Monthly Archives: July 2012

Ukraine: Protester Accosts Patriarch

A topless activist bearing a threatening message on her body tried to attack Patriarch Kirill I, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, on Thursday to protest what her group says are anti-Ukrainian policies by the church and the Kremlin. The protester, a member of the Ukrainian women’s rights movement Femen, managed to get within a yard of Patriarch Kirill at the airport in Kyiv, but she was stopped by a security guard and a priest. The woman, identified by Femen as Yana Zhdanova, had the words “Kill Kirill” written on her back in large black letters. She was detained by the police. >>>

Topless protester pursues Russia church leader

Kyiv, Ukraine • A bare-breasted feminist activist bearing a threatening message on her body tried to attack the Russian Orthodox Church’s leader Thursday to protest alleged anti-Ukrainian policies by the church and the Kremlin. The protester with the controversial Ukrainian women’s rights movement Femen managed to get within a yard from Patriarch Kirill at Kyiv’s airport, but was stopped by a security guard and a priest. <!-- --> >>>

Патриарха встретили голой грудью

Бориспольский горрайонный суд Киевской области приговорил активистку движения «Фемен» Яну Жданову к 15 суткам ареста за попытку нападения на патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла в киевском аэропорту «Борисполь». В аэропорту полуобнаженная феминистка пыталась прорваться к предстоятелю РПЦ, но была быстро уведена охраной. >>>

Ativista feminista faz protesto sem camisa na Ucrânia

REUTERS/Gleb Garanichpolícia ucraniana prende a ativista feminista do grupo FemenUma jovem com os seios à mostra saltou em direção ao chefe da Igreja Ortodoxa da Rússia, o patriarca Kirill, nesta quinta-feira (26), gritando "Vá embora!" minutos após seu avião aterrissar na capital ucraniana, Kyiv. A manifestante, uma ativista do grupo local de direitos das mulheres Femen, famoso por seus protestos sem blusa, foi interceptada e levada por guardas de segurança. O slogan "Mate Kirill" estava escrito nas costas dela. O Femen disse em um comunicado que estava protestando contra a "prisão ilegal" >>>

Church head is attacked by bare-breasted protester

The protester with the controversial Ukrainian women’s rights movement Femen managed to get within a metre of Patriarch Kirill at Kyiv’s airport, but was stopped by a security guard and a priest. The woman, identified by Femen as Yana Zhdanova, had the words “Kill Kirill” written on her back in large black letters and shouted a phrase from a religious ritual that aims to expel demons, roughly translated as “Kirill, go to hell.” Police said the activist was being held at the airport and will soon be taken to court, where she may face a fine or several days in custody. >>>

FEMEN. 15 суток за патриарха РПЦ

FEMEN. 15 суток за патриарха РПЦ Категория: Стиль Жизни Дата публикации Автор: Иван Иоанов Просмотров: 16 Патриарху Московскому и всея Руси Кириллу приходится в последнее время испытывать на себе отношение граждан, не входящих в лоно церкви. После скандалов с часами и несанкционированным >>>

Patriğe ‘çıplak’ sürpriz

“Kill Kirill” (Kirill’i öldür) adı verilen protesto, Kyiv Havalimanı’nda yaşandı. Patrik Kirill, ziyaretinin önem ve anlamını dile getirmek için bir konuşma yapmak istediği sırada olanlar oldu. Kalabalığın arasından fırlayan yarı çıplak FEMEN üyesi Yana Jdanova, “İblis yok ol” sloganları atarak dini lidere saldırdı. Jdanova’nın sırtındaki “Kill Kirill” yazısı dikkat çekti. Eylemin ardından yapılan FEMEN açıklamasında, Moskova’da 5 aydan beri tutuklu bulunan “Pussy Riot” punk grubundan üç genç kızın Patrik Kirill’in keyfi isteği >>>

Topless Femen Protester Attacks Russian Church Leader [Video]

KYIV, Ukraine — A topless Femen protester attempted to attack the Russian Orthodox Church’s leader in Kyiv on Thursday, while bearing a hateful message on her body. The topless protester, identified as Femen member Yana Zhdanova, was able to get within a meter of Patriarch Kirill at Kyiv’s airport, but she was stopped from going farther by a security guard and a priest, reports The New York Daily News. Zhdanova sported the words “Kill Kirill” on her back in large black letters, and also shouted a phrase from a religious ritual that is aimed at >>>

Topless Femen protester attacks Russian patriarch

KYIV, Ukraine — A bare-breasted feminist activist bearing a threatening message on her body tried to attack the Russian Orthodox Church's leader Thursday to protest alleged anti-Ukrainian policies by the church and the Kremlin.The protester with the controversial Ukrainian women's rights movement Femen managed to get within a yard of Patriarch Kirill at Kyiv's airport, but was stopped by a security guard and a priest.The woman, identified by Femen as Yana Zhdanova, had the words "Kill Kirill" written on her back in large black letters and shouted a phrase from a religious ritual that aims to >>>