Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

Pourquoi nous lançons le Front Antifasciste Femen 2016

Parce qu'il y a eu trop de sang qui a coulé, et qu'en réponse, il y a eu beaucoup trop de haine déversée, Parce que la supériorité de certaines personnes par rapport à d'autres en fonction de critères complètement arbitraires est une parole qui se répand, Parce que l'appartenance à une religion semble être un critère de définition de l'individu pour certains, Parce que la sécurité ne réside pas dans la restauration de frontières imperméables ni dans l'exclusion de réfugiés, Parce que nos valeurs de libertés sont combattues >>>

Ukraine Is Not a Brothel goes online in March

Protests take many forms across the world. They can involve marches and sick outs. In the Ukraine, women have been protesting their treatment by going topless. Ukraine Is Not a Brothel explores the women who are standing up for themselves by stripping down. The documentary becomes available March 8th on Digital HD. Here’s the press release from Magnolia Home Entertainment: Winner of the AACTA Award for Best Feature Length Documentary, Ukraine Is Not A Brothel is the first look into ‘Femen,’ Ukraine’s Topless Feminist Movement, which has ignited the >>>

Founder of Femen Brazil now makes war on feminism

Sara Fernanda Giromin with her baby.   When the shrieking harpies of Femen burst into news bulletins a few years ago wearing only paint on their torsos as they made war on patriarchy and homophobia across Europe, a 20-year-old Brazilian woman was mightily impressed. Sara Fernanda Giromin had grown up with a father who bullied her mother. By the age of 14 she had cut loose from the Catholic Church. She became involved in prostitution, no doubt leading to confrontations with the police. So when she saw these fearless feminists battling it out with the frontline of the male patriarchy she thought, >>>

FEMEN vs MADRE TERESA/ Ma il suo amore folle per la vita …

<!-- --> Le Femen, le manifestanti a seno nudo ucraine ma non solo, le manifestanti contro tutto e contro tutti quelli che non rispettano le donne, hanno iniziato una campagna su twitter contro la canonizzazione di Madre Teresa di Calcutta. La sua leader, Inna Shevchenko, definisce Madre Teresa "una donna che faceva finta di aiutare i poveri e le donne in particolare quando poi vietava l'uso della contraccezione: le metteva in pericolo e quindi non si merita il titolo di santa". E poi se la prende con Papa Francesco e con la >>>

Brazylia: nawrócona feministka ostro krytykuje ideologię gender.

O wszystkim napisała w opublikowanej  ostatnio książce „Perra, non! Siete veces fui traicionada por el feministo” („Dziwka, nie! Siedem razy byłam zdradzona przez feminizm”).   Zmiana stosunku do aborcji i feminizmu rozpoczęła się u Sary Giromin w październiku br., kiedy wyraziła ubolewanie z faktu aborcji swojego pierwszego dziecka. Zapewnia, że po przyjściu na świat drugiego dziecka otworzyły się jej oczy na problem prawa do życia. Sara Giromin apeluje do kobiet, które zamierzają dokonać aborcji, by się dwa razy nad tym  zastanowiły.   - Wyrażam skruchę za >>>

Obama kommt zur Eröffnung der Hannover Messe

Hannover. Barack Obama besucht zum fünften mal als US-Präsident Deutschland. Am 24. April 2016 will er zusammen mit Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) die weltgrößte Industrieschau Hannover Messe eröffnen. Die USA sind 2016 das Partnerland der Messe. Ob der US-Präsident noch weitere Stationen in Deutschland absolvieren wird, war am Donnerstag weder in Berlin noch in Washington zu erfahren. Die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen bei der Messe werden so hoch sein wie nie zuvor. "Obama ist der Staatsgast mit den höchsten Sicherheitsanforderungen", sagte der Pressesprecher der Hannover >>>