Category Archives: Languages

Девушки из FEMEN выступили с бутафорскими следами побоев и ожогов

Украинские феминистки из группы FEMEN были задержаны полицией в Стамбуле в ходе уличной акции по случаю 8 марта – Международного женского дня. Об этом сообщает со ссылкой на Hurriyet Daily News. Активистки FEMEN по традиции появились перед публикой в практически обнаженном виде, однако на лица и тела девушек были нанесены бутафорские >>>

FEMEN activists detained in Istanbul

The demonstration was aimed at drawing attention to violence against women and was specifically designed to take place on International Women’s Day, March 8. Four members of the FEMEN group, topless and wearing bruise-like makeup, chanted slogans and displayed banners in the one-minute protest in Istanbul to mark International Women’s Day on Thursday. The protest banners read slogans such as “Stop acid attacks,” “Why?” and “What for?” The FEMEN members fought back when the police tried to >>>

Topless protesters detained

Turkish police detained four Ukrainian feminists who staged a topless protest in one of the busiest spots of Istanbul on Thursday, said an AFP photographer. Four activists of the Femen group chanted slogans and unfurled banners outside Hagia Sophia church, now a museum, to protest against domestic violence in Turkey and to express solidarity with female victims of acid attacks. Shortly after the group's protest marking International Women's Day, police rushed to the scene and dragged the activists into a police vehicle. Femen, a small but feisty feminist group based in Ukraine, operates under >>>

Istanbul: Vier Frauenrechtlerinnen in Istanbul festgenommen

Istanbul (AFP) - (AFP) In Istanbul sind vier ukrainische Aktivistinnen festgenommen worden, nachdem sie sich bei einer Protestaktion in der Innenstadt teilweise entkleidet hatten. Die Mitglieder der feministischen Gruppe Femen entrollten am Donnerstag vor der früheren Kirche Hagia Sophia ein Banner und riefen Slogans, bevor sie von der Polizei abgeführt wurden, wie ein AFP-Fotograf berichtete. Mehr zum Thema Sport erfahren Sie hier. Anzeige >>>

Turkey’s Parliament enacts laws to protect women, children from abuse

ANKARA, Turkey - Parliament marked International Women’s Day on Thursday by approving a package of laws aimed at better protecting women and children from abuse. Turkey, as it vies for European Union membership, is struggling to discard long-held cultural practices that denigrate women in a largely patriarchal society. The predominantly Muslim country also is fighting to curb “honor killings’’ of women deemed to have tarnished the reputation of their relatives, sometimes by having a premarital affair or a child out of wedlock. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan >>>

Detienen a feministas por celebrar en topless el Día de la Mujer

En la conferencia de prensa, antes de la acción, las chicas declararon que su objetivo principal es proteger los derechos de las turcas, para que estén listas a "poner el pecho". En tanto, el Parlamento turco aprobó una ley para combatir el problema de la violencia contra las mujeres en este país, una norma que había generado muchas expectativas, pero cuyo contenido final ha sido criticado como insuficiente por varias ONG. La aprobación de esta ley, justo en el Día de la Mujer, tiene una enorme carga simbólica en un país en el que unas 250 mujeres murieron en 2011 >>>

Vücudumuzu Ferrari satmak için kullanmıyoruz!

Onları ilk kez 2008 yılında Kyiv’in göbeğinde gerçekleştirdikleri üstsüz protestoyla, üzerinde Türkçe yazdıkları ‘Ukrayna genelev değil’ pankartlarıyla tanıdık. Sonra ‘Fotoğrafları için tıklayınız’ gazeteciliği sayesinde diğer eylemlerine şahit olduk, ilk başta pek bir garip bulduğumuz yöntemi de zamanla kanıksadık. Onlar, rahatsız oldukları sorunlara dikkat çekmek için ülke ülke gezdi, yeri geldi Rus enerji devi Gazprom’a, yeri geldi UEFA’ya tepki gösterdi. Ve tüm bu hengâmeden sonra eylem sırası İstanbul’a geldi. Sansasyonel protestolarıyla >>>