Monthly Archives: March 2014

SXSW Film Review: ‘Ukraine Is Not a Brothel’: Femen doc looks past the headlines

It turns out, everything you thought you knew about Femen is wrong. Kitty Green’s insightful look into the Ukrainian protest organization is a documentary as matryoshka doll. Operatic bombast gives way to dignified resignation. Independence is weighed down with cultish reliance. And at the very heart of a feminist organization, you’ll find a patriarch. That is, of course, the big reveal of Ukraine Is Not a Brothel: The breast-bearing troupe of activists is controlled by a man. But by the time the film >>>

Ukraine is Not a Brothel/Facebook

Admittedly, I'm not sure what to make of Ukraine is Not a Brothel. The premise certainly is compelling; a group of young, passionate woman streak topless in front of important military and political locations in and around Ukraine to protest the status and treatment of women in their country. The general consensus, by these young women and much of their country, is that women in Ukraine are objects of desire, relegated to prostitution, marriage for hire, or the international sex tourism industry. Since its inception in 2008, FEMEN has garnered a lot of international attention for their topless >>>

Crimea on edge

Shades of Stalinism

Apart from Russians and Ukrainians, the Crimean population also includes a minority of Muslim Crimean Tatars. They were the majority on the peninsula at the beginning of the 20th century, but were accused of Nazi collaboration by Stalin during World War II and deported. After the fall of the Soviet Union, many returned to Crimea. Fearing new deportation, some, like this family, are fleeing.


Vidéo: «Amina femen» et 6 autres femmes manifestent nues devant …

  Sept femmes ont scandé, nues, "liberté, laïcité, égalité", devant la pyramide du Louvre, à l'occasion de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, samedi 8 mars 2014. Munies de drapeaux tunisien, iranien, arc-en-ciel et français, elles se sont dévêtues devant l'entrée du musée, avant de marcher sur les rebords des bassins qui jouxtent la pyramide. Parmi elles se trouvait Amina Sboui, ancienne militante des Femen, qui a passé début août deux mois de détention en Tunisie et qui a quitté le groupe féministe qu'elle accuse d'islamophobie. Elles ont scandé "liberté, >>>

Chat mit der Femen-Aktivistin Inna Schewtschenko zur Lage in der Ukraine

Inna Schewtschenko, eine der bekanntesten Femen-Aktivistinnen, ist eine der Protagonistinnen im österreichischen Film "Everyday Rebellion" und derzeit anlässlich der Österreich-Premiere in Wien. Die Ukrainerin ist die Anführerin der Pariser Femen-Gruppe. 2013 flüchtete sie nach Paris und erhielt sie in Frankreich Asyl. "Die Femen", so sagt sie in einem Interview im STANDARD, hätten die "ukrainische Revolution mitausgelöst". Schon am Tag der Wahl des mittlerweile abgesetzten Wiktor Janukowitsch hätten die Aktivistinnen mit der Message "Bald kommt der Krieg - der Diktator ist da" in Kiew >>>

The Feminists of Pussy Riot and Femen Who Stood Up To Putin

Feminism has long been a dirty word in Russia. Just ask Svetlana Smetanina, a journalist for the state-owned Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper who, in a 2010 article, voiced an opinion that many Russians seem to share: women who self-identify as feminists are harpies, she wrote, “unfulfilled in their personal lives and bent on revenging themselves on men for their own unhappiness.”Smetanina’s op-ed is representative of the outright disdain in Russia toward feminists—an attitude on full display in recent months, crystallized in the Western mind by images of the punk art collective Pussy Riot >>>

SXSW Film: ‘Ukraine Is Not A Brothel’

Kitty's Green's 2013 documentary Ukraine Is Not A Brothel has timeliness and titiillation on its side. It's not only that it's about protestors making a statement against the exploitation of women in the former Soviet republic that is now the world's tensest hotpot. It's about Femen, the women known for baring breasts in public to protest prostitution in the sex trafficking center of Eastern Europe who have made headlines in recent weeks with anti-Putin protests around the world.  Green's movie is disappointing in that it doesn't spend all that much time showing or telling us about the situation >>>

Martedì 11 marzo a Udine per CALENDIDONNA 2014 “Femen. La …

Martedì 11 marzo a Udine per CALENDIDONNA 2014 “Femen. La nuova rivoluzione femminista” Pubblicato da Il Giornale del Friuli il 09/3/14 • nelle categorie Cultura,Friuli-VG,Udine   Martedì 11 marzo alle 18 in sala Corgnali alla biblioteca “Joppi” “FEMEN. LA NUOVA RIVOLUZIONE FEMMINISTA” “Dialoghi in biblioteca” dedicati a Calendidonna con la presentazione del volume curato da Maria Grazia Turri       Nuovo appuntamento per Calendidonna 2014, il ricco cartellone di iniziative messe in campo dal Comune di Udine in occasione della giornata internazionale della donna. >>>

Amina Sboui de retour chez les Femen, nue à Paris

« Ce samedi, cette journée a pris une nouvelle dimension “révolutionnaire”. En effet, sur l’esplanade du Louvre à paris, se sont rassemblées environ sept femmes aux seins nus se disant militantes anti charia qui arboraient des peintures corporelles qu’on pouvait déchiffrer telles “contre la charia, la burqa et le voile”. Elles se sont présentées comme des militantes du monde arabe, munies de drapeaux tunisien, français, iranien et arc-en-ciel et elles scandaient le slogan “liberté, laicité, égalité” », écrit notamment mboaconnect. « Pour la Journée internationale >>>

Femen παντού, φεμινισμός πουθενά

Επιμέλεια: Βάλια Καϊμάκη   Mona Chollet* «Οι μουσουλμάνοι φαίνεται να επιβεβαιώνουν ένα αίσθημα ανδρικής ισχύος καλύπτοντας τις γυναίκες τους και οι Δυτικοί αποκαλύπτοντάς τις», έγραψε η Μαροκινή δοκιμιογράφος Φατέμα Μερνίσι στο βιβλίο της «Το χαρέμι και η Δύση» (εκδόσεις Albin Michel, 2001). Ο ενθουσιασμός των γαλλικών ΜΜΕ για φιγούρες >>>