Monthly Archives: November 2012

Французские католики побили активисток Femen

Участие в акции приняли свыше 10 тысяч парижан: им близки ценности института, который на протяжении многих лет борется за укрепление христианских ценностей в стране. На демонстрацию, которая стала как бы продолжением состоявшегося накануне дня единых действий в защиту традиционных браков, мобилизовавшего по всей стране >>>

Τα μέλη της Femen απειλούν με μήνυση τους καθολικούς στη Γαλλία

«Περιμέναμε μία αντίδραση αλλά όχι τόσο βίαιη», διαμηνύει η επικεφαλής της γυναικείας οργάνωσης «FEMEN» στη Γαλλία ποζάροντας στο φακό με περιβολή… Εύας. Η Ελοίζ Μπουτόν, σε συνέντευξή της στην εφημερίδα Liberation, δηλώνει ότι θα κάνει μήνυση στους καθολικούς που επιχείρησαν να σταματήσουν τα μέλη της οργάνωσης με τη βία. Πριν >>>

Francia: immagini degli scontri nella manifestazione contro nozze gay

I francesi sono scesi in piazza per protestare contro la  legge che vorrebbe rendere legittimi i matrimoni gay e le adozioni richieste da coppie di persone dello stesso sesso. Proteste molto colorite fino ad arrivare a scontri tra cattolici e militanti Femen. La manifestazione a Parigi non ci ha messo molto a degradare a vero e proprio scontro, quando i cattolici dell’istituto Civitas hanno aggredito delle ragazze ucraine, militanti del movimento femminista Femen che stavano protestando pacificamente. La giornalista Caroline Fourest, anche lei coinvolta nei pestaggi, ha raccontato  “degli >>>

„Ja zur Familie“

Es war ein hitziges Protestwochenende, das Frankreich hinter sich hat: Mehr als 100.000 Menschen demonstrierten gegen die geplante Homosexuellenehe und das Adoptionsrecht für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare. In der Hauptstadt Paris versammelten sich laut Polizei am Samstag rund 70.000 Menschen. In Toulouse setzte die Polizei Tränengas ein, am Sonntag wurde eine Gruppe von Aktivisten angegriffen. Mehrere Aktivistinnen der Frauengruppe Femen und Medienvertreter seien von Gegnern der Homosexuellenehe „verprügelt“ worden, berichtete die Journalistin Caroline Fourest, >>>

Topless ‘nuns’ attacked by anti-gay marriage protestors

Half-naked nuns were attacked by anti-gay marriage protestors in France on Sunday (18 November). Ukraine-based feminist group FEMEN staged a topless counter-protest of an anti-gay marriage march in Paris where they became victims of violence by Catholic activists. Painting ‘In Gay We Trust’ on their naked breasts, the ‘nuns’ sprayed powdered ‘sperm’ while chanting pro-gay slogans. French feminist writer Caroline Fourest told the Associated Foreign Press that when FEMEN moved toward the demonstrators, the anti-gay protestors ‘ran after them, raging’ and were punched and hit >>>

Topless ‘nuns’ attacked by anti-gay marriage protestors

Half-naked nuns were attacked by anti-gay marriage protestors in France on Sunday (18 November). Ukraine-based feminist group FEMEN staged a topless counter-protest of an anti-gay marriage march in Paris where they became victims of violence by Catholic activists. Painting ‘In Gay We Trust’ on their naked breasts, the ‘nuns’ sprayed powdered ‘sperm’ while chanting pro-gay slogans. French feminist writer Caroline Fourest told the Associated Foreign Press that when FEMEN moved toward the demonstrators, the anti-gay protestors ‘ran after them, raging’ and were punched and hit >>>

Femen aggredite da ultra cattolici anti-gay a Parigi (foto e video)

Femen aggredite a Parigi (Ansa) PARIGI –  Alcune militanti del movimento femminista Femen sono state circondate e in alcuni casi aggredite e picchiate durante la manifestazione organizzata a Parigi dai cattolici radicali dell’istituto Civitas, contro il matrimonio gay che il governo Hollande vorrebbe legalizzare. Oltre alle militanti Femen, i militanti di Civitas hanno aggredito alcuni giornalisti. “Una decina di militanti di Femen – ha raccontato la giornalista e saggista Caroline Fourest, >>>

Topless FEMEN Members In Nun’s Habits Storm Same Sex Marriage Protests In …

Topless FEMEN protestors wearing nuns habits stormed French protests against gay marriage this weekend. More than 100,000 people organised by Catholic groups joined the marches against government plans to legalise same-sex marriage in the new year. The groups are opposed to President Francois Hollande's draft law, which also proposes to allow gay adoptions. Topless FEMEN members clashed with same-sex marriage protesters Members of the Ukrainian group FEMEN crashed the protests, chanting "In gay we trust" and sprayed >>>

Femen : «On s’attendait à une réaction, mais pas aussi violente»

La manifestation du mouvement Civitas contre le mariage pour tous a dérapé dimanche après-midi à Paris. Des femmes du mouvement Femen, venues contre-manifester, ont été attaquées par des membres du service d’ordre et des jeunes catholiques intégristes. L’essayiste Caroline Fourest a également été agressée. Six députés PS ont d'ailleurs demandé la dissolution de Civitas. Eloïse Bouton, l’une des leaders du mouvement Femen en France, revient sur ces événements et annonce qu’elle va porter plainte. Que s’est-il passé exactement >>>

Topless FEMEN Members In Nun’s Habits Clash With Same Sex Marriage …

Topless FEMEN protestors wearing nuns habits stormed French protests against gay marriage this weekend. More than 100,000 people organised by Catholic groups joined the marches against government plans to legalise same-sex marriage in the new year. The groups are opposed to President Francois Hollande's draft law, which also proposes to allow gay adoptions. Topless FEMEN members clashed with same-sex marriage protesters Members of the Ukrainian group FEMEN crashed the protests, chanting "In gay we trust" and sprayed >>>