Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

Ох и досталось на прошлой неделе оплоту мировой классики – парижскому музею Лувр [видео]

Два самых знаменитых экспоната оказались в центре скандала. И оба - эталоны женской красоты. На фото вверху - апофеоз акции французского филиала организации «Фемен» - той самой, что борется за права женщин, оголяя грудь то тут, то там. Собственно, этот пикантный момент и является единственной причиной массового внимания к ним. >>>

PHOENIX-Programmhinweis – THEMA: Totalitäres Osteuropa? – Donnerstag …

Bonn (ots) – In Russland verurteilte ein Gericht Mitglieder der Punkband Pussy Riot wegen des Anti-Putin-Protests. In der Ukraine erlangte die Gruppe Femen durch ihre öffentlichen Protestaktionen, bei denen Frauen in der Regel nur leicht oder halb bekleidet sind, Berühmtheit. Im autoritär regierten Kasachstan soll ein Oppositionsführer nach Ölarbeiter-Protesten mit mindestens 17 Toten für siebeneinhalb Jahre in Haft. Das PHOENIX THEMA “Totalitäres Osteuropa?” beschäftigt sich am Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012, um 9.45 Uhr mit der aktuellen politischen Lage in den Nachfolgestaaten der >>>

Украинки Чикаго дефилировали по центру города в вышиванках

В центре американского мегаполиса Чикаго украинские девушки символически сняли верхнюю одежду. Впрочем, в отличие от одиозных активисток Фемен, на показ выставили не голую грудь, а вышиванки. Сделали это они для видео, которое недавно появилось в интернете по случаю мероприятия "Мисс украинская диаспора". В ролике группа молодых >>>

(Still) topless, Femen activists open HQ in Paris

Sunlight slants into a first-story loft where half a dozen young women are painting signs for future battles. Signs like "Model do not go to brothel," and "Muslim women: Let's get naked!" Call it downtime for these feminist activists, members of the Ukrainian-born group Femen, whose topless protests capture headlines and rile the establishment. Today, they are preparing their newest battleground - in Paris, where Femen opens its first international headquarters later this month. "France is really the center of feminism," says blond-haired Inna Shevchenko, 22, explaining the choice. "Here >>>

Femen’s Topless Protest Tactics Hit Paris

Monday, October 8th, 2012 | Posted by VOA-News |  Print This Article Femen's Topless Protest Tactics Hit Paris PARIS — The Ukrainian feminist movement Femen, best known for its topless protests, is opening its first international training camp in Paris. New recruits are expected to start classes this month - learning how to apply warpaint and jump, run and fight against exploitation. It is downtime for a group of young feminists, veterans of in-your-face manifestos. Sunlight slants into the first-story loft where they prepare signs >>>

FEMEN protestors: you got the message!

We came up with this idea maybe 6 months ago when we got an e-mail that read, “Hello, we’re French women and we need FEMEN in France.” Then it struck us that FEMEN is spreading throughout the world and can be needed in such developed feministic countries as France.You say that you’re “the new face of feminism”. What exactly do you mean by that?Of course, we’re fighting against and for the same things. We’re fighting for freedom of women, for equality. And there’s nothing controversial with classical feminism. But this is what I call “new cover”, this is new style of showing >>>

Ukraine Gegen Lügen und nackte Brüste – FAZ

© dpa Protest einer „Femen“-Aktivistin in Kiew während der Fußball-EM im Juli Es ist einer dieser Abende unten am Fluss. Von früh bis spät hat die Herbstsonne auf die Hühnerhändler und die Taxifahrer am Kontraktowa-Platz geschienen, dem alten Kiewer Viehmarkt. Von den goldenen Klöstern auf der Wladimirhöhe glänzen die letzten Strahlen herunter und Ihor Luzenko hat sich auf die Granitstufen vor dem „Hostinnij >>>

Ukrajinský sextremismus v Paříži

Náš Bůh je žena, naše mise je protest, naší zbraní je holá hruď, jsme sextremistky! Jsme FEMEN.   V den, kdy byly v Paříži zveřejněny další karikatury proroka Mohammeda, utržili muslimové další ránu – polonahé ukrajinské bojovnice za všechno a proti všemu se promenovaly v arabské čtvrti a vykřikovaly něco o tom, že by se muslimky měly osvobodit, rozuměj, svléknout se. Svoboda projevu? Zbytečná provokace? O tom lze polemizovat, každopádně, >>>

Is ‘naked’ better for women than a veil?

A controversial Ukrainian feminist group called Femen has been making waves through its unconventional methods of protest against patriarchy, religion, sexual exploitation and violence. They say that their weapons in this fight are their bodies, and they protest by taking off their clothes. They have recently set up in France, saying things such as "better naked than the burqa" or "Muslims, let's get naked". They are a marginal group, hardly worth wasting time over. However, while attention-grabbing, shocking even, their polarising approach to feminist protest can help us to better understand the >>>

우리가 벗는 건 이유가 있다

3일(현지시간) 여성인권단체 피멘(Femen) 회원들이 프랑스 파리의 루브르 박물관 '밀로의 비너스' 조각상 앞에 서서 시위를 하고 있다. 이날 피멘 회원들은 튀니지에서 발생한 경찰의 성폭행 사건을 비난하며 시위를 벌였다. 튀니지에서는 최근 경찰관 2명이 데이트 중이던 연인을 풍기문란 혐의로 체포해 여성을 성폭행한 뒤 외설죄로 고발까지 한 사실이 알려지며 사회적 논란이 거세지고 있다. [로이터/뉴시스] >>>