Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

Topless protest at Euro 2012 trophy display

Kyiv, May 13 (IANS/RIA Novosti) A topless female protester attacked the trophy to be awarded at Euro 2012 and knocked it to the floor at an exhibition in the Ukrainian capital Saturday. The protester approached the Henri Delaunay trophy, on display in the centre of Kyiv, and knocked it over before displaying an obscene slogan on her bare torso directed against the tournament. She was detained by police. The Femen group regularly stages topless protests, and said it wanted to highlight how the Euro 2012 tournament would increase prostitution in Ukraine. "Femen is opposed to >>>

Ativista de topless agarra troféu da Eurocopa na Ucrânia

KYIV, 12 Mai (Reuters) - Uma ativista ucraniana pelos direitos das mulheres despida da cintura para cima pegou o troféu da Eurocopa de 2012 enquanto ele era exibido para o público em Kyiv neste sábado num protesto contra o torneio de futebol marcado para o mês que vem. A mulher de 23 anos, Yulia Kovpachik, é integrante do grupo pró-direitos das mulheres Femen, que acredita que a Eurocopa, que será sediada pela Ucrânia em conjunto com a Polônia, incentivará o turismo sexual no país. Kovpachik pousou ao lado do troféu de prata de 60 centímetros de altura, >>>

Im Zentrum Kiews wurde beinahe Pokal der Europäischen Fußballmeisterschaft …

Gleich mehrere Versuche wurden heute in der Hauptstadt Ukraine unternommen, um sich des  Pokals der Europäischen Fußballmeisterschaft 2012 gesetzwidrig zu bemächtigen.So wurde eine der Aktivistinnen der Frauenbewegung Femen festgenommen, als sie vorsätzlich die Trophäe auf den Boden fallen ließ. Infolge dessen wurde der Pokal beschädigt, die Aktivistin wurde verhaftet, und der Schauplatz war geschlossen. Dann entfalteten zwei junge Männer, die sich neben der Trophäe des künftigen Siegers von EURO-2012 fotografieren ließen, ein Plakat und verwickelten darin die „Beute“, wonach sie >>>

Ativista de topless agarra troféu da Eurocopa na Ucrânia

KYIV, 12 Mai (Reuters) - Uma ativista ucraniana pelos direitos das mulheres despida da cintura para cima pegou o troféu da Eurocopa de 2012 enquanto ele era exibido para o público em Kyiv neste sábado num protesto contra o torneio de futebol marcado para o mês que vem. A mulher de 23 anos, Yulia Kovpachik, é integrante do grupo pró-direitos das mulheres Femen, que acredita que a Eurocopa, que será sediada pela Ucrânia em conjunto com a Polônia, incentivará o turismo sexual no país. Kovpachik pousou ao lado do troféu de prata de 60 centímetros de altura, que >>>

Anti-Euro ’12? Strip down to drive home a point!

A Ukrainian women's rights activist stripped to the waist and seized the Euro-2012 soccer trophy while it was on public display in Kyiv on Saturday in a protest against the exploitation of women during the forthcoming championship. The young woman, 23-year-old Yulia Kovpachik, strode up to the silver trophy, which was on display as a tourist attraction in central Kyiv. But she then pulled down her red T-shirt to reveal the words "F**k Euro 2012" scrawled on her chest. As she grabbed hold of the cup, she was seized by security guards, who appeared to >>>

Πήγαν να κλέψουν το Κύπελλο του Πανευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος …

Το Κύπελλο του Πανευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου για το 2012 πήγαν να κλέψουν σήμερα στην πρωτεύουσα της Ουκρανίας Και μάλιστα όχι μία αλλά περισσότερες ήταν οι απόπειρες !Πρ΄ώτη ξεκίνησε μία από τις ακτιβίστριες του γυναικείου κινήματος Femen η οποία συνελήφθη, όταν σκοπίμως, όπως μεταδίδεται, έριξε το τρόπαιο στο έδαφος. >>>

Πήγαν να κλέψουν το Κύπελλο του Πανευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος …

Το Κύπελλο του Πανευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου για το 2012 πήγαν να κλέψουν σήμερα στην πρωτεύουσα της Ουκρανίας Και μάλιστα όχι μία αλλά περισσότερες ήταν οι απόπειρες !Πρ΄ώτη ξεκίνησε μία από τις ακτιβίστριες του γυναικείου κινήματος Femen η οποία συνελήφθη, όταν σκοπίμως, όπως μεταδίδεται, έριξε το τρόπαιο στο έδαφος. >>>

Ukraine feminist strips, attacks Euro 2012 trophy

Kyiv (dpa) - A member of a Ukrainian feminist group stripped to the waist and attacked the trophy for the Euro 2012 football championship on Saturday, before security carried her off. A topless activist of the Ukrainian feminist group FEMEN in action. Picture: SERGEY DOLZHENKO The incident took place in Kyiv's central Independence Square, where the trophy for the European football championship was on display.The woman, a member of the shock protest group Femen, had "Fuck Euro-2012" painted on her torso.News reports identified her as Yulia Kovachik, 23. She was able to knock the >>>

Un grupo de activistas ucranianas protestan en ‘top-less’ contra …

fútbol Eurocopa 2012 Una activista ucraniana protesta en top-less contra la Eurocopa 2012. | E.P. EUROPA PRESS | Kyiv Un grupo de activistas ucranianas ha realizado una manifestación en ‘top-less’ este sábado en Kyiv para protestar por la celebración de la Eurocopa de fútbol y para reclamar los derechos de las mujeres en su país, llegando a apoderarse brevemente del trofeo. Una joven de 23 años, Yulia Kovpachik, se dirigió hasta el trofeo, que estaba siendo exhibido como atracción turística en el centro de Kyiv, con el pretexto de ser fotografiada junto >>>