Monthly Archives: September 2012

FEMEN initiator of sawing dawn the cross leaves Ukraine for France – Interfax

News 05 September 2012, 15:47FEMEN initiator of sawing dawn the cross leaves Ukraine for France Kyiv, September 5, Interfax - Inna Shevchenko, the member of the movement FEMEN who initiated the recent sawing down of the cross in central Kyiv, has left Ukraine for France. The woman has decided to leave Ukraine "under pressure from the Ukrainian Security Service and the Russian Orthodox Church," FEMEN reported on its website on Wednesday. "In the course of >>>

FEMEN activist escapes from Ukraine to France

Inna Shevchenko, an activist of the FEMEN women's rights movement, the ideologist of a project to cut down a cross in central Kyiv, has left Ukraine for France, reads a statement posted on the FEMEN's Web site on Wednesda, Sept. 5. According to the statement, she decided to leave Ukraine "in view of increased pressure from the SBU and the Russian Orthodox Church." "Within two weeks of the cross being cut down in Kyiv, Shevchenko was under around-the-clock surveillance, and the courtyard of her house was occupied by SBU officers. At a meeting of the council of the >>>

Aktivistka z Femen míří do Paříže, z Ukrajiny prchá kvůli pokácení kříže

evenkov svm tokem na devn k v polovin srpna odstartovala "kov taen" do Ruska, jm chce Femen protestovat proti dvouletmu trestu vzen. Ten moskevsk soud vynesl nad trojic lenek rusk punkov skupiny Pussy Riot za vtrnost, kdy zaply v chrmu pse proti Vladimiru Putinovi (vce o procesu sruskmi rockerkami zde).Jen za posledn tden v Rusku padly ti pravoslavn ke, kter podaly dajn pmo lenky Femen nebo jejich rusk nsledovnice. Prvn k v Kyjev ovem pravoslavn nebyl - evenkov omylem podezala k ukrajinskch eckch katolk (o kcen k si mete stzde). FotogalerieZobrazit fotogalerii >>>

FEMEN activist escapes from Ukraine to France

14:32 Inna Shevchenko, an activist of the FEMEN women's rights movement, the ideologist of a project to cut down a cross in central Kyiv, has left Ukraine for France, reads a statement posted on the FEMEN's Web site on Wednesday.According to the statement, she decided to leave Ukraine "in view of increased pressure from the SBU and the Russian Orthodox Church.""Within two weeks of the cross being cut down in Kyiv, Shevchenko was under around-the-clock surveillance, and the courtyard of her house was occupied by SBU officers. At a meeting of the council of the organization, >>>

Активистка Femen, которая пилила крест, выехала из Украины

Активистка женского движения Femen Инна Шевченко, которая принимала участие акции со спиленным крестом, выехала из Украины. Об этом говорится в сообщении пресс-службы Femen. В организации настаивают, что Шевченко выехала из Украины "ввиду усиленного давления СБУ и РПЦ". "В течение двух недель после киевского крестоповала Инна находилась >>>

Cross women

A CHAINSAW-WIELDING blonde topless woman cutting down a cross in a city centre sounds like a scene from a peculiar pornographic film. But that is just what happened on August 17 in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv (Kyiv in its vernacular transliteration). A NSAW (not safe at work) clip of the stunt is available here.The woman, identified as Inna Shevchenko, was a member of FEMEN, a Ukrainian feminist group known for its topless protests. The action was supposed to show solidarity with the three women from Pussy Riot, a punk collective in Russia, who were sentenced that day, as well as a protest >>>

Les féministes aux seins nus de l’association « Femen » ouvrent un …

News Publié le 05 septembre 2012 à 08:45 - 0 commentaire Le site internet du magazine Têtu annonce que Les Femen ukrainiennes vont ouvrir un bureau à Paris. « Bien décidées à étendre au monde entier la quatrième vague féministe, ce groupe qui s’est fait remarquer par ses manifestations dénudées a décidé d’installer son nouveau centre Femen européen dans la capitale française. Celui-ci devrait ouvrir le 18 septembre pour former de nouvelles activistes de toute l’Europe >>>

La France, terre d’accueil de la Femen

Depuis qu’elles ont soutenu l’action des Pussy Riot, en tronçonnant une croix orthodoxe, les féministes de la Femen se sont attirées les foudres des autorités ukrainiennes, leur pays d’origine.L’une d’elle, Inna Shevchenko, a dû fuir son pays sous peine de représailles. « La police était en train de défoncer ma porte, j'ai eu quelques secondes pour réfléchir » raconte-t-elle dans un entretien à l’Express.La jeune femme a trouvé refuge en France, dans le XVIIIème arrondissement de Paris, où elle est hébergée au théâtre du Lavoir moderne parisien. Cette activiste >>>

Ativista do Femen diz ter criticado Marcha das Vadias por falta de …

Sara Winter afirma ter mudado após estudar e entender o feminismo (Foto: Luna D'Alama/G1) A integrante da vertente brasileira do grupo feminista Femen, Sara Winter, falou pela primeira vez sobre o texto que escreveu em que critica “A Marcha das Vadias” e que circulou no último mês nas redes sociais e gerou protestos contra o grupo. Segundo Sara, que foi entrevistada pelo Jornal da EPTV nesta terça-feira (4), ela fez o blog antes de conhecer o feminismo. Veja fotos dos protestos da ativista “Com 18 anos eu tive meu primeiro contato com a marcha das vadias, achei muito estranho. >>>

На Алтае повалили и порубили православный крест

Сегодня ночью вандалы повалили православный крест на Чуйском тракте и скрылись с места преступления.по данному факту правоохранительные органы Республики Алтай проводят расследование. Как сообщили в отделении полиции в селе Шебалино, Исчезновение креста заметили во вторник утром. Кроме того, что вандалы свалили крест, но еще >>>