Monthly Archives: October 2014

Nagi protest Femenu w Mediolanie. Sprzeciwia się wizycie Putina

Nagi protest Femenu w Mediolanie. Sprzeciwia się wizycie Putina Aktywistki sprzeciwiają się zaproszeniu Władimira Putina na odbywający się w Mediolanie szczyt przywódców Azji i Europy (ASEM). Femen obwinia rosyjskiego prezydenta o śmierć tysięcy obywateli Ukrainy. W trakcie protestu, uczestniczki wylały na siebie wino symbolizujące krew przelaną przez zabitych Ukraińców. RUPTLY/x-news Nickrobert32 Data dodania2014-10-17 07:57:07 '; } } if (!expand_pos) var destObj = '#comments-container-'+id_element+'-'+id_parent; else var >>>

Sommet Europe-Asie: L’«Ice Bucket Challenge» à la sauce Femen

Seins nus, les deux Femen avaient donné rendez-vous aux journalistes devant l'immense cathédrale de Milan. Elles protestaient contre la venue de Vladimir Poutine au sommet ASEM, qui va réunir à Milan près de 50 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement. «Stop ukrainian bloodshed (Arrêtez le bain de sang ukrainien)», ont lancé les deux féministes. «Nous pensons qu'accueillir un meurtrier, une personne qui est en train de tuer toute une nation, et ce sang ukrainien est juste là, nous pensons que l'accueillir et lui serrer la main est ignorer l'énorme torture, les assassinats et la guerre >>>

Paris: Femen-Aktivistin ersticht Wachs-Putin – verurteilt

Weil sie in einem Museum in Paris eine Wachsfigur von Russlands Staatschef Wladimir Putin symbolisch erstochen hat, ist eine Femen-Aktivistin zu einer Geldstrafe verurteilt worden. Die Hälfte der Summe ist für die Reparatur der Putin-Statue in dem Wachsfigurenmuseum vorgesehen. Bildstrecken 'Klar habe ich Angst' Ein Gericht in Paris sprach die aus der Ukraine stammende Iana Jdanova am Mittwoch der «sexuellen Zurschaustellung» schuldig und verdonnerte die 26-Jährige zur Zahlung von rund 6000 Euro. Jdanova hatte Anfang Juni in dem Museum >>>

VIDEO. L’Eurozapping du jeudi 16 octobre

Par France 3 Mis à jour le 17/10/2014 | 02:13 , publié le 17/10/2014 | 02:13Les Femen en Italie. Seins nus, aspergées de vin  rouge, elles ont manifesté au centre de Milan pour protester contre la venue de Vladimir Poutine au sommet Asie-Europe qui rassemblera une cinquantaine de chefs d’Etats. La manifestation n’a duré que quelques instants jeudi 16 octobre. Pourchassée par la police, les Femen se sont rhabillées très vite avant de disparaitre dans le métro.Quant au président russe Vladimir Poutine, il était en Serbie. Tapis rouge pour Le chef du Kremlin qui a assisté aux >>>

Putin keeps Merkel waiting in Milan

VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Associated Press MILAN (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin’s diplomatic blitz on Ukraine got off to a rocky start Thursday when he kept German Chancellor Angela Merkel waiting for a meeting then showed up in the middle of a dinner with European and Asian leaders. Putin is looking to get relief from Western economic sanctions imposed since Russia’s annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and its support for a pro-Russia insurgency in eastern Ukraine. To that end, he has scheduled a series of meetings on the sidelines of a two-day ASEM summit of European and Asian leaders, >>>

Putin keeps Merkel waiting in Milan

VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Associated Press MILAN (AP) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin's diplomatic blitz on Ukraine got off to a rocky start Thursday when he kept German Chancellor Angela Merkel waiting for a meeting then showed up in the middle of a dinner with European and Asian leaders.Putin is looking to get relief from Western economic sanctions imposed since Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and its support for a pro-Russia insurgency in eastern Ukraine.To that end, he has scheduled >>>

Putin keeps Merkel waiting in Milan

MILAN (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin's diplomatic blitz on Ukraine got off to a rocky start Thursday when he kept German Chancellor Angela Merkel waiting for a meeting then showed up in the middle of a dinner with European and Asian leaders.Putin is looking to get relief from Western economic sanctions imposed since Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and its support for a pro-Russia insurgency in eastern Ukraine.To that end, he has scheduled a series of meetings on the sidelines of a two-day ASEM summit of European and Asian leaders, including a breakfast >>>

Femen wasn’t first to employ bloody twist on ice bucket challenge

This week, Femen protesters drenched themselves in simulated blood to express their outrage over Russian president Vladimir Putin's treatment of Ukraine. But this isn't the first time that fake blood has replaced ice-cube-filled water to get a political point across. In September, a Philadelphia youth council called In Defense of Black Bodies posted a blood-bucket video on YouTube to oppose racism in America. The images are accompanied by the song "Strange Fruit" by Nina Simone. In Defense of Black Bodies charges the United States with "committing genocide against black bodies by means of mass >>>

Putin heykeline saldıran Femen aktivisti para cezasına çarptırıldı

Rusya lideri Vladimir Putin'in balmumundan heykeline kazık saplayan Femen aktivisti para cezasına çarptırıldı.Yaklaşık iki yıl önce Fransa'ya iltica talebinde bulunan 26 yaşındaki Iana Jdanova, eylemi haziran ayında düzenlemişti.Femen eylemcisi, önce Paris'teki balmumu müzesinde dünya liderlerinin bulunduğu bölümde soyunmuş, göğsünde, kırmızı harflerle yazılı "Putin'i öldürün (Kill Putin)" ifadesi ortaya çıkmıştı.Eylemci daha sonra beraberinde getirdiği bir kazığı defalarca Putin heykeline saplamış, bu sırada "Diktatör Putin" sloganını atmıştı. >>>