Monthly Archives: June 2012

Euro: des féministes de Femen se dénudent pour dénoncer la …

Des féministes du mouvement ukrainien Femen ont manifesté vendredi à Varsovie seins nus, pour dénoncer la prostitution susceptible de fleurir lors de l'Euro-2012, à deux heures du coup d'envoi du match d'ouverture Pologne-Grèce au stade national de Varsovie, a constaté un journaliste de l'AFP.Quatre militantes de Femen ont surgi soudainement au milieu des milliers de supporteurs se pressant devant l'une des entrées du stade, sous une faible pluie.Sur leur poitrine dénudée, elles avaient inscrit en grosses lettres "Fuck Euro 2012".Criant à tue-tête le même message, elles ont arrosé >>>

Racism fears mar Euro 2012 kick-off

By Mary Sibierski (AFP) – 9 hours ago  WARSAW — Euro 2012 kicked-off in Poland and Ukraine on Friday amid fears that racism and politics could overshadow Europe's premier football showcase, held for the first time in countries once behind the Iron Curtain.Warsaw and Kyiv hoped to use the tournament to highlight progress in their ex-Communist countries, but instead have seen it mired in controversy over racist fans and Ukraine's treatment of a top opposition leader.Hours before kick-off at the opening match in Warsaw Friday -- which saw host Poland tie 1-1 with Greece -- Dutch captain Mark >>>

Euro: Varsovie lance la fête, un peu gâchée à Cracovie et par les …

Par ailleurs, des militantes du groupe féministe ukrainien Femen, venues manifester seins nus, malgré la pluie, devant le stade vendredi après-midi, pour dénoncer la prostitution et le tourisme sexuel, ont été immédiatement neutralisées par la police. Varsovie a lancé vendredi la grande fête de l'Euro-2012 avec le match d'ouverture du tournoi, Pologne-Grèce, achevé sur un nul amer (1-1) pour le pays hôte, alors que l'image des festivités a été aussi ternie par des cris racistes visant des joueurs des Pays-Bas à Cracovie.Il faut cependant espérer que ce match incroyable ait >>>

Euro: Varsovie lance la fête, un peu gâchée à Cracovie et par les …

L'attaquant polonais Robert Lewandowski fête son but lors du match d'ouverture de l'Euro face à la Grèce, le 8 juin 2012 à Varsovie.AFP - Dimitar DilkoffLa Pologne croyait tellement avoir réussi ses débuts dans "son" Euro-2012 en trouvant l'ouverture dans le verrou grec grâce à son attaquant Lewandowski, justifiant son surnom de "Lewangoalski" (1-0, 17e).Des militantes du groupe féministe ukrainien Femen, venues manifester seins nus, malgré la pluie, devant le stade national de Varsovie avant le coup d'envoi de l'Euro-2012 de football, le 8 juin.AFP - Janek >>>

Pre-game warm up: FEMEN activists strip in protest against Euro …

The controversial Ukrainian feminist movement FEMEN has staged a nude protest against the Euro 2012 championship in front of Warsaw's National Stadium. Within minutes, all four protesters, armed with fire extinguishers, were arrested. The incident took place a few hours before the match between Poland and Greece on Friday. The women appeared in front of the stadium half-naked, with protest signs on their bodies, chanting vulgar slogans about the sporting event. The FEMEN girls ran through crowds of fans, showering foam from fire extinguishers everywhere.­FEMEN opposes Euro 2012 because of >>>

Pre-game warm up: FEMEN activists strip in protest against Euro 2012 (PHOTOS …

The controversial Ukrainian feminist movement FEMEN has staged a nude protest against the Euro 2012 championship in front of Warsaw's National Stadium. Within minutes, all four protesters, armed with fire extinguishers, were arrested. The incident took place a few hours before the match between Poland and Greece on Friday. The women appeared in front of the stadium half-naked, with protest signs on their bodies, chanting vulgar slogans about the sporting event. The FEMEN girls ran through crowds of fans, showering foam from fire extinguishers everywhere.­FEMEN opposes Euro 2012 because of >>>

Ativistas de topless protestam na abertura da Euro

Grupo Femen protestou contra a realização do torneioAs ativistas do Femen atacaram mais uma vez em novo protesto contra a organização da Euro na Ucrânia. O alvo, contudo, foi Varsóvia, capital da Polônia, que recebeu o jogo de abertura do torneio.No episódio desta sexta-feira, elas utilizaram extintores de incêndio para espalhar gás carbônico próximo à entrada do estádio Nacional, palco do jogo entre Polônia e Grécia, às 13h (de Brasília).As ativistas foram detidas pouco depois do início do protesto.O grupo protesta contra a exploração sexual na Ucrânia. As ativistas acreditam >>>

Women play their appeal at Euro 2012 kick-off

WARSAW: Ukraine’s media-savvy feminist group Femen went really bold on Friday in Warsaw to denounce a potential spike in prostitution during the Euro 2012 football championships.Just ahead of kick off, the four women suddenly appeared amid a crowd of thousands of fans and proceeded to press up against an entrance to Warsaw’s new national stadium.The message “F… Euro” was scrawled in large lettering across their bare fronts, followed by “2012” on their stomachs. It was repeated on their backs.They also >>>

Toppløsprotest utenfor EM-arena

Ta ut ditt lag og delta i TV 2s EM-manager Protestgruppen Femen kjemper innbitt mot sexturisme i forbindelse med fotball-EM i Polen og Ukraina. Flere ganger har deres toppløse medlemmer gått til angrep på EM-trofeet. Gruppen har sitt utspring i Ukraina, og det er stort sett der aksjonene har pågått. Fredag var det imidlertid på plass i Warszava, der åpningskampen i EM ble spilt. Del på facebook Toppløsprotestantene dukket opp utenfor stadion før kampen, og med «fuck Euro» skrevet på magen protesterte de og tømte brannslukkingsapparater. Pressefotografene strømmet til, >>>