Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

Topless protest interrupts ‘psychic’ pig

A topless protest by Ukraine's Femen women's rights group livened up feeding time for Ukraine's Euro 2012 psychic pig, Funtik, as soccer fans waited to see who he would choose to win the quarter-final. Ukraine's tournament mascot had been dozing in his pen but stirred and got up when he heard the familiar sound of the gate opening for his afternoon meal. Funtik is daily given two bowls to eat from, each marked by the national flag of two teams playing each >>>

Nahá dívka vyrušila prase, když věštilo prohru Čechů

Kyjev - Prase Funtik, jeden ze zvířecích věštců výsledků na fotbalovém mistrovství Evropy, předpověděl v dnešním čtvrtfinále výhru Portugalska nad českým týmem. Na věštbu neměl příliš klidu, neboť ho vyrušila protestní akce polonahé aktivistky z organizace FEMEN. Olexandra Němčinovová, tradičně s odhaleným poprsím a nápisem "Fuck Euro 2012", vtrhla do Funtikova přístřešku zrovna v době krmení. Přítomní fanoušci právě čekali, do které ze dvou >>>

Femen’in 3 üyesi kaçırıldı

Tüm dünyada gerçekleştirdikleri çarpıcı eylemlerle adını duyuran Femen kadın örgütünün üç üyesinin silahlı kişiler tarafından Ukrayna’da kaçırıldığı bildirildi.Guardian gazetesinin haberine göre Femen’in lideri Alexandra Shevchenko ve grubun diğer iki üyesi Anna Bolshakova ve Yana Zhdanova; Donetsk şehrindeki Ukrayna-Fransa maçı öncesi protestoya hazırlanırken silahlı 15 kişi tarafından kaçırıldı.Femen resmi web sitesinde yayınladığı haberde grup üyelerini kaçıran kişilerin Ukrayna güvenlik görevlilerine ve ajanlara benzediği bilgisini verdi.Aktivistlerden >>>

Militante feminista se manifiesta semidesnuda en fanzone de Kyiv

Una militante del movimiento ucraniano feminista Femen, que lucha para denunciar la prostitución, se manifestó este jueves en la fanzone de Kyiv, ciudad donde se disputará la final de la Eurocopa-2012, que organizan conjuntamente Polonia y Ucrania, constató un fotógrafo de la AFP.La muchacha, vestida solamente con vaqueros y una inscripción gorsera en su pecho, entró en un recinto donde se realizaba un vaticinio de un cerdo sobre los resultados de la Eurocopa, al estilo del pulpo Paul, antes de ser forzada a retirarse.El movimiento "Femen se indigna por este >>>

Euro 2012: altro blitz di Femen

In questa pagina è attivo il servizio ZanTip. Facendo doppio click su una qualsiasi parola presente nell'articolo, sarà vocalizzata la pronuncia corretta e visualizzata la definizione della parola e i suoi sinonimi e contrari, così come sono stati pubblicati all'interno dei Dizionari Zanichelli. Per ogni parola verranno citati anche i proverbi che la contengono. La stessa parola è presente infine nel lemmario Italiano-Inglese del Ragazzini (Dizionario di inglese), per cui ne sarà proposta la traduzione in inglese e dove disponibile in albanese, spagnolo, tedesco e francese. >>>

Topless feminist disrupts psychic pig’s feeding time

Ukraine's tournament mascot had been dozing in his pen in Kyiv but stirred and got up when he heard the familiar sound of the gate opening for his afternoon meal. Funtik is given two bowls daily to eat from, each marked with the national flag of two teams playing each other at the finals. Those who have faith in his psychic powers say the bowl he eats from first will prove to be the winner on the night. But even before a fan zone steward could bring in his food - a bowlful each for Portugal and the Czech Republic - an activist from feminist group Femen >>>

Topless feminist disrupts psychic pig’s feeding time

Updated June 22, 2012 11:45:02 Photo: The activist stormed into the pen and began shouting slogans denouncing the tournament. (Reuters: Gleb Garanich) A topless protest by a Ukrainian feminist group livened up feeding time for Ukraine's Euro 2012 psychic pig Funtik, as soccer fans waited to see who he would choose to win this morning's quarter-final.Ukraine's tournament mascot had been dozing in his pen in Kyiv but stirred and got up when he heard the familiar sound of the gate opening for his afternoon meal.Funtik >>>

Euro 2012: altro blitz di Femen

ANSA, 21/06 21:27 CET Attiviste in topless protestano per ‘come tifosi riducono Kyiv’ (ANSA) – KYIV, 21 GIU – Un’esponente del movimento ucraino’Femen’, noto per le proteste in topless delle proprieattiviste, ha fatto irruzione nel recinto del maiale chedovrebbe pronosticare l’esito delle partite di Euro 2012 e cheera stato paragonato al polpo Paul di Sudafrica 2010. La donna,che indossava solo un paio di jeans, e’ stata subito allontanatadalle guardie. Il movimento denuncia che la citta’ di Kyivsarebbe >>>