Tag Archives: news

Protesters invade Euro 2012 event

An unveiling of Euro 2012's mascots in Kyiv has been disrupted by topless activists protesting against the exploitation of women in Ukraine. A flowerbed in form of the tournament's mascots Slavek and Slavko was invaded by an activist wearing a penis costume before she was dragged away by police. The group, called Femen, have launched a series of protests in the build up to next month's tournament which they claim will encourage sex tourism. Protester Oleksandra Shevchenko said last week: "We know what men are like - they want a beer, to watch football >>>

Femen protests start to draw ire ? Ukraine’s battle with anti Euro 2012 protests

Topless Femen girl in a penis costume Kyiv / NationalTurk – Ukrainian security forces took activists from Femen, world’s most prominent women’s rights group as of right now, into police custody as one woman from FEMEN dressed in a costume of a penis, as they staged their latest protest in front of the EURO 2012 flower mascot Slavko in central Kyiv, Uklraine on May 31, 2012. Femen activists were protesting against the prostitution which is feared to be raising during the upcoming UEFA Euro 2012 football tournament. Kyiv is set to host the final match of Euro 2012, where 16 European national >>>

FEMEN Protest EURO 2012

31 May 2012 FEMEN Protest EURO 2012 Cryptome Protest Series: http://cryptome.org/protest-series.htm Police detain activists of Ukrainian women's movement FEMEN during a protest on a flower bed in the form of EURO 2012 mascots Slavek and Slavko as another activist sprays a slogan on the grass in Independence Square in Kyiv on May 31, 2012. The protest was held to oppose the staging of the Euro 2012 football championships in the Ukraine. Getty [Woman appears to have a cellphone >>>

Ukrainian topless feminists dress as penises to protest against Euro2012 – Gazeta.Ru

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Topless activists target Euro 2012 mascots in Ukraine

They invaded Kyiv’s Independence Square where cops were on hand to drag them away from images of the cartoon characters made from flower arrangements. The group – called Femen – have launched a string of protests in recent weeks in protest at the tournament which they say will encourage sex tourism. They have even grabbed the Euro 2012 trophy before having it wrestled off them by guards. The group have also vowed to target English footie fans attracted by Ukraine’s sex industry - and head them off at every match. Protester Oleksandra Shevchenko said last week: “We >>>

Ukraine’s sex industry bets on Euro 2012

Ukraine's sex industry is banking on pulling in clients and cash during Euro 2012 but campaigners paint stark warnings given that the championship co-host has the highest rate of HIV infection in Eastern Europe. "Kyiv's prostitutes are preparing actively for Euro 2012," one Ukrainian sex site said, claiming that some are even studying the history of the 16 nations taking part in the tournament, plus the basics of football, to get a competitive edge. Ukraine transformed prostitution from a crime to a misdemeanour in 2006, with fines ranging from eight to 20 euros (£6.5-£16, $10-$25), while >>>

Ukraine’s sex industry bets on Euro 2012

Ukraine's sex industry is banking on pulling in clients and cash during Euro 2012 but campaigners paint stark warnings given that the championship co-host has the highest rate of HIV infection in Eastern Europe, AFP reports. "Kyiv's prostitutes are preparing actively for Euro 2012," one Ukrainian sex site said, claiming that some are even studying the history of the 16 nations taking part in the tournament, plus the basics of football, to get a competitive edge. Ukraine transformed prostitution from a crime to a misdemeanour in 2006, with fines ranging from eight to >>>

Sex industry bets on Euro

Ukraine’s sex industry is banking on pulling in clients and cash during Euro 2012 but campaigners paint stark warnings given that the championship co-host has the highest rate of HIV infection in Eastern Europe. “Kyiv’s prostitutes are preparing actively for Euro 2012,” one Ukrainian sex site said, claiming that some are even studying the history of the 16 nations taking part in the tournament. Ukraine transformed prostitution from a crime to a misdemeanour in 2006, while pimping or running a brothel remains a criminal offence. The ex-Soviet >>>

Ukraine’s sex industry bets on Euro 2012

"Kyiv's prostitutes are preparing actively for Euro 2012," one Ukrainian sex site said, claiming that some are even studying the history of the 16 nations taking part in the tournament, plus the basics of football, to get a competitive edge. Ukraine transformed prostitution from a crime to a misdemeanour in 2006, with fines ranging from eight to 20 euros (£6.5-£16, $10-$25), while pimping or running a brothel remains a criminal offence. The ex-Soviet republic is home to between 52,000 and 83,000 sex workers, with 11,000 in the >>>