Monthly Archives: July 2013

Femen come simbolo della Francia

Il berretto frigio di colore rosso da mettere in testa è un elemento decorativo insolito per l’attivista Femen. Le ragazze sono seminude durante le loro azioni di protesta. Adesso si misura il berretto la leader del movimento Inna Ševčenko. Questa bionda dai capelli lunghi è divenuta la nuova personificazione della “Libertà, Uguaglianza e Fratellanza”.Tuttavia, c’è ben poco a legare le rappresentanti di Femen con il popolo francese. In Ucraina difendono in modo accanito i diritti delle donne, ma non si ritengono femministe. L’anno scorso, in un’azione in difesa della democrazia >>>

Femen Stamp Sparks Controversy In France

Amid the celebrations marking Bastille Day on Sunday, French President Francois Hollande unveiled a new stamp that had been printed in secrecy for the past two months. Little did he know that the drawing of the pretty young girl would spark a nation-wide controversy. Representing the features of the revolutionary icon Marianne, the cartoon-style drawing shows the beautiful face of a young women holding up her hand. According to Le Parisien, Hollande lauded the effigy as an "illustration" of the youth that he had declared >>>

Hollande se destapa con el sello de la intolerancia feminista …

"Ahora, todos los homófobos tendrán que lamerme el culo cuando quieran mandar una carta", se ufana la feminista Shevchenko, orgullosa de la pleitesía oficial vía sello postal. La Francia real, mientras y pese a la represión, inquebrantable en su ejemplar rebelión cívica por la familia y la libertad. REDACCIÓN HO.- "Femen protagoniza el último sello francés. Ahora, todos los homófobos, extremistas y fascistas tendrán que lamerme el culo cuando quieran mandar una carta", se ufanaba en proclamar ayer, vía twitter ,la feminista ucraniana y lider del movimiento ultrafeminista Femen -tristemente >>>

Topless Femen Activist Inspires New French Stamp

PARIS — A postage stamp depicting France's cultural symbol, Marianne, has touched off a flurry of controversy after one of its creators revealed it was inspired by a topless feminist activist who hacked down a Christian cross in Kyiv last year with a chainsaw. The new stamp depicts a youthful Marianne, a symbol of the French republic, wearing a Phrygian conical cap but does not show her topless. It was unveiled by French President Francois Hollande on Sunday as part of Bastille Day celebrations. Photographer and designer Olivier Ciappa said on Twitter that he was >>>

Femen-inspired stamp causes stir

PARIS – A new stamp emblazoned with the face of Marianne, France’s revolutionary symbol, has caused a stir after its creator said it was inspired by a Ukrainian feminist known for topless protests. The stamp, unveiled by President Francois Hollande on Sunday’s national day, shows the face of a youthful, dewy-eyed Marianne from the shoulders up, her long hair flowing down and her hand raised. “For all those who ask who the model was for Marianne, it’s a mix of several women, but particularly Inna Shevchenko,” Olivier Ciappa, one of the stamp’s designers, said >>>

Το σύμβολο της Γαλλικής Δημοκρατίας είναι γυμνόστηθη Ουκρανή

Ο διάσημος Γάλλος καλλιτέχνης αποκάλυψε μέσω του λογαριασμού του στο Twitter ότι κύρια έμπνευση είναι η αρχηγός της οργάνωσης FemenΣάλο έχει προκαλέσει στη Γαλλία η δήλωση του διάσημου καλλιτέχνη, Ολιβέ Κιαπά, ότι εμπνεύστηκε για να φιλοτεχνήσει τη μορφή του συμβόλου της Γαλλικής Δημοκρατίας " Μαριάν", από την αρχηγό του φεμινιστικού >>>

Selo inspirado em ativista do Femen causa polêmica na França

O novo selo postal mostra um rosto de mulher desenhado em traços finos, mas os designers do projeto criaram polêmica ao revelar que sua musa inspiradora era a ucraniana que aparece nas manifestações com os seios nus. Marianne é o rosto oficial da república francesa nos selos postais desde 1944. A imagem representa os valores nascidos na Revolução Francesa. Ela sempre aparece usando um barrete frígio, símbolo da revolução de 1789. A nova versão é chamada "Marianne da Juventude" e ainda não se sabe quanto tempo ficará em circulação. A versão anterior, da série  "Marianne >>>

"Marianne" ähnelt FEMEN-Aktivistin

"Marianne" ähnelt FEMEN-Aktivistin Großer Ärger um kleine Briefmarke In Frankreich hat eine neue Briefmarke der "Marianne", der Nationalfigur der Französischen Revolution, für Unmut gesorgt. Das Konterfei auf der Briefmarke, die Staatspräsident François Hollande zum Nationalfeiertag am 14. Juli enthüllte, hat nämlich starke Ähnlichkeit mit einer ukrainischen Aktivistin der Frauenbewegung FEMEN. Diese verleihen ihren Protesten weltweit Nachdruck, in dem sie "oben ohne" demonstrieren. Einer der Designer der Briefmarke, Olivier Ciappa, sagte in Paris, der Kopf auf dem Postwertzeichen >>>

Call to boycott new French stamp over topless Femen muse

"For all those who ask who the model was for Marianne, it's a mix of several women, but particularly Inna Shevchenko," Olivier Ciappa, one of the stamp's designers, said on his Twitter account. The 23-year-old Shevchenko, who has been granted political asylum in France, is the leader of the French branch of Femen, a group which began in Ukraine and describes itself as "radical feminist". It is best known for topless protests and frequently targets Catholic or Muslim religious authorities. Most of its activists are in their twenties and some older feminists dismiss Inna Shevchenko as >>>