Tag Archives: news

Topless Protestors Crash Nina Ricci Show

Photo: Getty FEMEN is at it again. The Ukranian feminist group with fairly naked protest tactics, has targeted Paris fashion week. Today, two topless activists actually stormed the runway at Nina Ricci. FEMEN has protested fashion week before–last year they demonstrated outside of Versace‘s show in February holding up signs that said “fascism = fashion,” “model do not go to brothel” and “anorexia” emblazoned under a modified Versace logo. This is the first time, though, they’ve actually managed to get past security and on to the runway. The two activists used their naked torsos >>>

Ukraine Is Not a Brothel (Ukraina ne bordel): Film Review

The topless feminist protest movement Femen from Ukraine is virtually X-rayed in Ukraine Is Not a Brothel (Ukraina ne bordel), the revealing and powerful documentary debut of Australian director Kitty Green.Oscars: Ukraine Enters 'Paradjanov' in Foreign Language Race'Sacro GRA' Wins Venice Golden LionToronto: Why '12 Years a Slave' Wasn't at VeniceSiddharth: Venice ReviewAmazonia: Venice ReviewEastern Boys: Venice Review The film’s biggest shock or eye-opener, widely reported after the film had its world premiere at the recent Venice Film Festival, is that not only a shady male specter, >>>

Inna Shevchenko, dans l’intimité d’une guerrière

La douceur de son regard tranche avec celui qu’on lui connait lors des actions qu’elle organise au nom des Femen. Sa voix est douce, lorsqu’elle ne hurle pas de slogan féministe. Inna Shevchenko nous a reçus au Lavoir Moderne de Paris, le QG de l’organisation, nous ouvrant les portes de son cœur. Vous êtes née à Kherson, en Ukraine, le 23 juin 1990. Vous êtes très jeune pour être si engagée. D’où vous vient ce trait de caractère?Les révolutions sont pour les jeunes! Quand vous êtes jeunes, et libres de contraintes telles que les enfants, le travail ou autres choses, c’est >>>

Getting my head around ‘Breasts as Bombs’: Contradictory feelings, non-Western …

Recently, a new film, Ukraine Is Not a Brothel, directed by Australian filmmaker Kitty Green, about those brazen, bare-chested Ukrainian feminists, Femen, premiered at the Venice International Film Festival. Having watched Femen closely for over a year, I’m no longer shocked by their tactic of embodied protest. But no one was more surprised than me when I read in The Guardian that a man named Victor Sviatski appeared in the film, claiming leadership of the group, saying, “These girls are weak.. They don’t have the strength of character. They don’t even have the desire >>>

Femen n’est pas un bordel

Il faudrait inventer un prix pour la couverture journalistique la plus sexiste de l'année. Ne serait-ce que pour récompenser à sa juste valeur la façon dont certains confrères ont rendu compte du film de Kitty Green présenté à la Mostra de Venise: L'Ukraine n'est pas un bordel. Une plongée dans l'univers des premières années du mouvement Femen. Que n'a-t-on lu dans la presse! Le film révélerait un secret inouï: il y aurait un homme chez les Femen (fichtre) et bien sûr il s'agit du fondateur et du "cerveau" (un homme dans un mouvement de femmes >>>

Venice 2013 Review: UKRAINE IS NOT A BROTHEL, A Powerful Documentary …

For a few years the Femen Movement in Ukraine has been trying to raise awareness for gender and feminist issues worldwide. Thanks to provocative and risky happenings, often acted out bare-breasted in public places, the press has been jumping on the movement with an endless greed for spectacular and bizarre photos. When the documentary Ukraine is Not a Brothel premiered in Venice it had, of course, festival written all over it.  Therefore, it was not a big surprise when director Kitty Green and the present members of the group used their moments of publicity to promote Femen as much as the >>>

Even If the Patriarchy Is Laughing at Us Today, It Will Cry in Front of Us Tomorrow!

Femen is a women's movement with women's ideas, women's slogans, women's bravery, women's actions - we are not run by man.  Last week the world condemned Femen for being not authentic feminists movement. All started with the documentary about Femen history in Ukraine, Ukraine Is Not a Brothel that was presented at Venice Film Festival in Italy last week.  Femen critics and the brutal media world got what they were waiting for - a real scandal and, of course, a chance to turn the information to condemn the movement. We have been told that we are not feminists, >>>

Femen-Film "Die Ukraine ist kein Bordell" – Hauptsache Skandal

Der Femen-Film "Die Ukraine ist kein Bordell" zeigt einen Mann, der die Frauen mit unerbittlichem Drill zu ihren Protestaktionen antreibt. Der Film wirft die skandalträchtige Frage auf: Steht ein Macho als Mastermind hinter Femen? Der Skandal ist Femens stärkste Waffe. Mit blanker Brust attackierten die ukrainischen Aktivistinnen bereits den Papst und Kremlchef Wladimir Putin. „Unsere Nacktheit ist unsere Bombe. Wenn sie explodiert, hört man es überall“, sagte Femen-Gründerin Hanna Huzol einmal im persönlichen Gespräch. „Aufmerksamkeit zu erzeugen, ist das Wichtigste.“ >>>

Mixed messages from the frontline

Like many, I had been giving Femen the benefit of the doubt. The group, whose protests are staged topless and with political slogans scrawled across their chests, caused controversy earlier this year with their "topless jihad" - an assault on Islamic culture that some branded racist and colonial. Until now, I haven't written about the group because, quite simply, I was perplexed by their belief that an assault of half-naked beautiful, slender girls with perfect breasts could do anything to puncture patriarchal culture. But I also thought: strange things happen, and maybe this is what you resort >>>

Surprise, surprise: Topless feminist group actually run by a bro who loves hot …

Tweet Radical group Femen is mainly known for staging topless media stunts to protest oppression. And while they’ve been presented as a feminist female empowerment group, a new documentary revealed that the group is actually run by a man who happens to love hot topless women. Victor Svyatski is listed as a consultant for the group, however filmmaker Kitty Green — who just completed the documentary “Ukraine is Not a Brothel” about the group — says that Svyatski >>>