Monthly Archives: January 2013

Украинки Италии готовы раздеться, чтобы противостоять "Фемен"

Снова отметились девушки из "Фемен": во время воскресной службы на площади Святого Петра (центральная площадь Ватикана, на которой Папа Римский проводит мессы) активистки устроили акцию в поддержку гомосексуальных отношений. Так они решили "отомстить" понтифику, который накануне заявил, что гей-браки, аборты и эвтаназия - >>>

Activistas de FEMEN protestan desnudas frente a El Vaticano

Activistas de FEMEN se desnudaron frente a El Vaticano. (Foto: AP)El grupo de origen ucraniano FEMEN, integrado principalmente por mujeres, es conocido por sus acciones polémicas de la rutina europea, las cuales a veces son realizadas en eventos de corte internacional y otras, como en esta ocasión, en situaciones que si bien son más o menos normales, son foros desde los cuales su voz y sus acciones se escuchan en casi todo el mundo.El pasado domingo, cuatro mujeres se desnudaron ante el mismo Papa Benedicto XVI, quien presidía desde el balcón de su apartamento la ceremonia del >>>

Femen e Berlusconi

Le sexy-attiviste di Femen – l’organizzazione diventata famosa a livello internazionale per le manifestazioni in topless a favore dei diritti delle donne – avevano già provato a spogliarsi durante l’Angelus del Papa il 6 novembre 2011, ma erano state fermate prima di arrivare a piazza san Pietro. Domenica, invece, c’è l’hanno fatta e al grido >>>

Watch: Feminists Strip Down, Tell Pope to Shut Up

While Pope Benedict XVI delivered his annual homily to Catholics around the world from a Vatican window Sunday morning, the ladies of Ukrainian feminist group FEMEN did their best to interrupt the Holy See's speech by calling out the Pope's homophobia… And stripping topless to do it. Four FEMEN activists, who call themselves "sextremists," stripped off their coats amid thousands of Catholics gathered to hear the Pope's annual message on the "Feast of the Baptism of the Lord," revealing their bare breasts and the words "In Gay We Trust" painted on their bodies and on banners they held high.  The >>>

4 women strip, protest Vatican gay marriage stance. Video

Four women went topless in St. Peter’s Square to protest the Vatican’s opposition to gay marriage. Police quickly took the women away Jan. 13, and the pope appeared not to have been disturbed as he delivered his traditional prayer from his studio window overlooking the piazza. On their bare bodies, the women of FEMEN had painted slogans “In Gay We Trust,” and “Shut Up.” One of them, Inna Shevchenko, said: “Today we are here to protest against homophobia.” Wikipedia describes FEMEN as a Ukrainian feminist protest goup based in Kyiv and founded in 2008. The organization >>>

Topless women flash Pope in protest against anti-gay Vatican

Image published by Gay Star News ROME -- Four women staged a topless demonstration in front of the Pope in St. Peter's Square on Sunday, Jan. 13, protesting the Vatican's anti-gay views. The protesters from Ukraine-based feminist group FEMEN took off their T-shirts to reveal the slogan "In Gay We Trust" painted on their torsos and yelled "Homophobe, shut up" as the Catholic leader gave a traditional prayer from his window. The activists were removed by police after sparking anger from pilgrims, reported Reuters. "Today we go with a message >>>

Les Femen topless devant le pape

En marge de la manifestation anti-mariage gay qui se déroulait dimanche à Paris, les militantes féministes ont manifesté au Vatican. Les Femen n’ont décidément pas froid aux yeux. Dimanche, c’est sur la Place Saint-Pierre de Rome qu’elles ont frappé. Alors que le Pape s’apprêtait à réciter l’Angelus, les quatre militantes ont retiré le haut, affichant sur leurs poitrines et leurs dos les slogans “Shut Up” (Tais-toi) et “In Gays We Trust”, allusion  à la “In God We Trust” (en Dieu nous croyons, devise officielle des Etats-Unis). Les Femen topless devant >>>

Jodie Foster, Frigide Barjot, Femen, diavolo e ombrello #30annifa

14 gennaio 2043. Dopo un terremoto o una qualsiasi altra catastrofe naturale il pericolo più temuto dai sopravissuti sono gli sciacalli. Entrano nelle case pericolanti e si aggirano nella notte tra le rovine saccheggiando ciò che rimane. Oggi, caro dottore, voglio parlarle di questo. So quanto disprezza i miei ritagli di giornale. Però nel gennaio del 2013 accadde qualcosa di significativo. Lei ricorda Jodie Foster? Era un’attrice. Durante il discorso di ringraziamento per il Golden Globe alla carriera dichiarò la propria omosessualità e l’amore per la donna con >>>

Watch: French Feminists Strip Down, Tell Pope to Shut Up

While Pope Benedict XVI delivered his annual homily to Catholics around the world from a Vatican window Sunday morning, the ladies of Ukrainian feminist group FEMEN did their best to interrupt the Holy See's speech by calling out the Pope's homophobia… And stripping topless to do it. Four FEMEN activists, who call themselves "sextremists," stripped off their coats amid thousands of Catholics gathered to hear the Pope's annual message on the "Feast of the Baptism of the Lord," revealing their bare breasts and the words "In Gay We Trust" painted on their bodies and on banners they held high.  The >>>

Активистки движения Femen устроили акцию на площади Святого Петра в Ватикане рядом с рождественской ёлкой.

FEMEN обнажились перед Папой Римским Категория: Новости Дата публикации Автор: Иван Сидоров Просмотров: 139 Активистки движения Femen  устроили акцию на площади Святого Петра в Ватикане рядом с рождественской ёлкой. Четыре девушки обнажили грудь, где читалась надпись «In >>>