Category Archives: Languages

Femen en Francia

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FEMEN: Το είπαν και το κάνουν πράξη!

Το είπαν και το κάνουν πράξη. Οι προειδοποιήσεις της FEMEN, της φεμινιστικής οργάνωσης στην Ουκρανία η οποία προσπαθεί με κάθε τρόπο να σαμποτάρει το Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα για να καταδείξει το πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζει η χώρα με την πορνεία, άρχισαν κιόλας να υλοποιούνται.Στο κέντρο του Κιέβου μία εκπρόσωπος της οργάνωσης ντυμένη >>>

Kyiv: Protesting a soccer cup, in penis costumes (VIDEO)

The feminist activist group FEMEN —otherwise known as the naked feminists or “topless warriors” — is at it again. Their latest protest, Thursday in Kyiv, was held to oppose the staging of the Euro 2012 soccer championships in the Ukraine. More precisely, they protested the probability that soccer fans will come to Ukraine looking for sex-tourism, Gazeta reported. Naturally, and as always with the FEMEN ladies, the protest happened in the nude. Well, if you don‘t count the penis hat and granny panties. The women of FEMEN, whose mantra is “Came, Stripped, Conquered,” dressed >>>

Ativistas seminuas voltam a protestar

A uma semana do início da Eurocopa, as ativistas do grupo feminista Femen voltaram a protestar contra a realização da competição na Ucrânia. Desta vez, as manifestações aconteceram em frente à embaixada ucraniana em Paris, na França.    O Femen já havia protestado na última quinta-feira, quando algumas mulheres se vestiram de pênis em Kyiv para subir nos mascotes da competição, desenhados em um jardim da capital ucraniana. Antes, elas já tentaram roubar a taça da Euro em duas oportunidades.    Guillaume Baptiste/AFP       Guillaume Baptiste/AFP   >>>

Ucranianas voltam a protestar de topless contra torneio de futebol

Com os seios à mostra, mulheres do Femen protestam com bola de futebol em Paris (Foto: Guillaume Baptiste/AFP) Ativistas do grupo feminista ucraniano Femen voltaram a protestar seminuas contra o campeonato de futebol Euro 2012 nesta sexta-feira (1º), desta vez em frente à Embaixada da Ucrânia em Paris, na França. Com os seios à mostra e vestindo shorts e meiões, as mulheres brincaram com uma bola de futebol na rua em frente ao prédio. Seguindo a manifestação da véspera em Kyiv, o ato se opôs à realização do torneio na Ucrânia, dizendo que ele vai incentivar a prostituição. Femen >>>

Un poisson survie dans les poumons d’un enfant de 12 ans

18 h 45 – Un algorithme pour trouver le soutien-gorge parfait Selon les chiffres d’une étude sérieuse, officielle et probablement validée par la Nasa, plus de 8 femmes sur dix portent une mauvaise taille de soutien-gorge. Pour palier au problème, deux anciens employés de Microsoft, Aarthi Ramamurthy et Michelle Lam, ont crée un algorithme qui permet à chaque femme de trouver la taille et la forme de soutien-gorge qui lui irait le mieux. Les femmes n’ont plus qu’à aller sur le site TrueCo pour répondre à différentes questions telle que la forme des seins, les >>>

Bloot, hoppa aandacht!

Femen Europees kampioen aandacht vragen Categorie: DeOndernemer Door: DeOndernemer Gepubliceerd: vrijdag 1 juni 2012 13:21Update: maandag 4 juni 2012 09:47 Aan de vooravond van de Europese voetbaltitelstrijd in Oekraïne en Polen, wedijveren verschillende organisaties om de meeste aandacht. Met het internationaal persleger aan je voeten is het niet moeilijk om de spotlights op je te laten schijnen. Wil je jezelf optimaal op de kaart zetten, dan moeten de kleren uit. Bloot. Hoppa aandacht! De Oekraïense >>>

Protesters invade Euro 2012 event

An unveiling of Euro 2012's mascots in Kyiv has been disrupted by topless activists protesting against the exploitation of women in Ukraine. A flowerbed in form of the tournament's mascots Slavek and Slavko was invaded by an activist wearing a penis costume before she was dragged away by police. The group, called Femen, have launched a series of protests in the build up to next month's tournament which they claim will encourage sex tourism. Protester Oleksandra Shevchenko said last week: "We know what men are like - they want a beer, to watch football >>>