Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.


〔本報訊〕本月9日在烏克蘭的尼古拉耶夫發生了一起3名烏克蘭男子姦淫少女而後將其燒死的案件,所幸該少女命不該絕,成功獲救後,檢察官竟因其中2名嫌犯為前高官之子而不起訴,只將另外一名男子定罪,此事引起烏克蘭民眾不滿,在首都前示威抗議,女權團體Femen更在檢察官辦公室外裸身抗議,高喊「虐待狂應處死」。 這名名為瑪卡(Oksana Makar)的女子,在本月9日獲邀至3位友人家中做客,但卻遭霸王硬上弓的強暴,而後歹徒又用棉被將之捲起,開車扔至一低窪內,更企圖用火燒死她。 所幸瑪卡命不該絕,隔天被目擊者見到而將之救起,但全身55%被燒傷的她腎臟燒壞,肝臟功能衰退,右前臂與雙腳需截肢才能保命,在醫院中醒轉時,仍然驚魂未定地表示,當時覺得死定了。 烏克蘭警方依據資料搜查到3名男子,但隨後卻有民眾爆料有兩名為前政府官員的兒子,因此打算包庇不起訴,僅起訴屋主,此舉令全烏克蘭民眾大感不滿,女權團體Femen更在檢察官辦公室外裸身抗議,高喊「虐待狂應處死」。最後烏克蘭總統下令徹查,2名前官員之子再度被捕,涉案3人皆以企圖謀殺罪名起訴。 >>>

Topless women protest sex trade and violence against females in Ukraine

Washington, March 19 (ANI): A group young women bared their breasts in the front of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine in the capital, Kyiv, this week in protest against the handling of the case of a young woman who was raped, dumped in a ditch and set on fire. They were also carrying signs saying "Death to Rapists" and "The Country Wants Vengeance." The demonstration in support of Oksana Makar, whose case has horrified Ukraine, is just the latest for the topless activists from the women's group Femen, which protests against prostitution, sex trafficking and violence against >>>

Потому, потому что мы пилотки!

В последнее время частыми стали идеологические гуманитарки, приходящие на адрес FEMEN со всего мира. Из последнего: некто господин из Парижа Паскаль Серви, владелец компании по производству спецодежды для работников авивкомпаний, презентовал нам фирменные брендированные  комбинезоны FEMEN. Комбинезоны были настолько хороши, что >>>

Topless protest na gruwelijke verminking jonge vrouw

Door: redactie 19-3-12 - 07:21  bron: © Reuters. Het was alweer een tijdje geleden dat de Femen-activistes zich hadden laten zien, maar vorige week kwam de vrouwenbeweging in Kyiv (Oekraïne) in opstand net voor het bureau van de openbare aanklager. Ze protesteerden tegen de laksheid van het gerecht in de zaak van Oksana Makar, een 18-jarig meisje dat door drie mannen verkracht en in brand gestoken werd. 'We willen mannen die denken dat ze vrouwen als beeste kunnen behandelen, afschrikken. De wereld moet weten wat er in dit land gebeurt'.'Execute the bastards', 'Death for >>>

Femen-activistes protesteren na gruwelijke verminking jonge vrouw

© reuters. © reuters. Het was alweer een tijdje geleden dat de Femen-activistes zich hadden laten zien, maar vorige week kwam de vrouwenbeweging in Kyiv (Oekraïne) in opstand net voor het bureau van de openbare aanklager. Ze protesteerden tegen de laksheid van het gerecht in de zaak van Oksana Makar, een 18-jarig meisje dat door drie mannen verkracht en in brand gestoken werd. "We willen mannen die denken dat ze vrouwen als beeste kunnen behandelen, afschrikken. De wereld moet weten wat er in dit land gebeurt", winden de dames er geen doekjes om."Execute the bastards", "Death for sadists": >>>

Topless Protesters Target Ukraine Rapists

Investigation may have found 12-time serial rapist (NEWSER) - When cops arrested Aaron Thomas and charged him with being the infamous East Coast Rapist, the 39-year-old unemployed truck driver apparently had one question: "What took you so long to get me?" A prosecutor says Thomas has admitted his “involvement in numerous, alleged rapes,” while in custody. He was in court today in Connecticut, reports the New Haven Register , where he faced charges in the rapes of two trick-or-treating teenagers in Virginia, a Connecticut woman assaulted in front of >>>

官二代性侵火焚少女無罪 舉國抗議

圖/截取自《每日郵報》 烏克蘭近日發生一起舉國震驚的案件,2名官員之子與友人集體性侵一名18歲少女,事後為滅口,將少女帶至廢棄工地,在她身上點火後棄置離開。少女後來雖死裡逃生,但警方卻以「證據不足」將嫌犯釋放,引起全國公憤,女權團體更在16日進行裸身示威,要求政府將3名惡狼處以死刑。 據美國廣播公司(ABC)報導,烏克蘭一名18歲的女大學生馬卡兒(Oksana Makar)本月初在酒吧結識2名男子,並受邀到另一位友人的公寓中續攤,沒想到3人趁馬卡兒不注意時,在飲料中下藥將其迷昏,輪流性侵。事後三人為滅口,企圖勒死她後,綁至廢棄工地溝渠點火焚燒後離開,所幸馬卡兒命大,被路人發現後報警送醫。 馬卡兒全身55%的皮膚灼傷,腎臟燒壞,肝臟功能衰退,右前臂與雙腳需截肢才能保命。3名嫌犯被捕後,其中2名卻因身為官員之子而「證據不足」釋放,僅公寓主人卡若申被列嫌犯,並對外宣稱馬卡兒尚未清醒,無法取得口供。 此外,更有報導指出,警方問話方向顯示瑪卡是自願與3名男子發生性行為,引起公憤,女權團體FEMEN更在檢察官辦公室外裸身抗議,高喊「虐待狂應處死」。最後烏克蘭總統下令徹查,兩名前官員之子再度被捕,涉案3人皆以企圖謀殺罪名起訴。 嫌犯卡若申向警方說明犯案過程 >>>

Topless Women Protest Rampant Sex Trade and Violence Against Women in Ukraine – KGO

Topless Women Protest Rampant Sex Trade and Violence Against Women in Ukraine Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images(KYIV, Ukraine) -- A group of bare-breasted young women scaled the front of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine this week, carrying signs saying "Death to Rapists" and "The Country Wants Vengeance," protesting the handling of the case of a young woman who was raped, dumped in a ditch and set on fire. The demonstration in support of Oksana Makar, whose case has horrified Ukraine, is just the latest for the topless activists from the women's group Femen, which protests against prostitution, >>>

Oksana Makar: Ukrainian teen ‘gang-raped, dumped in a ditch and set on fire …

Girl, 18, incredibly survives ordeal after being left for deadBut suffered 50% burns and needed arm and feet amputatedNaked protesters lead mass outcry at sloppy police investigationSuspects initially released over 'lack of evidence', but are re-arrested and charged after President steps inMPs: 'Bring in death penalty or castrate suspects' By Simon Tomlinson PUBLISHED: 00:38 GMT, 18 March 2012 | UPDATED: 11:47 GMT, 18 March 2012 'I thought I had died': Oksana Makar claims she was gang-raped, dumped in a ditch and set on fire by three men The shocking case of a young woman allegedly >>>

Topless Women Protest Rampant Sex Trade and Violence Against Women in Ukraine

A group of bare-breasted young women scaled the front of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine this week, carrying signs saying "Death to Rapists" and "The Country Wants Vengeance," protesting the handling of the case of a young woman who was raped, dumped in a ditch and set on fire. The demonstration in support of Oksana Makar, whose case has horrified Ukraine, is just the latest for the topless activists from the women's group Femen, which protests against prostitution, >>>