Monthly Archives: May 2012

Ukraine’s sex industry bets on Euro 2012

Ukraine's sex industry is banking on pulling in clients and cash during Euro 2012 but campaigners paint stark warnings given that the championship co-host has the highest rate of HIV infection in Eastern Europe."Kyiv's prostitutes are preparing actively for Euro 2012," one Ukrainian sex site said, claiming that some are even studying the history of the 16 nations taking part in the tournament, plus the basics of football, to get a competitive edge.Ukraine transformed prostitution from a crime to a misdemeanour in 2006, with fines ranging from eight to 20 euros ($A10-$A25), while pimping or running >>>

Un oeil sur l’actu

1/32 Une activiste ukrainienne du mouvement Femen pose, déguisée en pénis, sur une mascotte de l'Euro 2012 réalisée en fleurs dans un parc de Kyiv (Ukraine), le 31 mai 2012. SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP 2/32 Deux bélugas jouent avec un ballon de football à l'aquarium de Pékin (Chine), le 30 mai 2012. MARK RALSTON / AFP 3/32 Des fans de Justin Bieber patientent dans le port d'Oslo (Norvège) >>>

FEMEN 2012: Why The Ukrainian Protesters Have Boobed

Ukrainian protest group FEMEN have reverted to tried and tested methods in trying to garner publicity i.e. getting their kit off, but does it undermine their entire aim? <![CDATA[ div#dv_gallery{ overflow:auto;height:621px;width:738px;background-color:black;color:white;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } #dv_gallery p { text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid border-top:1px dotted padding-bottom:15px;padding-top:20px;margin:0; } #dv_gallery p a img { margin-bottom: 7px; max-width: 738px; width: expression(this.height 738 ? '738px' >>>

Освобождение львовской узницы!

Сегодня в 13.00 топлес-хулиганка Яна Жданова откинулась после 5-дневной отсидки во львовском спецприемнике.Она выглядит великолепно и намерена дальше показывать сиськи на протестах.Напомним, Яна Жданова получила 5 суток ареста за топлес-нападение на кубок Евро 2012. >>>

Euro 2012 turning into PR disaster for Ukraine as racism fears scare off fans

Over the past two years, Ukraine has built two stadiums, opened four airports, and unveiled a fleet of high-speed trains. It has spent $14.5bn (£9.3bn) on preparations for the Euro 2012 football championships, a whopping sum for a small GDP country. Workmen have been tidying up outside Kyiv's impressive web-roofed Olympic stadium, the venue for the 1 July final. And yet on the eve of the tournament Ukraine is staring at nothing less than a full-blown PR disaster. In an interview with Panorama , the former England defender Sol Campbell bluntly says Uefa was wrong to give Euro 2012 to >>>

Euro 2012 turning into PR disaster for Ukraine as racism fears scare off fans

Over the past two years, Ukraine has built two stadiums, opened four airports, and unveiled a fleet of high-speed trains. It has spent $14.5bn (£9.3bn) on preparations for the Euro 2012 football championships, a whopping sum for a small GDP country. Workmen have been tidying up outside Kyiv's impressive web-roofed Olympic stadium, the venue for the 1 July final.And yet on the eve of the tournament Ukraine is staring at nothing less than a full-blown PR disaster. In an interview with Panorama , the former England defender Sol Campbell bluntly says Uefa was wrong to give Euro 2012 to Poland >>>

( Özel) Saha dışı olayların gölgesinde EURO 2012

Tüm dünyanın merakla beklediği bir nevi futbol festivali olan EURO 2012'ye artık sayılı günler kaldı. Polonya ve Ukrayna'nın ev sahipliği yapacağı şampiyona için Gdansk'tan Donetsk'e tam bir karnaval havası hakim olmuş durumda.Yerel halkın heyecanı zaman geçtikçe yerini karşıt görüşlere, gergin ve düşmanca bir şekle büründü. Çünkü zaman daraldıkça şu an tutuklu bulunan eski Başbakan Yulia Tymoshenko için yapılacak protestolar ve turnuvayla beraber artacak olan seks turizimi trafiği büyük endişe yaratıyor. Ayrıca turnuvanın ülkeye uzun dönem >>>

Sfruttamento e rischio Hiv «Femen» contro gli Europei

Calcio e prostituzione. Le ragazze di Femen, il gruppo di femministe ucraine famose per le loro proteste fatte di topless per attirare e fotografi e telecamere, e di aggressività per resistere alla presa di servizi di sicurezza e polizia, hanno nuovamente denunciato il rischio che gli Europei di calcio si trasformino per migliaia di tifosi in una colossale gita >>>

Во Львове еврокубок выдержал атаку Фемен

«Феменки» уже третий пытались сбросить с пьедестала символ Евро-2012. Куда Кубок - туда и "феменкы". Львов не стал исключением из перечня городов-участников Евро, где активистки одиозного общественной организации Femen провели топлес-атаку на символ Евро-2012, Кубок Анри Делоне. В четверг, >>>