Femen a seno nudo contro Berlusconi

Si chiamano Inna Shevchenko, Oksana Shachko e Elvire Duvelle-Charles, le tre attiviste di Femen che hanno contestato Silvio Berlusconi mentre era al seggio per votare a Milano. I nomi delle tre giovani sono stati pubblicati dallo stesso gruppo che ha rivendicato in inglese su Facebook «l’attacco» a Berlusconi chiedendo agli italiani di «non votare qualcuno che dovrebbe essere in prigione». Il leader del Pdl sul profilo del gruppo di protesta ucraino viene definito con epiteti pesanti.    Le tre ragazze sono state portate in Questura per essere identificate ora rischiano una denuncia >>>

Tres feministas en topless interrumpen la votación de Berlusconi

El exprimer ministro italiano Silvio Berlusconi ha depositado su voto para los comicios legislativos en un colegio electoral de Milán, donde fue recibido por tres jóvenes desnudas, presuntas integrantes del colectivo feminista Femen, con gritos contra su persona.Femen ha reivindicado la acción y emplazado a los italianos a “asesinar políticamente” al “mafioso y pedófilo” Silvio Berlusconi, ex primer ministro y cabeza de lista del partido Pueblo de la Libertad, de centro-derecha, en las elecciones legislativas que se celebran entre este domingo y el lunes. Femen ha reivindicado >>>

Femen in Paris: Ukraine’s Topless Warriors Move West

In France, members of the protest group have been beaten and detained, but they’re using the experience to train for a bigger challenge. Police detain an activist from women’s rights group Femen as she protests in front of the Olympic stadium in Kyiv on July 1st, 2012. (Gleb Garanich/Reuters) PARIS — In mid-November, when Inna Shevchenko, 22, Femen’s leader in France, and Oksana Shachko, 25, a veteran Femen activist, heard that the militant Catholic organization Institut Civitas was planning to protest against a proposed law that would legalize same-sex marriage in the country, >>>

2012 vue par une Femen: “En France, il y a encore des hommes qui …

Depuis Minsk, je n’ai plus peur Le début d’année 2012 est marqué par ce qui s’est passé neuf jours plus tôt. Aleksandra Nemchinova, Oksana Shachko et moi, on s’est rendues à Minsk, la capitale de la Biélorussie, pour manifester notre soutien aux activistes politiques emprisonnés par le dictateur Alexandre Loukachenko. Personne ne sait s’ils sont encore en vie, on ne peut pas leur rendre visite. Pendant la manif, les journalistes ont été arrêtés et leur matériel confisqué. Une quinzaine d’hommes habillés en noir nous ont suivies en direction du bus avant de nous >>>

Il movimento Femen ha protestato contro il disegno della …

FEMEN il movimento di protesta ucraino fondato a Kyiv nel 2008 e famoso, su scala internazionale, per la pratica di manifestare in topless contro il turismo sessuale, il sessismo e altre discriminazioni sociali, ha organizzato un’azione di protesta presso l’ambasciata egiziana a Stoccolma. Alcuni degli obiettivi del movimento sono “incrementare le capacità intellettuali e morali delle giovani donne in Ucraina”, “ricostruire l’immagine dell’Ucraina, un paese dalle ricche opportunità per le donne” e modificare l’immagine dell’Ucraina >>>

International : Mais qui sont vraiment les Femen ? (vidéo)

FEMEN est un groupe de protestation ukrainien, fondé en 2008 et dirigé par Anna Hutsol, présidente du mouvement. Et Anna Hutsol n’est autre que la tête pensante des Femen, ces femmes seins nus et bras levés, que les médias ne cessent de mitrailler ces dernière mois. L’organisation, aujourd’hui internationalement connue, a pour objectif de promouvoir la démocratie, la liberté de la presse, de revendiquer les droits des femmes, souvent bafoués, mais aussi de protester contre la corruption, la prostitution, le tourisme sexuel, le sexisme, les violences conjugales, le racisme ou encore la >>>

Feminismo moderno

Son jóvenes, inteligentes y hermosas. Portan coronas de flores sobre sus cabezas. Son rubias, morenas, castañas o pelirrojas. Son altas o de mediana estatura pero su regla principal es gritar con fuerza y determinación desde sus cuerpos desnudos. Para Femen la notoriedad no ha sido fácil de alcanzar y sus integrantes han pagado un alto precio por expresar sus opiniones: heridas, contusiones, dientes partidos, rasguños y recientemente el exilio. En cada acción organizada por Femen, sus activistas muestran el torso desnudo con mensajes pintados para la ocasión. Estas acciones van desde la >>>

Ukraine based FEMEN protesters continue to hit hard message home – WNN

James Brooke – WNN Breaking A security officer in Kyiv, Ukraine stands by if needed to arrest FEMEN members in August 2012. Image: FEMEN (WNN/VOA) Kyiv, UKRAINE: At first, protests by Ukrainian feminist group Femen were ignored by the media.  But two years ago the women started taking off their shirts.  In recent months, their tactic has spread to France, Canada, and Brazil. Back home, in a basement office in downtown Kyiv, Oleksandra Shevchenko, a Femen founder, rebuts critics who say Femen protesters attract media attention for the wrong reasons. “When we mixed nakedness, intelligence >>>

Ukraine feminists campaign against sex tourism

At first, protests by Ukrainian feminist group Femen were ignored by the media.  But two years ago the women started taking off their shirts.  In recent months, their tactic has spread to France, Canada, and Brazil. Back home, in a basement office in downtown Kyiv, Oleksandra Shevchenko, a Femen founder, rebuts critics who say Femen protesters attract media attention for the wrong reasons. “When we mixed nakedness, intelligence and our ideas, we saw that it is working,” she says.  “People saw this contradiction, they are not ready to see, and to listen to women, and to see aggressive >>>

Ukraine Feminists Campaign Against Sex Tourism

— At first, protests by Ukrainian feminist group Femen were ignored by the media.  But two years ago the women started taking off their shirts.  In recent months, their tactic has spread to France, Canada, and Brazil. Back home, in a basement office in downtown Kyiv, Oleksandra Shevchenko, a Femen founder, rebuts critics who say Femen protesters attract media attention for the wrong reasons. “When we mixed nakedness, intelligence and our ideas, we saw that it is working,” she says.  “People saw this contradiction, they are not ready to see, and to listen to women, and to see aggressive >>>