Monthly Archives: May 2012

EURO 2012 trước giờ G: Sex hay không sex?

Sex luôn là một chủ đề "nóng", gợi sự tò mò, nhưng lại là chuyện hoàn toàn nghiêm túc, thiết thực. Nhưng cách nhìn về nó thì lại rất... mênh mông, và câu hỏi sex hay không sex trước trận đấu, chưa bao giờ tìm được tiếng nói chung. EURO 2012 đang đến rất gần và nước chủ nhà Ba Lan đang nóng lên hầm hập bởi vấn đề này... Mời bạn đọc cùng Thể Thao VietNamNet theo dõi các sự kiện liên quan cũng như nghe ý kiến của chính người trong cuộc, giới HLV, cầu thủ... Kỳ 1: >>>

‘F*** Euro 2012’ – The protests, fury & disaffection that threaten to …

SPECIAL REPORTBy Clark WhitneyThe start of a football festival is less than a fortnight away, but as the glitterati of the game prepare to descend on Poland and Ukraine for the beginning of Euro 2012, the atmosphere from Gdansk to Donetsk is anything but a carnival.For the locals, excitement has been replaced by antipathy, bitterness and hostility. Concerns over sex trafficking, protests against Yulia Tymoshenko’s imprisonment, and questions about the long-term value of investment in infrastructure has cast a cloud of uncertainty over the tournament.So intense is the Euro-anxiety that a >>>

‘F*** Euro 2012’ – The protests, fury & disaffection that threaten to …

SPECIAL REPORTBy Clark WhitneyThe start of a football festival is less than a fortnight away, but as the glitterati of the game prepare to descend on Poland and Ukraine for the beginning of Euro 2012, the atmosphere from Gdansk to Donetsk is anything but a carnival. Bet: £5£10£20£50£100 Returns: Austria £25.00 Draw £31.00 Ukraine £25.00 Bet: £5£10£20£50£100 >>>

Euro 2012, calcio e prostituzione: allarme contagio Aids

Pubblicato il 28/05/12 Kyiv (TMNews) - Calcio e prostituzione. Le ragazze di Femen, il gruppo di femministe ucraine famose per i loro topless aggressivi, hanno nuovamente denunciato il rischio che gli Europei di calcio si trasformino per migliaia di tifosi in una gita sessuale. Basta dare un'occhiata su Internet per comprendere che l'offerta a luci rossi da affiancare alla passione per il pallone in Ucraina è altissima. "L'industria del sesso si serve della povertà e della mancanza di cultura delle ragazze costrette a vivere con salari inadeguati al costo della vita che accettano di venire sfruttate" >>>

Živě z Charkova: Euro nechceme, je to sex a prostituce

Martin NovákBillboard v ulicích CharkovaAutor: Martin Novákvětší obrázek » Charkov (Od našeho zpravodaje) - Centrální náměstí v Charkově je - alespoň podle místních - největší v Evropě a druhé největší na světě, po Tchien An-men v Pekingu. Má na délku skoro 800 metrů. Z jedné strany je příjemný park s fontánami a dětskými hřišti, jinak kolem stojí masivní budovy, postavené v takzvaném stalinistickém monumentálním stylu ve třicátých až padesátých letech. Přímo na náměstí, na které stále z podstavce shlíží Leninova socha, budou mít >>>

VIDEO: Activista se desnuda frente al trofeo de la Eurocopa

Una mujer realizó una protesta particular en la plaza Independencia en Ucrania, donde se exhibe la Copa de la Eurocopa para los fans. Kyiv. La Eurocopa está muy cerca de empezar, pero las activistas femeninas del movimiento Femen Mujeres Ucranianas sigue causando revuelo en donde se presenta el trofeo de la Eurocopa, que se realizará en Polonia y Ucrania. La mujer se acercó a la copa, para tomarse una fotografía, y aprovechó para hacer un ‘topless’ y amagó con llevarse el trofeo. La seguridad actuó rápido y la cubrieron. La activista es parte del movimiento >>>

EURO-2012 – Helyet csinálnak a lengyel börtönökben

A szervezők csütörtöki tájékoztatása szerint minderre azért van szükség, hogy felkészüljenek a szurkolói rendbontások következményeire. Az Igazságügyi Minisztérium szóvivője, Patrycja Loose azt mondta, jelentős zavargások nem várhatók az ukrán-lengyel közös rendezésű viadalon, hiszen az Eb-k egyébként sem a jelentős szurkolói botrányokról híresek, de “jobb félni, mint megijedni”. “Reméljük, zavargások helyett béke és rend lesz a torna ideje alatt, de nem szeretnék, ha meglepetésben lenne részünk, ezért minden helyzetre felkészülünk” >>>

Be it activism or commercialism, nudity sells

Ukraine's FEMEN group which specialises in topless protests in public, has been receiving a lot of media attention lately. The mandate, their agenda their political will although very serious in nature, it is their modality of protest that is attracting attention. The recent news flash of their appearance was at the Euro 2012 Soccer Cup.For some this method of women going bare-chested or topless in staging an agitation is considered as a very effective and non-violent >>>