Category Archives: Languages

Russian opposition prepares for massive rally

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian authorities are allowing the opposition to hold a massive protest against election fraud following a violent police crackdown on a series of unsanctioned demonstrations earlier this week, rally organizers said Friday.The decision to let up to 30,000 protesters rally on Saturday on a square across the river from the Kremlin appears to be an attempt to avoid the violence that occurred at demonstrations after last Sunday's parliamentary election.Election authorities on Friday officially declared the vote valid, handing the victory to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's >>>

Russian opposition prepares for massive rally

Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) - Russian authorities are allowing the opposition to hold a massive protest against election fraud following a violent police crackdown on a series of unsanctioned demonstrations earlier this week, rally organizers said Friday. The decision to let up to 30,000 protesters rally on Saturday on a square across the river from the Kremlin appears to be an attempt to avoid the violence that occurred at demonstrations after last Sunday's parliamentary election. Election authorities on Friday officially declared the vote valid, handing the victory to Prime Minister Vladimir >>>

Russian opposition prepares for massive rally

Click photo to enlargeMOSCOW—Russian authorities are allowing the opposition to hold a massive protest against election fraud following a violent police crackdown on a series of unsanctioned demonstrations earlier this week, rally organizers said Friday. The decision to let up to 30,000 protesters rally on Saturday on a square across the river from the Kremlin appears to be an attempt to avoid the violence that occurred at demonstrations after last Sunday's parliamentary election. Election authorities on Friday officially declared the vote valid, handing the victory to Prime Minister >>>

Pakistan’da şiddet: 3 asker öldü

DİĞER DÜNYA HABERLERİ Suriye Humus kentini zırhlı birliklerle kuşattı Moskova'da onbinler seçim sonuçlarını ve putin'i protesto... Brüksel'de Kongolular Polisle Çatıştı... 192 kişi gözaltı... Nobel Barış Ödülü sahiplerine teslim edildi Libya, Kaddafi'nin askerlerini affedecek Filipinlerde düşen uçak... Ölü sayısı 13'e yükseldi Rompuy: ''26 AB üyesi yeni hükümetlerarası anlaşmayı imza... Pakistan Talibanı ile Pakistan arasında barış görüşmeleri... İngiltere yeni sözleşmeye >>>

Bilder des Tages – n

Das Skigebiet am Stümpfling bei Bayrischzell ist bereit: In Bayern wird am Wochenende die Skisaison eröffnet. Von heute Mittag an werden am Spitzingsee der Kurven- und Osthanglift sowie die Stümpflingbahn in Betrieb genommen. Dort liegen aktuell gut ein halber Meter Schnee am Berg und bis zu 40 Zentimeter auf der Talstation. Da noch nicht alle Anlagen geöffnet sind, werden die Skipässe am Wochenende billiger verkauft. Nackter Protest in Moskau: Aktivistinnen der feministischen Gruppe Femen demonstrieren gegen die manipulierte Duma-Wahl in Russland. Gemütlich: >>>

Feministas se desnudan contra Putin frente a la principal catedral …

MOSCU . – Varias mujeres de la famosa organización feminista ucraniana “Femen” se desnudaron frente a la Catedral de Cristo Salvador en Moscú para protestar contra el primer ministro ruso, Vladímir Putin. Activistas del movimiento femenino ucraniano FEMEN se desnudaron frente a la Catedral de Cristo Salvador de Moscú para denunciar un presunto fraude en las elecciones parlamentarias de Rusia. “Dios expulsa al zar”, rezaban las pancartas en ruso e inglés que portaban las feministas que posaron semidesnudas cuando los termómetros marcan varios grados bajo cero en la capital >>>

Pornoactrice topless in presidentsstrijd

De Franse hebben aparte presidentskandidaten. Zo probeert pornoactrice Cindy Lee stemmen te verzamelen door halfnaakt campagne te voeren. “Naakt tegen de crisis”, luidt haar slogan. De 38-jarige Cindy is het hoofd en de presidentskandidate van de Parti du plaisir (Partij van het Plezier). Zoals u wel kunt raden is de partij voor de legalisering van prostitutie en het openen van bordelen, maar daarnaast heeft ze ook nagedacht over de economie. Zo stelt ze een belasting van 0,2 procent op alle financiële stromen op EU-niveau voor. Hiermee zou Frankrijk 100 miljard euro kunnen binnen harken. >>>

"매춘 없는 ‘유로 2012’" 위해 누드 시위

      ũ̳ Ű ౸ ‘ 2012’ ÷ 2(ð) Ű ø Ÿ Ҷ. ̳ Ÿ̵ Ź ũ̳ ǿü ‘’(FEMEN) ȸ̴. 6 8~7 1 ũ̳ ֵǴ ‘ 2012’ ÷ ̳ ౸ҵ Ű ߵ  ̴. ̵ ˸ 縦 ƴź Ÿ ݴϱ ̴. ̵ Ƽ ̴Ͼó ౸ Ŵ ä ‘Ÿ 2012’, ‘ 2012’ . Ű ø Ÿ ۿ ȸ ػƴ. ̳ þ 뺯 “౸(UEFA) ũ̳ ο 6 2012 Ⱓ Ÿ չȭ϶ йϰ ִ” ߴ. ȸ ټ л̴. ̵ 귡 Ƽ ģ ä ũ̳ Ⱦϰ ִ Ű ִ. ̳ ÷ ״···ũ B, ·Ż·ũξƼ·Ϸ尡 C ƴ. ־ ‘ ’ ¥ ̴. ȣ ν Ҳ Ƣ ϴ. ̳ 2012 α ‘Ƶٽ ʰ 12’ ƴ. ̴ >>>

Ukrajna szuperszexi tüntetői mellbedobással harcolnak (18+) – Life

Forrás: A női jogokért küzdő Femen nem riad vissza még a bombázók bevetésétől sem. Az ukrán szervezet a szex turizmus és a prostitúció ellen harcol, méghozzá fedetlen keblekkel. A botrányos tüntetések olyannyira szúrják az ukrán kormány szemét, hogy a Femen tagok nem egyszer börtönben végzik, valamint vezetőjüket is megfenyegették már. A nem túlságosan nagy taglétszámmal bíró szervezet megmozdulásairól most ide kattintva, a Spiegel Online weboldalán láthattok kisebb (azonban a férfi szíveket >>>

Naked Politics: The Global Revival Of Nudity As Public Protest

From China’s Weiwei to the Egyptian blogger Aliaa Magda al-Mahdi, people are again busy using their naked bodies as a way to challenge authority and demand rights. Even in today’s much more sexualized world, public nudity continues to be a powerful form of protest. by: admin A member of Ukraine's provocative feminist group FEMEN By Richard HerzingerDIE WELT/Worldcrunch BERLIN - When nearly 100  supporters of dissident Chinese artist Ai Weiwei recently bared it all on the Internet, they joined appear a sort of global renaissance >>>