Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

Femen Protester Almost Nabs the Mystical Euro Cup

After famously topless Femen protesters crashed the economic bacchanal at Davos in January, Europe has nervously awaited the sensationalist women's rights group's next move. Would they give the popemobile an ironic carwash with egg yolks during Easter, or create a human tableaux of Judith killing Holofernes in protest of Greece electing 21 members of its resident neo-Nazi party to parliament last week? This weekend, the anxious European community finally got its answer — Femen would ruin soccer, or almost ruin soccer, as it turns out. According to a report from Reuters, a 23-year-old Femen >>>

Topless activist grabs Euro 2012 football cup

A Ukrainian women's rights activist stripped to the waist and seized the Euro-2012 football trophy while it was on public display in Kyiv in a protest against the forthcoming month-long championship. The young woman, 23-year-old Yulia Kovpachik, is a member of the Kyiv-based Femen women's rights group which believes the Euro-2012 tournament being played in Ukraine next month will encourage sex tourism. Kovpachik strode up to the silver, 60 centimetre high trophy, which was on display as a tourist attraction in an open air exhibition >>>

Hizo un topless para protestar contra la Eurocopa

Por: Medios La Eurocopa 2012, que se disputará en Ucrania y Polonia entre el 8 de junio y el 1 de julio, es una de las más controvertidas de los últimos tiempos. Por la 'dudosa' infraestructura -al menos, para los fiscalizadores-, las protestas de siempre de los ciudadanos disconformes con que la copa se lleve a cabo allí y, sobre todo, los boicots. Hace unos días, una bomba dejó 27 heridos en la ciudad oriental ucraniana de Dniepropetrovsk. Esta vez fue el turno de FEMEN, un grupo feminista que, con activistas muy sexys, se manifiesta >>>

Ucraniana em topless agarra a taça do Euro2012

Uma ativista do grupo feminista Femen, que protesta contra a exploração sexual na Ucrânia, invadiu a apresentação do troféu do Euro2012, em Kyiv, a agarrou a taça.Em topless, que acaba por ser uma marca deste grupo Femen, a mulher conseguiu mesmo agarrar o troféu da competição, que estava exposto no centro da capital ucraniana, sendo de imediato agarrada pelos seguranças e depois detida.O Femen é radicalmente contra a realização da Euro na Ucrânia. A organização considera que a competição >>>

Topless Woman Attacks Euro 2012 Trophy

(NewsCore) - A topless Ukrainian woman attacked the trophy to be awarded at the upcoming Euro 2012 soccer tournament, knocking the silverware to the ground during an exhibition in Kyiv on Saturday. The woman ran toward the Henri Delaunay trophy, then exposed an obscene slogan protesting against the tournament written on her torso. She was quickly detained by police, the Ria Novosti news agency reported. The FEMEN protest group -- a feminist organization campaigning to end sexism and sex tourism in the Ukraine -- regularly disrupts sporting and other public events in the country. Following Saturday's >>>

VIDEO: Γυμνή καυτή ξανθιά άρπαξε το κύπελλο του Euro 2012!

Δείτε το βίντεο με τη γυμνή καυτή ξανθιά να ορμάει και να αρπάζει το κύπελλο του Εuro 2012.Το βαρύτιμο τρόπαιο του Euro 2012 αποτελεί έκθεμα εδώ και μερικές ημέρες στην κεντρική πλατεία του Κιέβου (Πλατεία Ανεξαρτησίας) προκειμένου να το δουν από κοντά και να φωτογραφηθούν δίπλα του μικροί και μεγάλοι φίλοι της «στρογγυλής Θεάς». Mία γυμνή >>>

Topless Woman Attacks Euro 2012 Trophy

(NewsCore) - A topless Ukrainian woman attacked the trophy to be awarded at the upcoming Euro 2012 soccer tournament, knocking the silverware to the ground during an exhibition in Kyiv on Saturday. The woman ran toward the Henri Delaunay trophy, then exposed an obscene slogan protesting against the tournament written on her torso. She was quickly detained by police, the Ria Novosti news agency reported. The FEMEN protest group -- a feminist organization campaigning to end sexism and sex tourism in the Ukraine -- regularly disrupts sporting and other public events in the country. Following Saturday's >>>

Femen bu kez kupaya uzandı

Yarı çıplak olarak yaptıkları eylemleriyle gündeme gelen Ukraynalı kadın hakları örgütü FEMEN, ses getiren bir eyleme daha imza attı. Grup üyesi bir kadın, Ukrayna'nın Başkenti Kyiv'deki Bağımsızlık Meydanı'nda sergilenen Euro 2012 kupasını yere fırlattı.Kupanın sergilendiği yere, fotoğraf çektirmek isteyen bir turist gibi yaklaşan 23 yaşındaki Yulia Kovpaçik adlı aktivist, bir anda üzerindeki tişörtü çıkararak kupaya saldırdı. Yere düşen kupanın zarar gördüğü belirtilirken, Femen üyesinin de gözaltına alındığı belirtildi.Reuters'e >>>

Video: Topless feministe beschadigt EK-bokaal

Het zilveren object raakte niet beschadigd. De 23-jarige vrouw is een activiste van de groep Femen, dat zich inzet voor de strijd voor vrouwenrechten. De leden van de groep houden wel vaker (half)naakte protesten. Femen vreest dat het EK 2012 in Polen en Oekraïne zal leiden tot een toename van het sekstoerisme. Om die reden worden de protesten in gang gezet. Beveiligers arresteerden de vrouw direct op het Plein van de Onafhankelijkheid. Ze werd dezelfde avond nog vrijgelaten, maar moet maandag voorkomen om haar daad te verklaren. Tweeten >>>

Video: Topless feministe beschadigt EK-bokaal

Het zilveren object raakte niet beschadigd. De 23-jarige vrouw is een activiste van de groep Femen, dat zich inzet voor de strijd voor vrouwenrechten. De leden van de groep houden wel vaker (half)naakte protesten. Femen vreest dat het EK 2012 in Polen en Oekraïne zal leiden tot een toename van het sekstoerisme. Om die reden worden de protesten in gang gezet. Beveiligers arresteerden de vrouw direct op het Plein van de Onafhankelijkheid. Ze werd dezelfde avond nog vrijgelaten, maar moet maandag voorkomen om haar daad te verklaren. Tweeten >>>