Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.

FEMEN Protest Islam Oppression of Women in Paris

31 March 2012 FEMEN Protest Islam Oppression of Women in Paris Previous: 0161.htm FEMEN Protest Turkey Violence Against Women March 11, 2012 0143.htm FEMEN Protest Putin Election March 4, 2012 0102.htm FEMEN Protests Gazprom Moscow February 14, 2012 0079.htm FEMEN Protests Hockey World Cup in Zurich February 1, 2012 0073.htm FEMEN Protests at World Economic Forum January 29, 2012 femen-protest.htm FEMEN Protest Photos >>>

En fotos: activistas de Femen protestaron en París por los …

(Caracas. Noticias24, 30 de marzo) – Miembros del movimiento feminista ucraniano Femen se trasladaron a la capital francesa para quitarse la ropa, mostrar que son lindas, y, fundamentalmente, defender los derechos de las mujeres musulmanas. Desde las proximidades de la emblemática Torre Eiffel, a las activistas se les sumaron mujeres parisinas que también rechazaban las leyes de la Shaira. >>>

Νέες διαμαρτυρίες για το Euro

Αρκετά προβλήματα έχουν να αντιμετωπίσουν, Ουκρανία και Πολωνία σχετικά με τη διοργάνωση του Euro. Τους τελευταίους μήνες, είχαμε συνηθίσει το κίνημα FEMEN να διαμαρτύρεται με γυμνόστηθες γυναίκες σε κεντρικούς δρόμους της Ουκρανίας, και πλέον υπάρχει ακόμα ένα πρόβλημα για τους διοργανωτές. Αυτό έχει να κάνει με το κίνημα των >>>

Rizelinin inadı

Rize'nin Gündoğdu Beldesi'nde, yerinden hareket ettiği için belediye ekiplerince önlem amacıyla çelik halatlarla ağaçlara bağlanan yaklaşık 400 tonluk kaya kütlesi, kullanılan özel bir toz yardımıyla yumuşatılarak kırıldı. Ağaca bağlı çelik halatların çözülmesi sonrasında da ikiye bölünen kayanın büyük parçası krikoyla kaldırıldı, vatandaşlar tarafından itilerek yamaçtan aşağıya yuvarlandı. Gündoğdu Belediye Başkan Vekili Saffet Kopuz, kayanın daha önce büyük bir bölümünün kırıldığını söyledi. Rizelinin inadı | video.mynet.comKopuz, >>>

Oksana Makar’s Horrific Death Gives Ukraine Reason To Reflect

"She’s just a loose girl,” responded my Kyiv colleague when I asked her about how Ukrainian media were covering the tragic story of Oksana Makar, an 18-year-old girl from the southern city of Mykolayiv who had been gang-raped, strangled, dumped in a pit, and set ablaze. On the day of our conversation, Oksana was fighting for her life. Her kidneys were severely damaged, one of her arms had been amputated, her lungs were in danger, and 55 percent of her body was burned. I frankly didn’t know how to respond to such a value judgment from an intelligent and, by all previous indications, seemingly >>>

Oksana Makar’s Horrific Death Gives Ukraine Reason To Reflect

"She’s just a loose girl,” responded my Kyiv colleague when I asked her about how Ukrainian media were covering the tragic story of Oksana Makar, an 18-year-old girl from the southern city of Mykolayiv who had been gang-raped, strangled, dumped in a pit, and set ablaze. On the day of our conversation, Oksana was fighting for her life. Her kidneys were severely damaged, one of her arms had been amputated, her lungs were in danger, and 55 percent of her body was burned. I frankly didn’t know how to respond to such a value judgment from an intelligent and, by all previous indications, seemingly >>>

Facebook censure (encore) L’Express

Facebook ne range pas ses ciseaux. Le réseau social a supprimé ce vendredi une photographie publiée sur la page de L'Express. Des manifestantes ukrainiennes y apparaissent dévêtues. Elles protestaient à Kyiv, le 15 mars dernier, contre l'impunité dont les trois bourreaux de la jeune Oksana Makar, violée et brûlée quelques jours plus tôt dans le sud de l'Ukraine, ont bénéficié. La victime s'est éteinte ce jeudi.  Ce drame scandalise l'Ukraine et mérite attention. Nous avons donc jugé utile de le partager à nos lecteurs, y compris ceux qui s'impliquent dans notre page Facebook. >>>

Analysis: The topless revolution is here

Politicians, diplomats and members of the press were shocked when three young, topless protesters were arrested in January at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland. They marched down streets holding signs that said "Poor because of you," attempted to climb over chain-link fences into private areas, and screamed at police. The public couldn't look away. That was Femen. In 2008, the Ukrainian women's protest group made waves across Europe by showing up to protest in frigid temperatures wearing very little clothing and often nothing at all on top. The women's model looks, long >>>

Oksana Makar. La suppliciée ukrainienne est morte

Oksana Makar, l'Ukrainienne de 18 ans qui avait été étranglée, violée, puis brûlée vive par trois «copains» au début du mois, a succombé à ses blessures jeudi à l'hôpital de Donetsk (Est). Marie Desnos - 7 Réactions Tweet <!-- Placez cette balise dans la section ou juste avant la balise de fermeture --> Oksana Makar a perdu son combat. Cette Ukrainienne de 18 ans dont l’histoire avait suscité l’indignation du groupe >>>