Monthly Archives: December 2012

İçeride kavga, dışarıda Femen

Aşırı sağcı ve milliyetçi Özgürlük Partisi ile tutuklu olan eski Yuliya Timoşenko’nun Vatan Partisi ile Birleşik Muhalefet’in destekçileri meclis binasının dışında birbirleriyle çatıştı. Meclis salonunda ise vekiller arasında kavga yaşandı. Muhalif vekiller, Vatan’dan seçilmelerine karşın partinin meclis grubuna girmeyi reddeden iki vekilin salona girmesini engellemeye çalıştı. Baba ve oğul olan Andrei ve Alexandr Tabalov’a yönelik ‘Defolun’ ve ‘İstifa’ sloganları atan vekiller, ikiliyi salona sokmadı.Femen aktivistleri ise yeni meclisin oluşumunu >>>

Botrány az ukrán parlament első ülésén

"Négy lány átmászott a parlamentet védő kerítésen, félmeztelenre vetkőztek, egy szál bugyiban tüntetve a fagyos hidegben, míg a hatóságok le nem tartóztatták őket" - írta az AFP francia hírügynökség fotóriportere. Míg a lányok kinn a rendőrökkel dulakodtak, addig benn az épületben a képviselők estek egymásnak. A Julija Timosenko bebörtönzött exkormányfő mögött álló Egyesült Ellenzék-Haza (Batykivscsina) ukrán párt megakadályozta, hogy két honatya bejusson az ülésterembe és letegye az esküt. A képviselők a Haza párt színeiben jutottak mandátumhoz, >>>


▲Femen再次為抗議活動脫衣。(圖/取自Femen官網) 東森新聞記者陳廣先、邱朝瑞/綜合報導 向來以脫衣方式表達抗議的烏克蘭女權團體Femen,12日再次發起抗議活動,在烏克蘭首都基輔的國會外,脫光上衣抗議反對政府腐敗;另外,新當選的議會因為認為選舉不公,在國會殿堂內進行一場全武行。 烏克蘭國會殿堂新當選的議會12日首次召開第一場會議,不過卻上演全武行,由於有黨員叛逃到亞努科維奇的政黨,遭到議員狠狠地以拳頭伺候,只見2名男子逃離議會現場,議長試圖在議會維持秩序,宣佈立即召開會議,「我宣布烏克蘭國會在議員於10月28日宣誓以來,首次召開。」 國會殿堂內還有議員不滿在選舉期間出現爭議選票,在國會爆發衝突,而支持前美女總理季莫申科(Yulia >>>

Topless protestors call for new parliament in Ukraine

KYIV, Ukraine (CNN) - Half-naked activists from the Ukrainian women's protest group Femen tried to storm the parliament building in Kyiv on Wednesday with toy horses. The activists tried to enter the building through the main entrance, but the police blocked it and forcibly removed them. Femen's website said that "based on the real events of the imperial horse Incitatus being taken to the Senate of Rome, today four mares at full speed tried to break into the Senate building of the Ukrainian Republic. A herd of potential senators was brutally stopped." The women say they were protesting >>>

Scuffles and bare breasts as Ukraine parliament opens

RECORDER REPORT Array ( ) ) --> Activists from Ukraine's feminist group Femen staged a topless anti-corruption protest on Wednesday outside the ex-Soviet country's newly-elected parliament as a fight erupted between lawmakers inside. The opening session of the Verkhkovna Rada began in a typically raucous fashion, after the October 28 parliamentary elections which were condemned by the West as a setback for democracy.Four young women jumped over the fence surrounding parliament >>>

Protesta a seno nudo contro il Parlamento ucraino

UCRAINA - Le attiviste del movimento ucraino Femen hanno protestato, come da tradizione a seno nudo, davanti al Parlamento ucraino nelle prima seduta della nuova legislatura, nella quale è avvenuta anche una violenta rissa tra deputati all'interno.Quattro ragazze del gruppo femminista si sono schierate davanti all'edificio del Parlamento ucraino in mutande e calzettoni neri, nonostante una temperatura vicina allo zero. Abituate alle azioni lampo, le femministe hanno fatto in tempo a denunciare la corruzione tra i parlamentari prima di essere trascinate via in fretta e furia dalle forze >>>