Monthly Archives: January 2013

PHOTOS: Femen activists strips to protest for gay rights

Vatican: Four activists from Ukrainian feminist group Femen stripped off in St Peter's Square today in a protest for gay rights just as Pope Benedict XVI was reciting his traditional weekly Angelus prayer. The four topless women, who had "In Gay We Trust" scrawled on their bodies, staged their protest by the giant Christmas tree in the centre of the square and were briefly detained by Vatican police. Tens of thousands are set to march in France later today to denounce government plans to legalise gay marriage and adoption which have angered many Catholics >>>

Papa’ya çıplak protesto! – Haber Molası

Vatikan’da her pazar sabahı Papa 16’ncı Benedict tarafından yapılan Angelus duası sırasında Ukraynalı aktivist grup Femen, çıplak eylem yaptı. Göstericiler jandarma tarafından hızla duanın yapıldığı San Pietro Meydanı’ndan uzaklaştırıldı.Toplam 4 kadından oluşan Femen aktivistleri, Papa 16’ncı Benedict’in konuştuğu sırada kıyafetlerini çıkardı.Vücutlarının belden yukarısı tamamen çıplak kalan göstericilerin vücutlarında yazılı ’In Gay We Trust’ (Ecinsellere güveniyoruz) cümlesi dikkat çekti. Dört kişiden oluşan aktivist grup içinde >>>

Les "Femen" font une action à Rome

France: La "Manif pour tous" a rassemblé un million de personnes, selon les organisateursParis, 14 janvier 2013 (Apic) Le rassemblement d’opposition au mariage homosexuel en France, la "Manif pour tous", aurait réuni, le 13 janvier 2013 à Paris, près d’un million de personnes, selon les organisateurs. La police parle de 350’000 participants. L’Elysée a reconnu une "mobilisation consistante", mais a exclu une suspension du projet de loi.L’archevêque de Lyon, le cardinal Philippe Barbarin, a annoncé sa participation à la manifestation du 13 janvier 2013 (Photo:Jacques Berset)» agrandirLes >>>

Finaliza la liturgia navideña

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (EFE).- Benedicto XVI bautizó ayer en la Capilla Sixtina a veinte niños, once niñas y nueve niños, en un acto tradicional que se realiza a principio de cada año y con el que se conmemora el día del Bautismo del Señor y marca el punto final a la liturgia de la Navidad católica. Benedicto XVI recordó que con este sacramento los niños bautizados, una vez “liberados del pecado original”, se convierten en “miembros vivos del único cuerpo que es la Iglesia”, e interpeló a los padres y padrinos de los pequeños para insistir en la importancia de la educación >>>

Biểu tình ngực trần ủng hộ đồng giới tại Vatican

Bốn nhà hoạt động từ nhóm hoạt động vì nữ quyền Femen của Ukraina đã cởi bỏ trang phục của họ tại Quảng trường Thánh Peter ở Vatican trong ngày Chủ nhật để biểu tình đòi quyền đồng tính, ngay khi Giáo hoàng Benedict XVI đang có buổi giảng kinh hàng tuần trước các con chiên. Bốn người phụ nữ ngực trần với dòng chữ "In Gay We Trust" (tạm dịch Chúng tôi tin vào tình dục đồng giới) viết trên cơ thể họ, đã đứng biểu tình gần cây thông Giáng sinh khổng lồ ở trung >>>

Topless Femen activists held in Vatican

Rome: Four activists of Ukrainian feminist group Femen were held for staging a topless protest for gay rights at the Vatican Sunday. They protested when Pope Benedict XVI was reciting his prayer. The activists with slogans "In Gay We Trust" painted on their backs, staged the protest by the Christmas tree in the centre of St. Peter's Square, media reports said. The women were briefly detained by Vatican police. Ukraine's radical feminist movement Femen was established in 2008. It is devoted mainly to protests on women's issues. The group has earlier made headlines for >>>

Protestan desnudas frente al Vaticano

Cuatro activistas del grupo ucraniano feminista Femen se desnudaron este domingo en la plaza de San Pedro del Vaticano para reivindicar los derechos de los homosexuales mientras el papa Benedicto XVI recitaba su tradicional Angelus semanal. La cuatro mujeres, que se quedaron en topless, llevaban pintadas en el cuerpo en defensa de los homosexuales y escenificaron su protesta junto al gigante árbol de Navidad que sigue instalado en el centro de la plaza. De inmediato fueron detenidas por la policía del Vaticano. Una mujer >>>

Femen’in Hedefinde Papa Vardı

Vatikan’da her Pazar sabahı Papa 16’ncı Benedict tarafından yapılan Angelus duası sırasında Ukraynalı aktivist grup Femen, çıplak eylem yaptı. Göstericiler jandarma tarafından hızla duanın yapıldığı San Pietro Meydanı’ndan uzaklaştırıldı. Toplam 4 kadından oluşan Femen aktivistleri, Papa 16’ncı Benedict’in konuştuğu sırada kıyafetlerini çıkardı. Vücutlarının belden yukarısı tamamen çıplak kalan göstericilerin vücutlarında yazılı “In Gay We Trust” (Ecinsellere güveniyoruz) cümlesi dikkat çekti. Dört kişiden oluşan aktivist grup >>>

Video: Protestors Go Topless At Vatican Over Pope’s Stance On Gay Marriage

Several protestors staged a topless protest at the Vatican during the Pope's Sunday prayer service. The four women, members of the Ukrainian feminist group Femen, stripped off and revealed phrases “shut up” on their fronts and “in gays we trust” on their backs. The protestors also shouted “homophobic shut up” at Pope Benedict XVI as the head of the Catholic Church performed the weekly prayer service. The Vatican and the Pope have stepped up their attacks on gay rights and gay marriage in recent weeks – a move which has drawn criticism. The Catholic Church has been accused of >>>

Активистки "Фемен" пытались сорвать мессу Папы Римского

Активистки украинского движения "Фемен" попытались сорвать воскресную мессу Папы Римского в Ватикане. Четыре девушки обнажились на площади перед собором Святого Петра в тот момент, когда на балконе появился понтифик.Бенедикт XVI на случившееся никак не отреагировал. Да и сама акция длилась недолго.Нарушительниц порядка почти >>>