Monthly Archives: April 2013

Pechos como armas. Feministas de Femen apuestan por ataques …

DPAKyiv.- Tras radicales acciones en Ucrania, el grupo feminista Femen actúa cada vez más en Occidente con trabajos contra el sexismo y el sistema de patriarcado. Últimamente ha apostado por acciones con el pecho al descubierto, como en la pasada feria de Hannover contra el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin.Al contarlo, a la protagonista de la acción, Alexandra Shevchenko, le brillan los ojos: "Eché a correr, me desnudé y empecé a gritar", cuenta la joven de 24 años riendo. A unos pocos metros de Putin un guardaespaldas redujo a la joven, pero las fotografías y videos del "ataque >>>

Feministas em pé de guerra

O movimento feminista Femen, conhecido pelos protestos com mulheres de seios à mostra, desagradou outro grupo de feministas, este formado por islâmicas. Muçulmanas contrárias ao sexismo, em sua maioria vivendo em países ocidentais, criaram uma página no Facebook de combate à ‘cruzada’ feminista do Femen e à ideia de que o Islã oprime as mulheres. Tudo começou depois de um protesto típico do Femen cujo alvo era o islamismo. As ativistas feministas convocaram suas integrantes ao redor do mundo a sair às ruas de seios de fora com o torso pintado com dizeres contra a religião >>>

FEMEN Protests OK Because Being Topless is Totally Legal in NYC

Since as early as 1914, women have been stripping to their bare breasts as a form of protest against social ills. Such protests gain a certain infamy among some groups, though many see it as exercising their right to free speech. While FEMEN's recent displays of topless protesting have gained attention for the radical feminist movement in Ukraine and the Middle East, the practice is still frowned upon by society at large. This must change. Nudity is often assigned a sexual connotation in the United States, and those who practice social nudity are seen as immoral or offensive to >>>

FEMEN Protests OK Because Being Topless is Totally Legal in NYC – PolicyMic

Since as early as 1914, women have been stripping to their bare breasts as a form of protest against social ills. Such protests gain a certain infamy among some groups, though many see it as exercising their right to free speech. While FEMEN's recent displays of topless protesting have gained attention for the radical feminist movement in Ukraine and the Middle East, the practice is still frowned upon by society at large. This must change. Nudity is often assigned a sexual connotation in the United States, and those who practice social nudity are seen as immoral or offensive to >>>

Ações do grupo Femen provocam rechaço de feministas

Punhos em riste, seios à mostra e slogans provocadores, pintados no pele: estas são as marcas registradas das ativistas do Femen. E elas pelo menos causam bastante confusão, onde quer que protestem contra o sexismo e a opressão. Recentemente, para apoiar a ativista tunisiana Amina Tyler, convocaram um "Topless Jihad" em diversas cidades europeias. Elas protestaram diante de locais como a mais antiga mesquita de Berlim ou a embaixada tunisiana em Paris, carregando na pele dizeres como "Free Amina" e "Fuck Islamism". No início de março, Tyler havia postado fotos na internet onde aparecia >>>

We don’t need ‘help’ of topless protesters

Protesting against the oppressive status quo comes in many forms. Non-violent protest was Gandhi's weapon of choice. Rosa Parks chose to sit where she was forbidden. Mohamed Bouazizi set fire to himself. Their methods of disobedience fuelled social change. A form of protest that doesn't fit into this pantheon, despite its grandiose and self-important claims, is last week's "International Topless Jihad Day" convened by a Ukrainian group, Femen, whose motto is "better naked than the veil". Tunisian blogger Amina Tyler received death threats and alleged kidnapping by her family after posting pictures >>>

Brüste als „Waffen“: Femen setzt auf Oben-ohne-Attacken –

Von Sophia Weimer, Andreas Stein und Benedikt von Imhoff Kiew/Berlin - Als Alexandra Schewtschenko von ihrem jüngsten Coup berichtet, funkeln ihre Augen. „Ich rannte los, zog mich dabei aus und begann zu schreien“, erzählt die 24-Jährige und lacht. Erst wenige Meter vor Kremlchef Wladimir Putin reißt ein Sicherheitsmann die junge Frau zu Boden. Fotos und Videos der Oben-ohne-Attacke von fünf Aktivistinnen der Frauengruppe Femen auf den russischen Präsidenten in Hannover gingen um die Welt. Im Einsatz gegen Sklaverei Die Ukrainerin ist im Stress. Ständig klingelt das Handy, nebenbei >>>

Femen ή «Τζιχάντ» σε γυμνόστηθη εκδοχή… – – Ρόδος – Δωδεκάνησα

Πρώτη καταχώρηση: Κυριακή, 14 Απριλίου 2013, 16:01 Εμφανίζονται σχεδόν παντού πλέον. Ο λόγος για τις ακτιβίστριες της FEMEN που διαδηλώνουν γυμνόστηθες εναντίον της καταπίεσης των γυναικών και της πατριαρχικής κοινωνίας. Προκαλούν αντιδράσεις με τον «βάρβαρο» φεμινισμό τους ακόμη και στις ίδιες τις γυναίκες.Πριν μερικές μέρες, κάλεσαν >>>

Femen ή «Τζιχάντ» σε γυμνόστηθη εκδοχή… –

Εμφανίζονται σχεδόν παντού πλέον. Ο λόγος για τις ακτιβίστριες της FEMEN που διαδηλώνουν γυμνόστηθες εναντίον της καταπίεσης των γυναικών και της πατριαρχικής κοινωνίας. Προκαλούν αντιδράσεις με τον «βάρβαρο» φεμινισμό τους ακόμη και στις ίδιες τις γυναίκες. Πριν μερικές μέρες, κάλεσαν σε ιερό πόλεμο -μέσου του διαδικτύου- εκφράζοντας >>>