Monthly Archives: May 2012

EM 2012: Nackte Aktivistin versucht EM-Pokal zu stehlen – Sport

Femen/Google+ Am Samstag stand in Kiew die silberne EM-2012-Trophäe und konnte - unter hohen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen - von Touristen und Fans fotografiert werden. Hierbei gelang es auch der 23-jährigen Yulia Kovpachik sich dem EM-Pokal zu nähern. Allerdings wollte die Femen-Aktivistin kein reines Erinnerungsfoto mit dem Pokal. Als sie sich neben den Pokal in Pose stellt, zieht sie ihr rotes Shirt runter, woraufhin nicht nur ihr >>>

Euro 2012, attivista Femen in topless cerca di rubare la Coppa

COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_INFO Esteri | Lunedì, 14 Maggio 2012 12:11 Roma, 14 mag. (TMNews) - Ha tentato di impadronirsi della Coppa Euro 2012, arrivata a Kyiv in vista degli Europei di Calcio che si disputeranno in Polonia e Ucraina a giugno. Un'attivista di Femen, il movimento femminista fondato a Kyiv nel 2008 da un gruppo di studentesse e divenuto famoso soprattutto per le manifestazioni di protesta contro >>>

Euro 2012, attivista Femen in topless cerca di rubare la Coppa

Roma, 14 mag. (TMNews) - Ha tentato di impadronirsi della Coppa Euro 2012, arrivata a Kyiv in vista degli Europei di Calcio che si disputeranno in Polonia e Ucraina a giugno. Un'attivista di Femen, il movimento femminista fondato a Kyiv nel 2008 da un gruppo di studentesse e divenuto famoso soprattutto per le manifestazioni di protesta contro il turismo sessuale e le discriminazioni sociali, si è >>>

Головний футбольний трофей під загрозою

Головний футбольний трофей під загрозою Кубок Євро-2012, який встановили на майдані Незалежності у Києві, намагалися викрасти та пошкодити. Двоє молодиків хотіли начебто сфотографуватися і спробували забрати 8- кілограмову срібну чашу, та не вдалося. А одна з активісток руху Фемен згодом пошкодила цей кубок. Дівчина підійшла >>>

Woman flashes her boobs to protest sex trade at Euro 2012

How many topless Ukrainian activists does it take to unravel a showing of the 2012 Euro football trophy? Just this one. Twenty-three-year-old Yulia Kovpachik strolled up to the shining silver cup, which was on display in Kyiv, struck a provocative pose, then tore her strapless top off her torso. Kovpachik, whose bare chest and stomach read “F*ck Euro 2012,” is an activist for Femen, a women’s rights group that’s protesting next month’s soccer tournament because they say it promotes the sex-tourism trade. After Kovpachik was hauled away by security and charged with righteous-sounding >>>

Euro 2012 : une féministe ukrainienne tente d’exhiber sa poitrine …

A l'occasion de la présentation du trophée de l'Euro 2012 à Kyiv en Ukraine, une militante Femen a tenté de montrer ses seins pour dénoncer le tourisme sexuel qui va se développer à l'occasion de cette compétition de football. A l’occasion de la présentation du trophée de l’Euro 2012 dans la capitale ukrainienne de Kyiv samedi dernier, une militante féministe a tenté de montrer sa poitrine. La jeune femme appartient au collectif Femen, qui dénonce les risques de recrudescence de la prostitution et donc de l’exploitation des filles durant la compétition en juin >>>

Les féministes ukrainiennes protestent contre l’euro de football

La jeune femme de 23 ans, Ioulia Kovpachik, s'est approchée du trophée Henri Delaunay qui récompensera le vainqueur de l'Euro, (Photo AFP) Une féministe ukrainienne du mouvement Femen connu pour son militantisme "topless" s'est brièvement dénudée samedi à Kyiv lors de la présentation du trophée de l'Euro 2012 pour protester contre l'exploitation des femmes lors du championnat d'Europe de football.  La jeune femme de 23 ans, Ioulia Kovpachik, >>>

Yarı çıplak gösterileriyle gündemden düşmeyen Ukraynalı kadın …

Önümüzdeki ay düzenlenecek Avrupa Futbol Şampiyonası'na Polonya ile birlikte ev sahipliği yapacak Ukrayna'nın başkenti Kyiv'de FEMEN, Euro 2012 kupasına saldırıda bulundu. Kent merkezindeki Bağımsızlık Meydanı'na dün kupanın yerleştirildiği sırada güvenlik güçleri engelini aşan bir FEMEN üyesi, kupayı yere fırlattı. Üstsüz vaziyette ve vücudunda "F*ck Euro 2012" yazısıyla eyleme imza atan Yulya Kovpaçik adlı 23 yaşındaki aktivist gözaltına alındı. Yere düşen kupanın zarar gördüğü açıklandı. >>>

Topless woman protester allegedly damages UEFA trophy in Kyiv

09:19 A young topless woman from FEMEN, a Ukrainian feminist group known for its topless protests, on Saturday threw on the ground a famous UEFA trophy put on show in the center of Kyiv and was arrested after that, Ukraine's Channel 5 television said.The Henri Delaunay Trophy will be awarded to the winner of this year's UEFA European Football Championship (Euro 2012), whose finals are to be hosted by Ukraine and start on June 8. Brought to Ukraine on Friday, the trophy is on display on Independence Square and will be shown in several other Ukrainian cities afterward.FEMEN said in a statement: >>>

Topless Ukraine activist grabs Euro soccer cup

A Ukrainian women's rights activist stripped to the waist and seized the Euro-2012 soccer trophy while it was on public display in Kyiv on Saturday in a protest against the forthcoming month-long championship. The young woman, 23-year-old Yulia Kovpachik, is a member of the Kyiv-based Femen women's rights group which believes the Euro-2012 soccer tournament being played in Ukraine next month will encourage sex tourism. Kovpachik strode up to the silver, 60 centimeter (two feet) high trophy, which was on display as a tourist attraction in an open air exhibition in central Kyiv, ostensibly >>>