Monthly Archives: September 2013

Femen’s problems hit home with Svyatski reveal

Tweet TweetDirector Kitty Green (3rdR) poses with Femen activists at the Venice Film Festival on September 4, 2013. AFP/GABRIEL BOUYS In a revelation sure to disappoint Femen supporters — and vindicate its critics — a documentary unveiled Wednesday at the Venice Film Festival showed the true, unexpected, face behind the Ukraine-based feminist group: Victor Svyatski. While Svvatski’s participation in the movement was already known — the Ukrainian has oft been cited as a “consultant” to the group — claims of his deeper role have shocked many, including some Femen members. According >>>

Femen let Victor Svyatski take over because we didn’t know how to fight it

This week I have been told that I'm not a feminist, that my fight is not real. I have been told that people don't believe my slogans any more, that my ideas are fake. I have been condemned for fighting male domination in my life, for fighting the patriarchy.The Australian director Kitty Green spent one year with Femen activists in Ukraine shooting a documentary that is showing at the 70th Venice film festival. The film, Ukraine Is Not a Brothel, is a history of Femen. It shows a crucial paradox of the movement, one that has now become a scandal. It concerns one of the men interviewed in the >>>

Femen let Victor Svyatski take over because we didn’t know how to fight it

This week I have been told that I'm not a feminist, that my fight is not real. I have been told that people don't believe my slogans any more, that my ideas are fake. I have been condemned for fighting male domination in my life, for fighting the patriarchy.The Australian director Kitty Green spent one year with Femen activists in Ukraine shooting a documentary that is showing at the 70th Venice film festival. The film, Ukraine Is Not a Brothel, is a history of Femen. It shows a crucial paradox of the movement, one that has now become a scandal. It concerns one of the men interviewed in the >>>

‘Bloteborstenfeministen van Femen worden geleid door een man’

Femen, de van oorsprong Oekraïense feministische organisatie die keer op keer de media weet te halen door hun protesten met ontbloot bovenlijf, is bedacht door en wordt geleid door een man. Die onthulling komt uit de documentaire 'Oekraïne is geen bordeel' die op het filmfestival van Venetië in première gaat. De meisjes van Femen zijn zonder uitzondering mooi, slank en stoer, de Lara Crofts van het feminisme. De beweging, in 2008 ontstaan in Oekraïne uit protest tegen de patriarchale cultuur in Oost-Europa, is inmiddels ook in het Westen bekend. Vast onderdeel van hun strijdplan: >>>

FEMEN Venedik’te

Kitty Green'in yönetmenliğini yaptığı FEMEN belgeseli Ukraine is not a Brothel (Ukrayna Genelev Değildir) 70. Vene dik Film Festivali'nde. Festivalde yarışma dışı gösterilen belgeselin gösterimine FEMEN üyeleri protesto biçimleri gibi üstsüz katıldı. Filmde yönetmen FEMEN'in erkek aktivisti Victor Syvatski'ye değiniyor. Belgeselde konuşan FEMEN aktivistlerinden biri Syvatski'yi şu sözlerle tanımlıyor: "Psikolojik olarak ona bağımlıyız ve aslında biz de grup da iyi biliyor ki, bu işi onun yardımı olmadan da yapabiliriz. Dediğim gibi, psikolojik bir >>>

La semidesnudez de Femen desfila en Venecia

AGENCIAS / Barcelona Las protagonistas del documental ‘Ukraine is not a brothel’ (en castellano ‘Ucrania no es un burdel’) y activistas del movimiento Femen, posaron en la alfombra roja de la Mostra de Venecia durante la noche de este miércoles. Como ya es costumbre, las activistas posaron en ‘topless’ ante los fotógrafos para presentar el documental dirigido por Kitty Green y que forma parte de la programación fuera de concurso. Green no se quitó ninguna peiza de ropa. >>>

La semidesnudez de Femen desfila por la alfombra roja de la …

AGENCIAS / Barcelona Las protagonistas del documental ‘Ukraine is not a brothel’ (en castellano ‘Ucrania no es un burdel’) y activistas del movimiento Femen, posaron en la alfombra roja de la Mostra de Venecia durante la noche de este miércoles. Como ya es costumbre, las activistas posaron en ‘topless’ ante los fotógrafos para presentar el documental dirigido por Kitty Green y que forma parte de la programación fuera de concurso. Green no se quitó ninguna peiza de ropa. >>>

Venedik Film Festivali’nde FEMEN konuşuldu

Venedik Film Festivali'nde FEMEN konuşuldu FEMEN BU KEZ FİLM FESTİVALİNİ BASTI. Venedik film festivalinde film yerine Femen izlendi. Venedik Film Festivali'nin dünkü etkinliklerine FEMEN üyeleri damgasını vurdu. Bu yıl 70'inci kez düzenlenen Venedik Film Festivali'nin dünkü etkinliklerine FEMEN üyeleri damgasını vurdu. Yönetmenliğini Kitty Green'in üstlendiği Ukraine is not a Brothel (Ukrayna Genelev Değildir) adlı filminin fotoğraf çekimine Femen aktivistleri de katıldı. Üstsüz şekilde sahneye çıan aktivistler filmin yönetmeniyle birlikte objektiflere >>>


烏克蘭女權運動組織「FEMEN」以女成員上空抗議著稱,最近威尼斯影展一部紀錄片披露,該組織創辦人與掌權者其實是男人,他親挑美女成員以吸引媒體注意,但對女成員態度差,還叫她們是「賤女人」(bitch)。FEMEN宣稱創辦人是28歲女權運動者荷索(Anna Hutsol),但台灣蘋果日報引述英國獨立報3日披露澳洲女導演葛林的《烏克蘭不是妓院》紀錄片,踢爆掛名FEMEN「顧問」的史維亞茲基(Victor Svyatskiy)才是幕後首腦。報導指出,葛林花一年跟拍FEMEM四名女成員,記錄她們上空抗議行動,最後發現,原來史維亞茲基才是正牌掌權者。他挑選最漂亮的女生作為上空抗議成員,「因美女才能擠到新聞頭條」。 >>>

Seins nus à la Mostra 2013, les Femen ces « salopes » présentent …

Seins nus et messages, les Femen ont présenté leur documentaire à la Mostra de Venise L'Ukraine n'est pas un bordel. Ces "salopes " racontent sans concession le caractère violent et misogyne de leur créateur, Victor Svyatski. Si dans un premier temps, il ne voulait pas figurer dans le documentaire, Kitty Green, l'une de ces bimbos blondes, a réussi à filmer des séquences où il se révèle comme un homme extrêmement pervers et manipulateur, qui assume qu'il prend le contrôle de ces jeunes femmes. Il aurait envoyé quelques filles comme porte-paroles pour une mission difficile >>>