Topless Tunisian Femen Protester Amina ‘Admitted To Psychiatric Ward By Her …

UPDATE: Topless Tunisian Femen Protester Amina Tyler ‘Is Home Well’, Says Lawyer A 19-year-old Tunisian activist who was threatened with death by stoning after posting topless pictures of herself online has reportedly been admitted to a psychiatric hospital. The woman, known only as Amina, posted the photographs – including one of herself with the words “Fuck your morals” written across her chest, to the Femen-Tunisian Facebook page. Another image showing her smoking a cigarette with: “My body belongs to me, and is >>>

Blote borsten om aandacht te trekken

Wie denkt dat feminisme dood is en feministes vrouwen zijn in tuinbroeken met snorren zit er helemaal naast. Vrouwengroep Femen heeft het nieuwe feminisme omarmd en protesteert met ontblote borsten voor vrouwenrechten, tegen de seksindustrie, godsdienst in het algemeen en het paternalisme. De van oorsprong Oekraïense groep werd opgericht in 2008 door Anna Hutsol, Oksana Shachko en Alexandra Shevchenko, vlak na de Oranjerevolutie. Het doel was om het gevoel van de revolutie levend houden volgens The Guardian. De protesten waren vooral gericht tegen de seksindustrie en de minderwaardige >>>

Rise of the naked female warriors

One day last summer, Inna Shevchenko went into a forest outside Kyiv, to learn how to use a chainsaw. The lumberjacks who were instructing her couldn’t work out why she was so keen. “They thought I was just a crazy blonde,” she says, shaking her white curls. “I was acting like: ‘Oh really?'” She affects a coy, clueless demeanour. “‘That’s how you do it? Great!'”The next day she went to a hilltop overlooking Kyiv, and stripped to a pair of red denim shorts, worn with heavy boots, leather gloves, and a mask to protect her eyes. The Pussy Riot verdict was due that day, and in tribute to the >>>

Topless activists provoke shock and more

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Topless activists provoke shock and more

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Topless activists provoke shock and more

A Femen activist is detained during a protest against what they called “bloody Islamist regimes” taking part in the London Olympics. Photo: Reuters Their targets have included Silvio Berlusconi, Vladimir Putin, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IKEA, the G-8, and the Pope. The predominantly blonde-haired, bare-breasted young women have struck in 17 countries across the world and are reported to have 150,000 supporters worldwide. They call themselves the new Amazons, boldly evoking the mythical nation of all-female warriors. Protests by Femen, as the group is named, are designed to attract >>>

Topless activists provoke shock and more

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Femen, Female Activist Group, Discovers Topless Protests Bring Exposure …

One of the reasons people protest is to expose their ideas to the world. It seems to be working for one group of female activists — at least the exposure part. The group, Femen, is a group of women who, according to the organization’s website, defend sexual and social equality with their breasts and “undermine the foundations of the patriarchal world by their intellect, sex, agility, make disorder, bring neurosis and panic to the men’s world” (sic). Femen claims to be in 17 countries and have more than 150,000 supporters >>>

Femen : un livre pour expliquer ce nouveau mouvement féministe

Né en Ukraine, le mouvement féministe Femen a su rapidement se faire une large place dans les médias occidentaux. Avec des coups d’éclat où les membres se présentent seins nus devant les journalistes, le mouvement a très vite acquis une dimension internationale.   Après l’ouverture d’un bureau à Paris en septembre 2012, au sein du théâtre alternatif du 18e arrondissement, Le Lavoir moderne parisien, c’est à travers un livre, qui sort chez Calmann-Lévy, que les quatre fondatrices font toute la lumière sur les tenants et les aboutissants de cette nouvelle forme de l’engagement féministe.   Ce >>>