Author Archives: FEMEN
Depuis 2000, l’État néerlandais est le premier proxénète du pays. La prostitution y est légale et encadrée. Les travailleuses du sexe bénéficient des mêmes avantages que les autres actifs. Mais quelle réalité se cache derrière les rideaux fermés du Quartier Rouge d’Amsterdam ?Pour mieux comprendre cette vidéo, essayons de comprendre comment cela se passe en France !Certaines travailleuses du sexe en France ne sont pas en faveur de législations contraignantes telles les maisons de tolérance, qui ne leur permettent pas de conserver le choix de leurs clients, pratiques, horaires, >>>
Femen Storms Putin, but is “Femenism” really “Feminism”? — BagNews – BAGnewsNotes
Now that Ukrainian flash mobbers Femen have started to make regular appearances wherever cameras are guaranteed to record their presence, images like these have become almost commonplace. This time, Femen rushed an industrial fair in Hanover, Germany, where German Chancellor Angela Merkel was hosting Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a piece submitted to The Guardian, Femen leader Inna Shevchenko stated that “Our activists’ bodies represent undisguised hatred for the patriarchal order, and display the new aesthetics of a rejuvenated woman’s revolution.” Unfortunately, Femen’s “new >>>
Femen Storms Putin, but is “Femenism” really “Feminism”? — BagNews
Now that Ukrainian flash mobbers Femen have started to make regular appearances wherever cameras are guaranteed to record their presence, images like these have become almost commonplace. This time, Femen rushed an industrial fair in Hanover, Germany, where German Chancellor Angela Merkel was hosting Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a piece submitted to The Guardian, Femen leader Inna Shevchenko stated that “Our activists’ bodies represent undisguised hatred for the patriarchal order, and display the new aesthetics of a rejuvenated woman’s revolution.” Unfortunately, Femen’s “new >>>
Femen: "sistema de prostiuição da Holanda é perverso" | Ver o …
20 horas atrás, Zoomin.TV
Femen: "sistema de prostiuição da Holanda é perverso" | Ver o …
20 horas atrás, Zoomin.TV
Femen: "sistema de prostiuição da Holanda é perverso"
8 horas atrás, Zoomin.TV
FEMEN vindt prostitutie stom dus prostitutie moet worden verboden in Nederland
Femen: Prostitution in Holland ist ein Verbrechen
Femen: Prostitution in Holland ist ein Verbrechen