Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

Russia: voto, blitz attiviste Femen

    (ANSA) - MOSCA, 9 DIC - Le attiviste ucraine di Femen, protagoniste dello spogliarello contro le "politiche misogine" del Vaticano in piazza San Pietro, si sono denudate oggi davanti alla chiesa del "Cristo saggio" a Mosca, per protestare contro i risultati delle elezioni legislative russe alla vigilia delle dimostrazioni indette dall'opposizione. Le giovani contestatrici, accolte dallo sdegno dei fedeli presenti, sono state fermate dagli agenti di sicurezza e trascinate via. (ANSA).

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    Russia: voto, blitz attiviste Femen

    09 Dicembre 2011 21:38 ESTERI (ANSA) - MOSCA - Le attiviste ucraine di Femen, protagoniste dello spogliarello contro le "politiche misogine" del Vaticano in piazza San Pietro, si sono denudate oggi davanti alla chiesa del "Cristo saggio" a Mosca, per protestare contro i risultati delle elezioni legislative russe alla vigilia delle dimostrazioni indette dall'opposizione. Le giovani contestatrici, accolte dallo sdegno dei fedeli presenti, sono state fermate dagli agenti di sicurezza e trascinate via. (ANSA). >>>

    Huffington Post: FEMEN, Ukrainian women’s rights group, protests Russian election

    Ukraine abroad New Europe: Gazprom offers no new year's gift to Ukraine Today at 20:32 Ukraine abroad Financial Times: Boxer weighs into Kyiv politics Today at 11:29 Ukraine abroad EurActiv: Parliament can exorcise Ukraine's Soviet-era demons Yesterday at 17:41 Ukraine abroad EU Observer: EU companies at risk of 'raiders' in Ukraine Yesterday at 12:08 Ukraine abroad The Daily Star: Ukraine blends corrupt capitalism and authoritarianism Yesterday at 10:25 Ukraine >>>

    Фемен грудью встали на защиту России. ФОТО – Полемика

    Активистки движения Femen провели в пятницу стремительную акцию у храма Христа Спасителя в центре Москвы, сообщает Ридус. Девушки традиционно скинули одежды до состояния топлесс и развернули плакаты с лозунгом «Боже, царя гони!». К ним бросилась охрана храма и попыталась закрыть одеждой. Femen вели себя настолько эмоционально, что >>>

    FEMEN, Ukrainian Women’s Rights Group, Protests Russian Election (NUDE PHOTOS)

    Russians aren't the only people protesting the allegedly rigged parliamentarian elections held earlier this month. Turns out FEMEN, a Ukrainian feminist group, is also up in arms about the win of Vladimir Putin's United Russia party in the Dec. 4 elections. WARNING: PHOTOS BELOW CONTAIN SOME NUDITY To show their disapproval, FEMEN protesters stripped down in front of The Cathedral Of Christ The Savior in Moscow on Friday, holding signs >>>

    Anti-Putin protesters strip off

    Anti-Putin protesters strip offThree Ukrainian feminists have staged a topless protest near Moscow's main cathedral against Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.The scantily-clad girls from the group Femen wore traditional Ukrainian garlands with crosses painted on their bare chests.They fell on their knees near the cathedral entrance chanting 'God, kick out the Tsar!', paraphrasing the 'God Save the Tsar' pre-revolutionary anthem of the Russian Empire.Cathedral guards tried to chase the protesters and cover them with their coats, as the girls kept chanting in support of Russia's opposition."We >>>

    Nahé dívky protestovaly proti ruským volbám. Zasahovala policie

    Moskva - Obnaženou hrudí se dnes aktivistky ukrajinské feministické organizace Femen v Moskvě připojily k protestům ruské opozice proti výsledkům parlamentních voleb, které přisoudily vítězství vládní straně Jednotné Rusko premiéra Vladimira Putina. Ochranka chrámu Krista Spasitele, k němuž se feministky vydaly, se asi po půlhodině pokusila dívky zahalit, ale demonstrantky podle svědků kladly tak činorodý odpor, že nezbylo než přivolat policii; pak se Ukrajinky >>>

    Anti-Putin protesters strip off

    Three Ukrainian feminists have staged a topless protest near Moscow's main cathedral against Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The scantily-clad girls from the group Femen wore traditional Ukrainian garlands with crosses painted on their bare chests. They fell on their knees near the cathedral entrance chanting 'God, kick out the Tsar!', paraphrasing the 'God Save the Tsar' pre-revolutionary anthem of the Russian Empire. Cathedral guards tried to chase the protesters and cover them with their coats, as the girls kept chanting in support of Russia's opposition. "We support (the >>>

    Russian opposition prepares for massive rally

    The decision to let up to 30,000 protesters rally on Saturday on a square across the river from the Kremlin appears to be an attempt to avoid the violence that occurred at demonstrations after last Sunday's parliamentary election.Election authorities on Friday officially declared the vote valid, handing the victory to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's United Russia party. The party won 49 percent of the vote, but was granted 53 percent seats in the house because of votes redistributed from the three parties that did not meet the 5 percent threshold.Russia's opposition parties and observers said >>>