FEMEN Solidarity message to FEMEN Holland

Hello, this is a video message from Femen in Kyiv. We want to express our solidarity with our sisters in Holland. We know this Millionaire Fair is full of unnecessary luxury. Toys for the boys. And women for decoration. The empty-headed spenders, who rather buy a new car, or a new fashion bag every day than spending some time of the day on a deeper thought. Even for once)

This international fair is a slap in the face of all ordinary people who suffer from the financial crisis. Millions of people are at the risk of losing everything in Europe, but here the filthy rich keep on partying. if nothing else outside their glamorous world exists.

But they are the ones who caused the international crisis in the first place. They are part of the international network of high finance. Bankers and investors. Speculators. Corrupt politicians, ‘Businessmen‘. Mafia. They all work together in an world-wide, oppressive, financial system. And instead on investing their money in the future of the planet, they prefer to waste it here on useless extravaganza.

They are driven by greed. Destroyers of ordinary peoples lives. Gambling with their money. Make them responsible for the debts when it goes wrong. Annexing their houses. Their land. Taking away their jobs. Stealing their future. Making them poor, so they can sit on golden toilets in diamond closets. And shit on the world.

We must stop this world-wide cult of ignorant selfishness. Of intellectual emptiness. Of material waste. Of cultural barbarism. Or it will become the end of civilization as we know it.

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The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

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