemente sea porque tuvo poco roce social. O unos papás demasiado rígidos… Se crió así. Pero más vale. Ya se irá despertando. Peor son éstos que aún antes que aprendan a rezar, (en las familias cristianas son las madres las que le enseñan a rezar a sus hijos), pero algunos, antes de aprender a rezar ya aprendieron a decir malas palabras… (Los chicos hablan lo que escuchan). >>>

Οι φεμινίστριες FEMEN με γυμνά στήθια στη Νοτρ-Νταμ των … (Βέλγιο) με AFP.   (μτφ. Κριστιάν) Οκτώ φεμινίστριες του κινήματος Femen έβγαλαν τα στήθια τους τη Τρίτη το πρωί στο κεντρικό κλίτος του καθεδρικού ναού Notre-Dame de Paris για να «γιορτάσουν την αποχώρηση του Πάπα» Βενέδικτου ΙΣΤ '. Έχοντας μπει με τη ροή των τουριστών, οκτώ νεαρές γυναίκες φορούσαν μακριά παλτά που αφαίρεσαν κοντά σε τρεις >>>

Femen’den Papa’ya ‘güle güle’

Katedrale üstlerindeki uzun paltolarla giren Ukraynalı grubun üyeleri, içeride soyunarak, "Artık Papa yok!", "Artık homofobi yok!' ve "Güle Güle Benedikt" diye bağırdılar. Katedralin çanlarını da çalan grup üyeleri, yer seçimleri nedeniyle çevredekilerin tepkini çektiler. Grup, katedral görevlileri tarafından dışarı çıkarıldı.


“In gay we trust” …Topless women celebrate Pope’s resignation in Paris

Eight feminists flashed their breasts in the heart of Paris’s Notre Dame cathedral yesterday to celebrate Pope Benedict XVI’s shock resignation announcement. The members of the Femen movement entered the Gothic cathedral dressed in long coats which they whipped off inside while ringing three bells near the altar. “Pope no more!” they cried. “No more homophobe” and “Bye bye Benedict!” Scandalized visitors voiced their disapproval. “This is a sacred place, you can’t strip here,” said a Frenchwoman. The Femen women’s power group >>>