Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

Pussy-Riot-Demonstranten fliegen aus Stephansdom

Kaum eine halbe Minute konnten die Pussy-Riot-Sympathisanten ihre Transparente hochhalten und ihre Parolen skandieren, dann wurden sie vom Personal des Stephansdom vor die Tür begleitet. Die Aktion hat sich am Freitagnachmittag am Rande der Demonstration in der Wiener Innenstadt gegen den Schuldspruch für die drei Mitglieder der russischen Punkband abgespielt. Die Künstlerinnen wurden verurteilt, weil sie in einer Kirche gegen Präsident Wladimir Putin protestiert hatten.Etwa 150 Demonstranten laut Polizeischätzung fanden sich vor dem Wiener Burgtheater ein, um ihre Solidarität >>>

Οι ακτιβίστριες της Femen έκοψαν σταυρό στο Κιέβο

Ένα ξύλινο σταυρό που βρισκόταν στο κέντρο του Κιέβου και είχε ανεγερθεί το 2005 ως μνημείο για τα θύματα των σταλινικών διώξεων έκοψαν με... αλυσοπρίονο την Παρασκευή οι ακτιβίστριες της οργάνωσης Femen σε μια αμφιλεγόμενη κίνηση αλληλεγγύης για την καταδίκη του ρωσικού μουσικού συγκροτήματος Pussy Riot... «Την ημέρα της έκδοσης της ετυμηγορίας, >>>

Activista desnuda taladra cruz en apoyo de grupo punk ruso

Una activista ucraniana del grupo feminista FEMEN protesta taladrando una cruz en el centro de Kyiv, Ucrania. Femen ha asegurado que la protesta tiene el objetivo de mostrar su apoyo al grupo punk ruso Pussy Riot, después de que tres componentes del grupo fueran condenadas por "gamberrismo motivado por odio religioso" por cantar en una catedral ortodoxa contra el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin. Foto: >>>

FEMEN haalt kruis neer voor Pussy Riot

FEMEN haalt kruis neer voor Pussy Riot Feministische Oekraïense protestgroep toont steunt aan Russische punkbandgroep  De veroordeelde bandleden van Pussy Riot kregen vandaag steun van de FEMEN. De feministische Oekraïense protestgroep, die altijd op een ludieke manier protest voert, velde op de dag des oordeels voor de punkbandgroep een eigen oordeel. Activiste Inna Shevchenko hoefde maar één keer te oefenen met de elektrische zaag. Met het omzagen van het kruis op het Onafhankelijkheidsplein in Oekraïne wil FEMEN de kerk vragen een eind te maken aan het dictatorschap van >>>

Ukrainian activist cuts down cross in Pussy Riot protest

KYIV (Reuters) - A topless women's rights activist hacked down a Christian cross in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv with a chain saw on Friday in protest at the prosecution of the Russian feminist punk band, Pussy Riot. The young woman staged her protest as a Russian court was due to deliver a verdict on three Pussy Riot members for performing a political "punk prayer" at the altar of Moscow's main cathedral - a case that has been criticised by free-speech advocates around the world. To show solidarity with the Pussy Riot defendants, Inna Shevchenko, a member of the Ukrainian >>>

Ukraine activist cuts down cross in Pussy Riot protest

KYIV (Reuters) - A topless women's rights activist hacked down a Christian cross in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv with a chain saw on Friday in protest at the prosecution of the Russian feminist punk band, Pussy Riot. The young woman staged her protest as a Russian court was due to deliver a verdict on three Pussy Riot members for performing a political "punk prayer" at the altar of Moscow's main cathedral - a case that has been criticised by free-speech advocates around the world. To show solidarity with the Pussy Riot defendants, Inna Shevchenko, a member of the Ukrainian >>>

Feminista deita cruz abaixo em solidariedade com as Pussy Riot …

Activista demorou pouco tempo a atirar a cruz abaixo Tamanho LetraImprimirComentarMais uma acção do grupo ucraniano FemenFeminista deita cruz abaixo em solidariedade com as Pussy Riot (COM VÍDEO)Uma activista do grupo feminista ucraniano Femen, munida de uma serra eléctrica, deitou abaixo uma enorme cruz de madeira existente junto a uma praça de Kyiv (Ucrânia), numa acção solidária para com as três músicas da banda punk russa Pussy Riot, condenados nesta sexta-feira a dois anos de prisão por vandalismo motivado por ódio religioso. 17 Agosto 2012Nº de votos >>>

Free Riots

On the day of sentencing, the women's movement FEMEN expressed support and respect to Russian colleagues from Pussy Riot. In a sign of solidarity with the victims of the Putin's regime Femen activists Inna Shevchenko piled a monument cross on the Maydan of Independence with a chainsaw. Femen demands from the church to stop supporting the dictatorship hindering the development of democracy and freedom of women. The women's movement FEMEN killed by Moscow court decision for the punk band Pusy Riot that says about two years of colony. Since the drank Yeltsin and Chechen Warrior It is the >>>

Οι ακτιβίστριες της Femen έκοψαν σταυρό στο Κιέβο

Ένα ξύλινο σταυρό που βρισκόταν στο κέντρο του Κιέβου και είχε ανεγερθεί το 2005 ως μνημείο για τα θύματα των σταλινικών διώξεων έκοψαν με... αλυσοπρίονο την Παρασκευή οι ακτιβίστριες της οργάνωσης Femen σε μια αμφιλεγόμενη κίνηση αλληλεγγύης για την καταδίκη του ρωσικού μουσικού συγκροτήματος Pussy Riot... «Την ημέρα της έκδοσης της ετυμηγορίας, >>>

Topless FEMEN Activist Takes Down Giant Cross with Chainsaw to Protest …

Neetzan Zimmerman View Profile Email Facebook Twitter AIM Google Plus RSS The three members of feminist Russian punk band Pussy Riot were sentenced today in Moscow to two years in jail after being found guilty of "hooliganism driven by religious hatred." They were arrested earlier this year after an impromptu performance of "an anti-Putin 'punk prayer'" inside Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral. While the verdict >>>