Author Archives: FEMEN


The mission of the "FEMEN" movement is to create the most favourable conditions for the young women to join up into a social group with the general idea of the mutual support and social responsibility, helping to reveal the talents of each member of the movement.


14:02 09 DIC 2011 (AGI) Moscow- A group of activists is standing naked in front of the symbol for Russia's religious revival. They are holding signs calling for God to get rid of the Czar. Activists from Ukraine's Femen group arrived in Moscow to contribute to protests against vote-rigging in Russia's parliamentary election. 13; With signs reading, "God, get rid of the Czar!", which clearly refer to Vladimir Putin, who has been know to be called Czar Vlad by the press, three girls took off their clothes in front of Christ the Savior Cathedral, just a stone's thrown from the Kremlin. >>>

Rússia: ativistas de movimento feminista fazem protesto inusitado …

Integrantes do Femen - grupo ativista da Ucrânia - se uniram aos protestos dos opositores contra o resultado das eleições do último domingo na Rússia, que deram a maioria absoluta da Câmara Baixa do Parlamento ao partido de Vladimir Putin. Eles acusam o governo de fraudar as eleições. Mais de 300 pessoas foram presas após manifestações.Seminuas, elas gritavam palavras de protesto, exibiam faixas e acabaram entrando em conflito com policiais em frente Catedral Cristo é o Salvador, em Moscou. O primeiro-ministro russo Vladimir Putin declarou que a oposição tem o direito de expressar >>>

Ativistas seminuas são detidas em protesto contra fraudes em Moscou

Ativista do grupo feminista Femen é detida durante protesto em Moscou nesta sexta-feira (9). As mulheres enfrentaram o frio para apoiar a oposição russa e condenar a suposta fraude nas últimas eleições parlamentares no país. Entre as denúncias se destacam a introdução em massa de cédulas e o transporte em ônibus de dezenas de pessoas a diferentes colégios para que votassem repetidamente no partido governista. Manifestantes saíram às ruas de Moscou e São Petersburgo por três dias consecutivos para protestar contra supostas irregularidades nas eleições >>>

Олександра Шевченко: FEMEN закликали Бога врятувати росіян від царя

Олександра Шевченко Активістка громадської організації FEMEN, куратор програми "Україна - не бордель!" 09 грудня 2011, 13:27 "Боже, царя гони!" скандували оголені українки біля входу в оплот путінської диктатури – Храм Христа Спасителя. Активістки закликали усі небесні та земні сили на допомогу вільнодумній Росії у боротьбі з кремлівськими >>>

Putin’i kovması için Tanrı’ya dua ettiler

Yarı çıplak FEMEN üyeleri, Kurtarıcı İsa Katedrali önünde Rusya Başbakanı Vladimir Putin’i hedef alan sloganlar attı.   FEMEN KIZLARINDAN PUTİN KARŞITI ÇIPLAK EYLEM / FOTO GALERİ   Putin, seçimlerde hile yapıldığı iddialarıyla ilgili ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Hillary Clinton’ı suçlamış ve ABD’nin seçimleri etkilemek için milyonlarca dolar harcadığını öne sürmüştü.   FEMEN üyeleri, “Tanrım, kralı kovala” yazılı dövizlerde Putin’e mesaj gönderdi. Putin, 12 yıldan bu yana Rusya’nın saiyaset sahnesinde rol alıyor.   >>>

Russian opposition prepares for massive rally

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian authorities are allowing the opposition to hold a massive protest against election fraud following a violent police crackdown on a series of unsanctioned demonstrations earlier this week, rally organizers said Friday.The decision to let up to 30,000 protesters rally on Saturday on a square across the river from the Kremlin appears to be an attempt to avoid the violence that occurred at demonstrations after last Sunday's parliamentary election.Election authorities on Friday officially declared the vote valid, handing the victory to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's >>>

Russian opposition prepares for massive rally

Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) - Russian authorities are allowing the opposition to hold a massive protest against election fraud following a violent police crackdown on a series of unsanctioned demonstrations earlier this week, rally organizers said Friday. The decision to let up to 30,000 protesters rally on Saturday on a square across the river from the Kremlin appears to be an attempt to avoid the violence that occurred at demonstrations after last Sunday's parliamentary election. Election authorities on Friday officially declared the vote valid, handing the victory to Prime Minister Vladimir >>>

Russian opposition prepares for massive rally

Click photo to enlargeMOSCOW—Russian authorities are allowing the opposition to hold a massive protest against election fraud following a violent police crackdown on a series of unsanctioned demonstrations earlier this week, rally organizers said Friday. The decision to let up to 30,000 protesters rally on Saturday on a square across the river from the Kremlin appears to be an attempt to avoid the violence that occurred at demonstrations after last Sunday's parliamentary election. Election authorities on Friday officially declared the vote valid, handing the victory to Prime Minister >>>

Pakistan’da şiddet: 3 asker öldü

DİĞER DÜNYA HABERLERİ Suriye Humus kentini zırhlı birliklerle kuşattı Moskova'da onbinler seçim sonuçlarını ve putin'i protesto... Brüksel'de Kongolular Polisle Çatıştı... 192 kişi gözaltı... Nobel Barış Ödülü sahiplerine teslim edildi Libya, Kaddafi'nin askerlerini affedecek Filipinlerde düşen uçak... Ölü sayısı 13'e yükseldi Rompuy: ''26 AB üyesi yeni hükümetlerarası anlaşmayı imza... Pakistan Talibanı ile Pakistan arasında barış görüşmeleri... İngiltere yeni sözleşmeye >>>